INFO Queen + Adam Lambert Concert Houston, TX @ Toyota Center 8-5-17 Poster, WC, Audio & Video Streams
Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, August 5, 2017
Posted at : Saturday, August 05, 2017
INFO Queen + Adam Lambert Concert Houston, TX at Toyota Center on August 5, 2017
The final Queen + Adam Lambert Summer Tour 2017 concert
World Clock LINK HERE via @mmadamimadamm
*Audio & Video Streams (see note at the bottom of this page)
GREAT PERISCOPE TONIGHT via @MardiBlitz.. see the live concert video stream in the tweet below
8 PM Dallas Central Daylight Time
6 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Check World Clock for other time zones

*NOTE: @mmadamimadamm has noted the the streamers are having some trouble connecting as the mobile signal strengths are weak in the venue and there is NO WIFI available.. So we'll see what happens for streams etc.. Seems they ARE managing to stream so far....
The final Queen + Adam Lambert Summer Tour 2017 concert
World Clock LINK HERE via @mmadamimadamm
*Audio & Video Streams (see note at the bottom of this page)
GREAT PERISCOPE TONIGHT via @MardiBlitz.. see the live concert video stream in the tweet below
8 PM Dallas Central Daylight Time
6 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Check World Clock for other time zones

Unofficial Poster Queen + Adam Lambert Houston, TX, Toyota Center 8-5-17
Design by @AWerfhorst, Photos @ALIKAT1323
Good stream via @mardiblitz. Queen + Adam Lambert, Houston— Kathy Katz (@katzolicious) August 6, 2017
QAL - HOUSTON— mmadamimadamm (@mmadamimadamm) August 5, 2017
World Clock:
*NOTE: @mmadamimadamm has noted the the streamers are having some trouble connecting as the mobile signal strengths are weak in the venue and there is NO WIFI available.. So we'll see what happens for streams etc.. Seems they ARE managing to stream so far....
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Just finished watching the live streaming Houston show.... final performance of an amazing, perfect, fantastic, unequalled, unbelievable tour! Audiences everywhere were so pumped up, boisterous and appreciative.....It must have been such an exciting and thrilling experience for QAL to be so overwhelmingly received everywhere they performed.
Hopefully, all the accolades are ADDICTIVE for Brian and Roger.... because then they'll want to come back again for another tour! Is there any doubt?
This tour has found Adam completely emerged from his chrysalis....and he is indeed a MONARCH! Queen has entered his DNA, and every note, every drumbeat, vibrates through his body as he inhabits each song... a perfect symbiosis. His voice seemed to get stronger with each performance, and that exuberent raw energy of his never flagged throughout the tour.
From the moment Adam strode out on the stage... a dazzling prime male, supremely confident, completely in his element...he took ownership of the runway...with unquestioned authority and presence....the final product... the COMPLETE entertainer.
The entire entourage was so beautifully cohesive that it made me think of how a flock of birds can swoop and dive together with such precision.... or a school of fish can move and circle as one! The music and musicianship was unequalled, monumental, genre-defying.
And over it all was a sense of joy -- each man doing what he loved best...all admirers and fans of each other. If it filled my heart, what must it have done for them?
Thank goodness we have youtube to visit to somewhat sate our thirst for Queen and Adam "hits". Lucky Europe.... it still has the tour to look forward to!
I thought the lighting, staging and video were state-of-the-art... and ramped up the QAL show's effect greatly.
In an interview, Roger had mentioned that it was Adam's idea to use the theme of the album "News of the World" for the tour... since it would happen during the 40th anniversity of the album. It shows how much they pay attention to Adam's input, since they did exactly spades! Just like they changed one of the main lighting colors in the earlier tour from steel grey to gold at Adam's suggestion. He has a fine sense of design and color, which they seem to appreciate and respect.
And last, but not least....Adam's costumes were all SPOT-ON-PERFECT.... appropriately glitzy and wonderfully styled and fitted to show off his dynamic male form and movements to advantage. Even his fire-engine red hair finally won my grudging acceptance, as it somehow seemed appropriate for such an occasion as a Queen concert! I was rather sad to see the red exchanged for brown, but realize that Adam's undoubtedly beginning to prepare for his appearance/performance for the George Michael tribute on the 19th.
Anyone know if the Angel Award Gala at which Adam will sing that GM tribute will be televised...on what channel?..... or at least video-taped?
Finally....ADAM'S to properly pay it's due? Like the old cliche... "like fine wine" HAS gotten better with age... fuller and stronger in the lower ranges as his tenor voice matures... while fully retaining the power, beauty and flexibility of his astonishing higher ranges. His training and impeccable technique has his "one in a billion" instrument under perfect and effortless control...whatever genre (rock, pop, opera) he is performing.
Most of all, Adam's complete control and flexibility afford him the freedom to project with that glorious voice the myriad of moods and nuances engendered in Queen's (or any other) music. No one can interpret a song better than Adam. No one can touch our hearts so deeply and effortlessly!
It has been a privilege to recognize and be a fan of such unparalleled talent since Adam first burst into view on AI. That beautiful young man has fulfilled all his promise...and much more, and his star is constantly rising. HE HAS NO PEER!!!!!
And long live QAL....a perfect marriage of musical geniuses!
Loved all of your comments, they made me feel good. Can you remember on American Idol when Paula was remarking on one of Adams performances and went on and on raving about him and when she finally stopped Simon, in is Simon way, said "Yes but did you like him". It was so funny. Your comments made me think of that and had to laugh. YES, I think you liked it.
Nanbert .. I love you!! I've read many reviews since this QAL tour began but none so eloquent & totally heartfelt as yours!! You have put into words all the emotions & unspoken feelings that each of us feels for ADAM & QUEEN .. as you stated .. Musical Collaboration of Geniuses!! Even their band play like a finely tuned instrument .. and everyone has a great time doing it .. like a musical family get-together!! I've been on the audio streams for most of the concerts & the Glam Sisters on the chat board have as much fun as the audience. Some of them watch the scopes .. some just the audio & concert photos are constantly sent throughout the night!! It's like nothing I've ever experienced before!! Fans from all over the world .. Europe .. Asia .. Au .. So America .. everywhere .. and we all come together like one big happy Glamily to enjoy the music & love that we all share for Queen + Adam Lambert!! We are all anxiously waiting his appearance on the GM tribute on TV & Impatiently awaiting the next leg of their worldwide tour in Europe in November!! Love & hugs & kisses were verbally exchanged by absolute strangers at the end of each concert .. the camaraderie is incredible .. like we were all neighbors saying good night after a block party!! I LOVE & ENJOY every single minute of each & every concert .. can't wait for them to start again!!
Let me join you in agreeing Long Live QAL & Rock & Roll .. a collaboration made in Musical Heaven!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
Thanks guys....I was feeling a bit guilty for being so long-winded...but you understood!
Lynn, yes, I remember Paula then...I've always thought of her as the "First Glambert"... and sympathised with her inability to STOP extolling Adam's virtues! Funny indeed! But it's contagious!
Lambert Outlaw, love you too....Thanks for resonating the same sentiments that we all must feel watching this latest tour of QAL. Thinking of it brought a great "bubble" rising in my chest, and I had to "release" it with my thoughts above.
Thank you for your heartfelt comments! And feel free to be as "long winded" as you wish.. I think we would all love to write a book about how we feel about Adam, and Brian, and Roger and the rest of the band, and the massive opportunities that Queen has gifted Adam with since Idol. He is so worthy and very special indeed. I'm so proud to be his fan.
Thanks, Glitzy lady. I've been away from my computer for nearly a month, although I've followed 24/7 and the QAL concerts on my sister's computer.... and I did make one brief entry earlier in here from my mobile phone.
But....HEAVEN!!....I finally did get to attend the REAL THING on 7/30 at the Wells Fargo Arena in Philly! That...and gorging on all the videos and reviews of the QAL tour I can find ... have caused so many thoughts and emotions to be churning around in my mind that they just came tumbling out here helter-skelter!
And, believe it or not, I DID try to exercise SOME restraint...albeit not too successfully! LOL.
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