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Pictures of Adam Lambert with friends at GLAAD awards

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Adam with his ex boyfriend Brad.

Adam with Chaz Bono.

Credits: Citygirl36 (More pictures on link!)


Anonymous said...

can you give me credit for my photos please

Anonymous said...

Brad was at Glaadd??? 0.0 ANd he sat next to Adam? How did I not know this.

Anonymous said...

Adam!!! Please get back with Brad. He's hot! you two deserve eachother!

Anonymous said...

Great pics. Adam looks hot as usual. Thanks for those pics citygirl36!!

Anonymous said...

Go rock!

melissa toronto said...

Adam always stand out in the crowd. Looks like a SUPERSTAR!!! He so beautiful! I am so glad Adam & Brad keep their friendship, they both are very intelligent, creative & have a great sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

who is brad?? and what happen to drake??

Anonymous said...

you cannot tell who that is with Adam, I doubt that it was Drake, but you can see Chaz Bono. Never heard he had a friend called Brad.

Anonymous said...

Good grief!

Anonymous said...

It's Brad aka Cheeks. They exchanged tweets about the night the next day.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Brad lived together for like two years. It's Brad Adam is kissing in all those pics that came out during idol.

Anonymous said...

ADAM and BRAD ... the most sparkly couple in the
whole darn world! Glitter everywhere!
Happy Cheeky Friday guys!...Love you!

Anonymous said...

Who is the long hair blonde man that was with Adam (standing behind him) every where he went? That is the third time I have seen photos of Adam and Brad. They must still be good friends.

Anonymous said...

Adam talks about really being in love just once -and that was with Brad. It was so great to hear that they went to the awards together. Who knows maybe they will be together again someday. It says a lot that they are still friends.

Anonymous said...

the blonde guy is adams publisists or someone he was with adams body guard on the red carpet.

Anonymous said...

Is that Mom Lambert? Her eyes are

Anonymous said...

I checked it out, Brad and Drake are both ex boyfriends. Brad was the first for 2 years . Drake is an interior designer and he was with Drake for 3 years, until he knew he would be touring a lot and it would be hard on both of them, that was right after A I.He also keeps friends with Drake.

Anonymous said...

why is it i feel like you're all talking about your nextdoor neighbor? you know way too much information imo. TMI

Maggie Longfellow said...

@citygirl36 you want credit for your photos, really? Where is Brad (Cheeks) in any one of these photos or on your source site? The guy to Adam's right is certainly NOT Brad, so where is he?

Anonymous said...

Hate to point it out but Brad (Cheeks) doesn't have much hair on his head, nearly lost it all on top. Anyway, the blond guy with Adam is his publicist and he also had his assistant Lane and his bodyguard sitting at his table. Somehow, I don't think he will be hanging out with Brad too much. Adam has lots of other adventures in his future with plenty of better looking and more successful men.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam back with Brad?

Anonymous said...

Adam said recently that he doesn't want a relationship right now, maybe a few one night stands. His life is just crazy now.

Anonymous said...

What? Brad is Cheeks!Cheeks is Brad!Why I don't ever realized this before??!(O.O)I'm following him in the twitter.Asking everyone who is Brad! & I don't know anything about his "connection" with Adam....Huh..Now I know why Adam tweets with him!
It's ok,Cheeks is Brad.Brad is Cheeks.LOL.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:08. Both Adam and Brad(Cheeks) have been very open about their relationship. There are tons of photos of them when they were together and they were very into PDAs. They are quite aware that any current tweets or sightings will make the net but have not hid their friendship. Brad is also a performance artist has his own website, youtube, etc.

Anonymous said...

Guy in 1st photo could be singer Chris Salvatore. He mentioned before the GLAAD Awards tot he AfterElton reporter he wanted to shack-up with Adam.

Anonymous said...

I believe Brad aka Cheeks broke Adam's heart and that is not acceptable. Adam has to really be careful that men don't take advantage of him and I'd suggest he get an anti-spy device for his bedroom to scan for tape recorders. Hopefully Adam will be careful.

Anonymous said...

Cheeks taking advantage? I think not! Adam and Brad are beautiful together.