Longineu Parsons is leaving the band!
Filed Under (news,The Band,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, July 31, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, July 31, 2010

Longineu Parsons confirms rumors that he's leaving the band.
@UOwnMyHeartAdam said:
@longineu omg so sad. He just told me he is not going oberseas w Adam and his old band is getting back together. He will finish the tour in the states. Press release will be out Monday. So heartbroken. But I wish so much success for him. He is so awesome.
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I heard that he is getting married, so this would be a wise choice, since our super star will be all over the world.
Yeah if he's getting married, then he needs to spend time with his family. Glad he's going to finish up the tour though.
oh no.... >.<
maybe some of adam's band cant handle the schedule. adam is such a worker
He will be missed!
LP fits in so well and is such a part of the glamily. So sad to see him leave. He's such a fine drummer and musician. The glamily unit seems so perfect as is, so in tune, close and supportive of each other. Glad I'll have the opportunity at least two more times to see him live and hopefully to give him my good wishes. Whoa! New 24'7 format/graphic! Looks good, have to get eyes adjusted! We're uptown now! haha funbunn40
He will definitely be missed.
Does that mean they're going to look for another drummer?
OMGG NOO!!!! He was one of my fav. I met him. He was so nice.
Arrgh....I will miss Longineu very much. Great drummer and beautiful person. However I know from close up that family and band don't go together easily...Good luck Longineu!
ps thank you for the new format 24/7 people!
I'm sure LP enjoyed his stay. And good luck to him with his new band! He'll be missed!
Personally, I can't imagine anyone giving up a chance to be with Adam every day and to perform with him! Also to see the world, be on TV specials, play on top-selling albums, etc. But then, I'm an obsessed fan haha
Lots of rock stars are married and Monte even has a big family.
I think it must be something else - lack of attention maybe.
LP certainly has Adam to thank for making him a household name
To Lucy....10:41am....you R kidding?
I too think Longineau is a great fit.....Hopefully
he will change his mind
Is that Camila or the keyboardist before her?
So sad about Longineau. I am also very worried about Monte. Wifey has tweeted a couple of times a few weeks ago that she wishes he had a gig that kept him home or home more. I get that totally but NOOOO!!!!!
Anon, 12:05 that is the keyboardist before Cam.
Daydreaminmylif - his wife really said that???? wow..I don't think he'll find a gig like that ever...
I get that she wnats him to be near him more since they just gave birth to babies...but working in the entertainment biz is not something to be taken so lightly.
omg I'm really going to miss seeing him.
7788, his wife got a lot of negative feedbacks when she tweeted a lot weird stuff....but it was probabaly because she was lonely and stressed out due to the new baby.
CECILIA, I have been out of the loop for a while, what did his wife say? She didnt' say anything about Adam, did she? (Regarding the negative feedbacks)
I will miss Longineu since he is a great drummer and seems to be a very nice guy. So kind to the fans asking him for pictures in Costa Mesa. He is somewhat hidden during the performances and I personally wish he would have been given some more "screen time". Hot as hell too! Love the shirtless look during the show. Adamluv
You know, I’m not really worried about Monte’s wife and her needs. It’s perfectly normal for her to want her hubby around more. I guess it’s tough for any new mom to be left alone with four kids and of course she misses her other half. But they are both in this together for some time now.
I’m just wondering what will Monte choose between International GNT and Madonna’s ‘Hip-Hop’ new coming tour if they are overlapping…
Anyway, it will definitely be a full-time job from now on for any of the Adam’s band members.
Hey! 24/7 .... LOVE the new format ... thought I was on the wrong thread .. clicked on ... then left my computer for awhile & when I came back & refreshed ... VOILLA!!! Chic & Classy!!
Sorry to hear Longineu is leaving ... hope his replacement is as talented as he is ... read that Orianthi is leaving to fulfill some appearances overseas at the end of Aug, Anyone know if this is true??
Suz526 ... I am soooo enjoying this concert ... BEST of the tour so far ... I feel like I have a front row seat when I watch it FULL screen .... LOVE all the innuendos that ADAM sneaks in ... he does it so CLASSY!!! Who's going to keep us up to the minute when ADAM goes overseas? Hope they're as gifted as you are! THANX a MILLION!!
BTW .... Let's all VOTE HOT & HEAVY to get our GlamRock KING back to #1 EVERYWHERE!! Light & Love to ALL Glamberts Worldwide!!
I'm so sorry Longineau is leaving as well. If it's a matter of money, someone give him more, please!!!!
Awwww, will totally miss Longineau!! He seemed like such a "grounding" force. He was so mellow and humble. Plus, didn't hurt my eyes much. :)
Thank you, Longineau, for your amazing contributions!
- Adam Fix
I'm sure Longineau thought of it long and hard before leaving a very successful band. We wish him success on his future endeavors.
I hope Adam's group will find someone as good as Longineau. I also hope that this is not affecting Adam as much, because he needs all the support and love at times like this especially in the midst of a big tour! (omg) Hang in there Adam! We love you! xox
Longineau can be replaced. Hopefully by someone who wont LIE to Adam right to his face like LP did during that rehearsal where he snuck the cellcast behind Adam's back. Buh bye.
Still abit thrown with this new layout!! not sure about it yet, some text is hard to read!!!!!
Oh No...I will so miss Longineu
he is a Great Drummer
and Great Guy
Hi Adam Fix,Glitzlady,Fan4Fun,MassGlamFan...are you loving this new look?????????
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
well, it is a long tour...music has a lot of stuff going on..and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to miss out..because all he's doing is just playing the same songs over and over again..for a whole year..that's a whole year he'll miss out with his kid, wife, California, so maybe it's best..Adam seems like he likes to old on to things until they're over..but with the music business with it the way it is..he's goin to learn!
Ummmmmmmmm..there has been no press release ....neither AL nor Longineu Parsons has comfirmed this...seems to be another rumor untill I read it from Longineu or AL twitter. Futhermore, as of the end of Julyish Longineu said he was NOT leaving and will be able to do both the tour and record the Yellowcard album for release of 2011.
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