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Adam Lambert Interview with 104.3 San Diego

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 31, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, July 31, 2010


LINDA said...

Great Interview :D

Anonymous said...

Cute interview. Adam diplomatic as usual, but his honest, unfiltered self emerged when asked about Courtney Love. He's always soooo real and so much fun to listen to. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Is it just the bad sound or does Adam sound tired?? He didn't sound like his usual self.

LINDA said...

Anon 10:42, I think it's just the sound. Adam sounds like his usual self to me.

Anonymous said...

To me Adam sounded like he just got out of bed. OMG! The fantasy! I like the waking-up type hoarseness.

GlammyLadybug said...

Ok, that's a smart and funny interview! To put AFL in difficulty.. that means a quick-minded interviewer in my book. Not going further on that.. that's classy. Great answers btw. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love that interview! Thanks Adam. You are so refreshingly honest and witty.

Anonymous said...

lol yeah I thoguht he sounded as if he just woke up too.

Anonymous said...

I love the search feature...finally! YAY!

Cecilia said...

LOL i didn't think there was anything wrong with his voice or something. Love this interview. I love all of Adam's interviews though. :3

And I agree the new search feature is amazing. Thanks 24/7! You girls rock!

Jacelyn said...

FIRST TIME POSTING HERE (But I have been reading this blog for ages!)!!! JUST HERE TO SAY LOVING THE NEW LOOK!

Anonymous said...

Jacelyn, welcome to 24/7! Nice,friendly,informed,funny,raunchy group of hard core Adam fans, I lurked for quite a while and only started posting about 3 weeks ago. So glad I did! Post away! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam continues to make me laugh, and I agree with him Howard Stern nor Courtney Love should not be a judge. He was somewhat "iffy" with Jessica Simpson ..even though I'm no longer a AI watcher, plz universe for the sake of the human race don't let Jessica Simpson be a judge.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so entertaining, articulate and funny!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Thanks 24/7 for putting Recent Posts back!!!!

Anonymous said...

Justin Timberlake and Jennifer Lopez??? ...

Not a fan of both of them but it will be interesting to see the show without Kara and Ellen....

I hope Randy stays.