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Rumor of the day (But may be true): Adam Lambert to tour with Christina Aguilera?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So I heard about some rumors regarding Adam opening Christina's tour later this year on Twitter last night but then the tweet was deleted an hour later.

But right now, The Examiner is apparently publishing an article with the headline "Christina and Adam to make big announcements today". Could this actually be true? (BTW, the article is not accessible yet, apparently they are still putting it up).

But wouldn't that be cool if it were to be true? Adam is a huge Christina fan. He even tweeted that he's excited for Christina's album news on Twitter a few hours ago. He's always wanted to sing with her.


Anonymous said...

I would,nt listen to the Examiner,the lies they have told about Adam just lately!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah,the Examiner have used Adam Lambert's name on most of their stories just so you go and read their web page

Anonymous said...

If true, this is awesome, awesoem stuff. she has another countdown on her website RIGHT now

Anonymous said...

I think that this rumour has already been dispelled by the moderators on Adam's official web site.

Josh said...

It's NOT true. Adam is doing his own tour and the next single is IIHY.

Anonymous said...

Anon #1 and #2...

The examiner has always been supportive of Adam, no? What happened the past few days?

Anonymous said...

Many Christina fans hate Adam!

F them!

Anonymous said...

WTF why do Christina fans hate Adam? that's unreasonable. Adam and Christina both have great vocals. Not to mention most of Christina's fans are gay. Gay people like Adam right?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it is true that her fans hate Adam Lambert!? Where did you get that?!

Anonymous said...

if they hate Adam!!
Why for What Reason!!!!!!!
F**k Them!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I personally think Adam is beyond opening for anyone. I'm afraid anyone would be a little upstaged by the new guy at this point. I hope he gets the collaboration he wants though. That would be epic!


lola said...

some of the guys at examiner are not adam's fans. sleazak is okay sometimes but he is more on kris allen. oh by the way, please don't visit he is horrible with adam.

have you heard about the book about adam "ON THE MEANING OF ADAM LAMBERT" written by two fans, juneau and xena? it is available from amazon now, go get it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please avoid going to He is blatantly and systematically trying to destroy Adam. Do not patronize his site. Less and less people go, it will affect his sponsorship and which he deserves. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Both are so good looking and can sing the heck out of any song that they'd blow the roof off any tour if they paired up. Adam needs someone to do a duet with like he did with Allison. These two would be incredible!