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Adam Lambert's 'Glam Nation' Press Conference in Hong Kong

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Unknown said...

I'd like to know more about that 'coat of many colors'. It's so beautiful!
Can anyone tell me if it has a special significance? Or is it simply an Asian high-glam fashion item? Love him in it.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Adam made it to Hong Kong!!! Magical people of magical lands acknowledge & accept this beautifully gifted man! Their welcoming gift was beautiful! So vey proud of you Adam!!!

The Dark Side said...

My computer having a definite stutter problem with many of these Asian feeds, in particular, this one. Stops and then stops again, and more stopping. Sometimes when this happens I play a second time, but this is stopping so often it will be 3:00 a.m. before I hear it all the way through. Oh, this post isn't about me? Sorry, love Adam's look in this interview. When I can hear what he has to say will comment on that. LOL

Anonymous said...

hehe... Ok Adam! get to the point!... lol because she will make you! :))
I love that beautiful multi-colored tang/robe! Adam looks very good on anything he wears because carries it well plus he has the looks and the height... yes! gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sure this is a very special coat and very fine also. It´s surely made of silk. It doesn't seem that Adam liked it, but I am sure he will love it the moment he sees himself in the mirror with that on. It is precious. I wished I could have one of these.

Anonymous said...

Everything fits great on this gorgeous young man. I loved this HK gift (thank you, HK)... made my exotic singing bird shine multi-coloured in special silk! As many colours as his special own multi-gifts, and certaily as soft as his soul.

Anonymous said...

He shines like a star in that multi-color jacket. He looks so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:27: I don't agree. Adam really looked pleased with the coat. And the color palette fits him perfectly and fits the current Glam Nation Tour!

He is so honest compared to so many other celebrities. Guess that's one of the reasons why fans from everywhere are attracted to him. And how so very appropriate that they were wearing tee shirts with a strong message of acceptance.

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam.. girls can't believe "He's just not into You" How many times is he going to be asked about falling in love with a girl or boy.. He said,"I'm Gay" for the one hundred million time.. He's a singer ,ask about his singing,his talent.. I feel sorry for him already!!!!

Anonymous said...

You´re right Anon 5:46. Saw the video again and he liked it, he even said "I love it". I just think that a coat like this deserves a Wow and not a "cool". Ha, ha. Poor Adam, some of his fans are so picky.

laurieb said...

What a great gift for a great man. Thank-You HK. I didnt hear what the message on the girls t-shirts was. can someone tell me please

Anonymous said...

The coat is a Chinese tradition costume wear by people in old days. The color gold and the circle pattern means money and fortune (Ha IIHY theme). In old days, only the rich can afford to wear it. Cant see if there is a dragon imprint on it , if so means the king or a highly respected person. Nowadays, some people still wear for the Chinese New Year.

Anonymous said...

I apologize in advance for being way OT

But...I can't help but post. I just sat down for dinner and our evening news just announced that a local senior in high school has killed himself today.

I do not know this young man or his family but I feel devastated. It's not enough if your gay, fat, ugly, acne-ridden, or just plain mediocre, all bets are off. This very decent looking young man was being harassed / bullied for being a straight A student and a nerd for sometime, and just couldn't take it anymore.

This kind of news gives me reason for pause. NO young person should ever feel so trapped that they feel no way out. Where the hell did we get so f**ing far off track? Seriously, what the hell has happened to us in America?

Excuse me, my tears need tending to.
Thanks for allowing me to share.

Anonymous said...

OT but plz vote for Adam at these sites: (Top 30 Under 30 2010)
(Rock In Rio 2011)

(Jingle Ball)

Plz vote for him!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't Adam look simply stunning in this extraordinarily beautiful jacket when he accepts his awards at the Grammys this year? or maybe at his wedding should he decide to get married some day? (We can dream, can't we?)

Adam is so loved. These lovely people went out of their way to please him, finding something exceptionally beautiful befitting this elegant man. Loved their questions and Adam's gracious responses. He is educating people all over the planet about gayness in such a terrific, positive way.

Kentucky Fan

The Dark Side said...

Finally heard the feed. Think Adam looked pleased with was an apparent dignitary gift, which means some degree of high regard and honor. He did take it off rather quickly, but it may have been extremely hot in studio. I am certain he understands the significance of the gift. This comes kinda on the heels of Neil tweeting about not giving gifts. Well that's why there is that age old exception to the rule. BTW, just read a post that says the PAS plans on protesting Adam's show. I hope this only gets interesting and not messy.

Anonymous said...

China sure is showing the love!! Does anyone have any news on how the concert went in
Philippenes? I have been wondering about it.

Anonymous said...

anon6:20, I think it said something like,
you don't have to appoligize for who you are!
They sure treated him with loving respect. Again, showing the LOVE! :)

Anonymous said...

The jacket is a very traditional style, they are still very popular to wear, although generally not that highly pattened. I should imagine this was a very upmarket one though which would cost several thousand HK$'s. The pictures do usually mean something. Most people I know have the plainer cheaper copies from the markets, usually black silk lined with a bright colour.
slightly off topic, many HK'ers still don't really consider themselves as part of China, it is known as The Hong Kong SAR (special administrative region), and has its own governing body, own flag, and its own teams in sports etc. The borders are still manned and you still need a visa to cross the border.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I think Adam recognized the value of that high end jacket and didn't want it messed up. He is just so natural in all the interviews and so pleasant. Just a pleasure to watch. You know he will always do and say the right thing.

Anonymous said...

PRS, so very sorry to hear that sad news. It is difficult to understand, isnt it? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

i;ve been to HK before with my family and we all loved Ocean Park and the high rise skyline esp at night and that very colorful and symbolic HK coat or jacket is a very nice welcome token to Glam Adam since the material is pure silk which is a very popular material! im not sure if we here in Manila gifted Adam with our traditional wear, the Barong Tagalog... way to go! im sure HK was rocked by his high strung energy and awesome singing!


Anonymous said...

Anon at 9:30pm

Have you seen the GNT in Manila videos of Suz526? With such impeccable vocals and enormous talent Adam gave us another stellar performance despite the unbearable humidity that night. What a seasoned artist! Reviews coming out are very positive and estimated an enthusiastic crowd of 18,000. I would agree with them because Manila did embrace Adam. The only problem is that we were left wanting more so we couldn't wait for him to be back and we already miss him. And what is exciting is that there seems to be a lot of converts as resistance is futile. It is simply hard to deny a talent when you see one. Comments i heard after the concert was that he should have won the AI title but i guess at this point it doesn't matter anymore. The 10-10-10 GNT was definitely A HUGE SUCCESS!


Anonymous said...

@ Bing

Hi Bing, I had no chance yet to say «welcome to 24/7 Paradise» to you, but I'm saying it now. Thanks for your posts, I appreciate you decided to join our glamily. Please keep us well informed about the news on sweet Adam's (his person and career) in your beautiful country, OK? Thanks! Unfortunately, nothing happens about sweet Adam here in Azores where I live. Yeahhhh! I'm here on my own loving my singing bird to death...

Better you ask what is going on in our new millennium world, baby, not just in America... I've seen so many awful things happening around me that sometimes I think I've drained all my tears to drop... So sad!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bing @1:36am -
I love your comment "And what is exciting is that there seems to be a lot of converts as resistance is futile. It is simply hard to deny a talent when you see one..." LOVE IT. That is exciting indeed... and I say the resistance is futile thing all the time too :)... but your line after that is what grabs me the most - so true, let's hope his artistry keeps getting before the eyes of more and more people unfamiliar with him! Have enjoyed reading your posts.

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun

Thank you so much for the warm welcome. Are you Portuguese? Before i discovered Adam at AIS8, i would only listen to Sergio Mendes, Lani Hall, Astrud Gilberto, Lisa Ono, Stacey Kent, Ella Fitzgerald, Sinatra and mainstream Jazz music. I have never followed any celebrity in my whole life and never understood what being a fan is. Little did i know that at 48, this would happen to me. I'm not complaining and just like Adam Fix, i am praying hard to stay fit to be able to witness how our boy will evolve. He is just starting his career and still has to find his niche in the music industry. Meanwhile, let us enjoy together the remaining GNTs by keeping each other company in this awesome site.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I had been a lurker here but decided to join the Glamily just before the Manila GNT, indeed resistance is futile hahaha.Adam must be clueless on how he brings so much joy to millions of his fans around the world. It is simply amazing how he has brought people from different countries together single-handedly through his enormous talent and charismatic personality. His positive messages in his first album are so powerful that his songs are being used everywhere. Adam is no saint but he must have done something good in his life to deserve all this global adoration for him. I'm pretty that there will be more converts as he continues to wow people with his magical voice.

Couldn't wait for Malaysian fan to give us her recap.

Again my sincerest gratitude to you both!

Love thru Adam,


Anonymous said...

Hi Bing - I've been meaning to say" welcome" as well....I love reading your thoughtfully worded posts, and always enjoy getting some (Adam) perspective from elsewhere on the globe! Keep it coming!

And hello/welcome to Ms Mars, as well!

Look forward to bearing more from you two. :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Is there more of this interview somewhere?

Anonymous said...

I also want to welcome new fans to the site. When I first started posting, peeps were so kind and welcoming! And you know who you are!!!! Just wish more would use some kind of tag so we can reply to you instead of the generic anon.! Love hearing from peeps in other parts of the states and the world! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@@ Bing

Nope, I'm not portuguese, I'm an imigrant from Brazil, living on my own in portuguese territory over 9 years, in Azores for 6 years now. I'm a 57 years old glambitch, very proud of my sweet Adam, my Diamond Boy, my exotic singing bird who I love to death and after death (and nobody can take this away from me). This amazing young man with his talents and artistry brought my life back sort of 2 years ago, and more recently gave me this beautiful glamily, once I have no family at all, only my old father living in Brazil with his 2nd wife, and having no idea how young his only child feels nowadays... Ha!
As you keep on visiting and posting in 24/7«Paradise» you'll know me better, and realise that I love to give nicknames to people and things... my only talent besides being able to cook for living. Welcome again!

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix & @Adamluv

Thank you so much for the thoughts! Honestly, i didn't know what to expect from Manila since i hardly listen to radio anymore, but let me share my Adam moment. I was in a van with a cousin who needed to gas up before we proceed to the Phil. Congress to follow-up some concerns. We were talking and i suddenly heard Adam singing in the background. I asked if the radio was on because i was surprised, she turned up the volume and lo and behold they were playing IF I HAD YOU! And just like any other typical stage mother, i had this silly grin on my face for that was truly heavenly. We briefly talked about Adam and she was delighted with my adulation for him. Weeks after, she told me that if she only had the means she would have bought me the VVIP ticket for the concert but i told her that my son already gifted me with a gold and i just had to buy another for Emily, also an avid fan. Adam always manages to bring out the best in people that is why we just have to stay positive as much as we can for him. I remember him saying that we must not feed the negativity in our minds. I know it is easier said than done but i'm trying my best to follow his good example.

At the concert i was surprised to see a young crowd although there were also a few old ladies, couples, families and lots of foreigners as well. There you go, slowly things are coming back to me. But most likely this hangover will last longer than it should.

So excited here for the Malaysian Glamberts! And i am really impressed that Adam has always been mindful of the sensitivities of certain cultures and governments. Makes me admire him more!

Thanks again for the welcome for me and Ms_Mars!


Anonymous said...


Now i am more excited because you are Brazilian. I'm not sure what's with me but i have this fixation with Brazil. Maybe it's because of Jobim and Astrud G., i love their collaborations. Samba and Bossa Nova had been my early influences in life and i have yet to learn how to sing in Portuguese.

BUT since AIS8, i've never touched my cd's nor vinyls simply because i couldn't listen to any other singer anymore and when i do, i couldn't help but wonder how Adam would interpret that song. It may sound weird but it's true. Not that i'm complaining but what has he done to me!

So you are a chef and i love to eat hahahaha. I envy you so much because you love your work.For me that is the most important thing,just like what Adam is doing. Btw my husband 2 sons and myself are all foodies. Thank you so much for the personal background, highly appreciated!

I think the Malaysian GNT is over and they got 2 encores MW and TCB.
