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Stephen Colbert on Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by Admin on Sunday, January 31, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stephen Colbert was talking about the combination of performers to come and said "oh you know two things I would like to see on the stage, Adam Lambert and any sense of personal restraint!!"

Credit: purplegirl


Anonymous said...

this is where I meant to put that Stephen Colbert's comment fell flat.

I do agree I'd like to see Adam on stage ---
With or without personal restraint.

Marilyn said...

Such a cheap shot, just to garner a few laughs -- which didn't appear to happen from what I could see.

Anonymous said...

He made a fool of hismelf. Its going to back fire at him.
he mentioned Adam. That's shows how popular our boy is.

Anonymous said...

Cheap, petty, tacky and just stupid. I do not think audience appreciated it. Hope GaGa spills a drink on him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't appreciate Colberts humor to start with. Now I don't like him,either. That was a cheap and tackless remark. Shame on him!!!

Anonymous said...

Colbert is GOD! and to be mentioned at the grammys by a person of that high status is huge. i doubt that there is a person out there that did not saw the sarcasm in his words. brilliant

Anonymous said...

I think Stephen was being sarcastic!

Unknown said...

LOL Oh Colbert...thanks for putting Adam even more into the spotlight.

Anonymous said...

i think it's a joke that got dry really fast. I don't pay attention to Stephen Colbert, but i thought the rest of his thing was pretty funny. And to Marilyn, a lot of people were laughing - just not the beginning. People were really laughing later on.
I'm not in anyway supporting what stephen said, because he was trying to get laughs, and it just came out tacky, but we do need to understand the point of a comedian. That's what he's supposed to do - wring a joke until it's dry. They've done it before, it the last, and it's not a ploy against adam or anything.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

The man is an idiot, through and through. And he kept asking his daughter if he was cool or not. I can answer that question easily, but since I can't use profanity, so I'll just say no ..... way. The audience saw through his lame attempt at humor and responded in kind. Adam will be on the Grammy stage in the future, that's for sure, and he'll sing better than Taylor Swift, who is singing now and is quite flat! Colbert owes Adam an apology. I hope Katy Perry does more than spill a drink on him!

Anonymous said...

He didn't say anything bad about Adam, he is tongue in cheek about the people who are performing tonight -- he just he wanted to see Adam on stage -what is wrong with that!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Stephen Colbert, and I think the fact that he mentioned Adam on stage at the Grammy's is a compliment. He was joking.

Sealily said...

I didn't think it was funny, but I also think that tweeting Colbert would be a ridiculous overreaction. Grow a thicker skin everyone! Adam can take a joke, folks. Why can't his fans? And I am a HUGE fan myself

Noone will be talking about this tomorrow.

They might be talking about why Michael Jackson's children are being trotted out, when he so clearly wanted them to have privacy.

Anonymous said...

What a cheap shot!
If he wanted to see Adam on stage, he wouldn't try to get a laugh at Adam's expense.
No doubt it backfired.
I'd like to see HIM with any sense of personal restraint !

Anonymous said...

Stephen Colbert, needs's to be put in a restraint !!!!!

Anonymous said...

If anyone has shown restraint in the face of so much stupidity, it's Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Oh no..... :(

Anonymous said...

my husband i dont like stepghen colbert joke-bad taste his joke-colbert lose my supoport i like john stewart now no more stephen colbert.not a decent guy so crude. born crude eprhaps.

Anonymous said...

ok, I just saw it and I guess it was a slam for Adam Lambert but at least he got his name mentioned.! Maybe it will finally end with this remark and Adam can go overseas on tour and learn and be accepted for the vocal talent he is already.

Anonymous said...

totally agree with the above comment! lets's try to do something positive for adam and keep voting for him on the vh1 top 20 countdown.

Anonymous said...

One act of poor judgement is sometimes hard to live down and although Adam is regarded as a charismatic person, still, the AMA performance may haunt him for a long time to come. I'm not talking about likeability here, because as far as I can see, he is extremely popular, but the respect level seem to be lacking.

Anonymous said...

I like Stephen Colbert... when he is discussing politics, but I think he is out of his element on this one. I disagree about not tweeting him about it. If anything was tweet-appropriate ,this is it. His comment was a twat in itself, and I felt it was insulting, in a bad way. I felt the entire show had a lot of low-level anti-gay tone that was accepted, and underneath all that, considering what is happening with the Prop 8 trial and DADT right now, it's not okay.

Anonymous said...

I had never heard of Colbert and was shocked to hear he makes a living being a comedian. Not funny at all!! The multiple conversations with his daughter in the audience was very annoying. I won't even say what I thought about his snarky comment about Adam.

Anonymous said...

I usually appreciate Stephen's humor, but this time it didn't work for me. It was insulting to Adam and my first reaction was outrage. Adam is such a fantastic talent and it's time to get beyond the AMAs and appreciate Adam for his fantastic vocal abilitities. I think all of us Adam lovers are hard-wired to respond to any perceived insults. Let our boy spread his awesome talents!!!

lily said...

who is this man, stephen colbert, never heard of him.

Anonymous said...

I'm not worried about Stephen Colbert.....put your energy where it counts more, which are voting, purchasing or donating. Adam's getting out there and people are sitting up and paying attention - help get his music heard!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought Stephen was hilarious! It's sad for me to see that so many Adam fans seem to have no sense of humor. You guys need to chill out and not be so knee- jerk, overly defensive about everything to do with Adam. For Adam to be mentioned in the opening monologue is a great thing!

Anonymous said...

While Colbert is not necessarily my cup of tea all the time, I do think that his tongue was planted firmly in his cheek on this remark. If you've ever watched his show, that is definitely how he rolls. His schtick is to seem over the top conservative to the point that you have to realize that he actually means the opposite of what he is saying.
Go Adam!

Anonymous said...

VOTE for Adam on VH1 top 20. You don't want him to give up the spot after 1 week. Do you?
SO... get voting. Adam made THE LEEP OF THE WEEK. Now, this is something to talk about. top 20 countdown. GO NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was funny. I mean it wasn't like Adam was the only person SC took a shot at. He made fun of SusanBoyle, Beyonce, Katy Perry, and Jay-Z. What's the big deal? Should comedians NOT crack a joke now and again on Adam because we fans get defensive? Aren't we being a little to over-protective for no reason? It isn't like Adam would take it personally, he appears to have the same sense of humor as JustinTimberlake, meaning he can laugh at himself. He's already stated he doesn't take himself to seriously, why should we, his fans, do the opposite? Why ARE we taking this so seriously. He didn't mean it in a malicious way, what he said about SusanBoyle was WAY worse in my opinion. I think, as Adam's fans, we should take a lesson from him and not take these tiny things so seriously.