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Adam Talks About Tonight's Concert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, August 20, 2010

Posted at : Friday, August 20, 2010

"Another circus, another show! :) I think I'm going a wee bit crazy- as many touring artists do. It's a good crazy though. Gonna start writing some tunes w this sacred lack of reality giving me new perspective."

-Adam on Twitter


Anonymous said...

Keep our curiousity goin Adam! Can't wait for your new Album to come out! It's going to be another global hit!

Anonymous said...

wow! gorgeous purple pic.

Anonymous said...

So you can have reality or you can have an over the top successful tour. lol

IMO your life and especially your relationship with your immediate family is just plain topsy-turvy since Idol ended.

Crazy often inspires writing, Rock On, Adam! We're right behind you. ♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

anon 6:03 From what you just said, I gathered you know Adam and his family very well! Please feel free to drop by anytime and drop us more insights.

Shirley said...

Yeah tell us more about Adam and his family :D

Anonymous said...

Adam you have alot to write about. lol Your not going a wee bit crazy just mega tired right now.Take a long nap and MAKE SURE YOU MAKE IT TO MY CONCERT IN SEPTEMBER!!

Anonymous said...

He's probably going stir crazy. Can't imagine riding on that bus day after day. And the circus arena!! He needs some serious R&R. Too much crammed in, but this is the time for him to make his mark. Hopefully, he'll have some rest after/during his European tour. He will be working on his new album. It's something different. Writing is a good idea when you're nuts or high. Ask Stephen King lol

Anonymous said...

Hey did Adam highlight his hair? Saw pic on Twitter from 2nite, and his hair looked blond at tips. Probably just flash from camera. Looked smashing if I do say so. Sometimes that black is harsh.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:13 I think he shaved his hair but this time it's his left side.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so gifted, I really hope he digs into that poetic heart and writes from there.

ksgirl01 said...

we love you so much, its alot to take in, but we as your fans know that you can do anything. i can't wait for the next cd, i'm listening right now to your cd, i cant get enough, have fun and stay positive, P.M.A. positive , mental, attitude :) love ya!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam, I think you are trying to burn the candle at both ends, you can't do concerts followed by night clubs a few days in a row. It shows in your performances. That is not the type of R&R you need. You have a great gift given to you in your voice and showmanship. I think your management expects too much from one person. Tequila will not help either.If you can get thru this huge tour in one piece, you need a rest, maybe with a few friends and no one is allowed to talk music or concert for at least 3 or 4 days. You will soon be refreshed, you are young, and your personal life will fall into place when the time is right. I am a great fan of yours, as well as many other thousands.

Anonymous said...

Actually think our rockgod has only gone to a club 3or4x since the tour started. Pretty tame for a rockstar. I really admire his dicipline with exercising and vocal exercises before each concert. He's had a grueling schedule that has to be physically draining. Sound checks, interviews before each venue with very little time off and try sleeping on a moving bus night after night. I still am amazed at the energy he puts into every concert and how he remembers what city he's in when he thanks the audience. Sometimes I think there's a misconception that all rockstars drink and party hard. He knows he has to pace himself and conserve his energy and voice. He said that at the beginning of the tour, along with no time for a personal life. He has to be exhausted, but he still gives 120%. He amazes me. funbunn40