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More Pics from Elton John’s Benefit Concert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 20, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adam Lambert attends Elton John’s private benefit concert on Wednesday (January 19) in Los Angeles.

The event helped raise awareness about the organization American Foundation for Equal Rights.


Thanks to Adamholic!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Gorgeous Goodness!

Anonymous said...

Love,love,loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee his hair!! He looks tall and skinny.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Jesus, he can`t be more beautiful!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love you so much Adam! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't hurt for Adam to have Elton John as a friend and mentor to help him navigate the entertainment industry and newfound fame. Who knows, maybe one day Adam would star in one of Elton's productions or record his music. I've always respected his songwriting. Elton also does so much for Aids and other causes that Adam could help benefit. These are beautiful pics and I like the suit, showing respect for the occasion, but still in a casual sense. Magnificent is the only word I can think of to describe Adam. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

He looks so much better everytime. My goodness!!!
How does he do that?

Anonymous said...

Good GAWD! ADAM‼ absolutely GOR-GEOUS‼ Seriously those EYES... they're gonna kill meh one day!;) And those hot LIPS... MUAH :) Loving the hair Dude... the whole package that is‼ :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, there is a very serious and important socially-oriented side to this thread/event/scenario... I get that and Imma leave the profound commenting to others (who do it better than me anyway) and Imma go the shallow route - to say - geezus frick is there a pair of pants in existence that AML doesn't rock and look delicious in?

Hope nobody is offended and feels that I'm objectifying AML (and anybody who reads here frequently knows that I post very seriously plenty :)) but sometimes one just has to go with gut reactions, lol.


Anonymous said...

Adam is soo hypnotic and sultry -- "come hither" look. He will also keep surprising us. I hope he keeps this look for the Grammy's - he will rock it out!! SOOO wanting him to PERFORM on the Grammy's!!!

A collaboration between Adam and Elton would be incredible!! I hope that they are considering this.


Anonymous said...

Haha, totally agree with you MGF @10:07!
But not just the pants, also the jackets (and the shoes, and the hair....)

Anonymous said...

he looks very nice. did he perform at this event?

Anonymous said...

One Word: STUNNING: OT I just heard bruno mars is now performing on grammys, and they added two more names. The suspense is killing me if they are going to add Adam or not? If they can have the bieber kid perform, why not adam?

Anonymous said...

MY, Adam towers over those two guys on picture #1. They looked thrilled to have thier picture taken with the gorgeous one


Anonymous said...

@ MGF, Think you speak pretty much for all of us having wicked thoughts about our wickedly sexy rockgod! My free spirited,old cougar [Eww!] tendencies are at odds with my age appropriate reality!lol I'm not dead, but according to society, should be leaning in that direction! Glad you keep it real and say what we're really feeling! Adam definitely knows how to light a fire!! funbunn40

The Dark Side said...

Adam has this tall dark and handsome thing down pat. Love that he always knows exactly how to dress for the occasion--less makeup, designer suit. Heart thumping fantastic. BTW he seems to tower over most others.

Anonymous said...

a duet with Adam and Lady GAGA would be hot for Grammy night! They could do something outrageous.

Anonymous said...

And the boots!!! make him 6'-4" at least. Can you imagine seeing that man walking toward you?
I would ffffaint! I think both straight and gay, men and women fall in love with him. You can always see it on their faces. I just want, talk to him and then have a nice longgggg hug. Sigh!

Anonymous said...

@MGF, 10:07 AM ---

Hey there, nothing shallow about going with your gut reactions, very often the best and most accurate
Loved your post, and anyway (here it's) too late for pondering about serious social issues, so I just say Rock on Gorgeous Rock Gawd!

GGD Gal, still in TOTAL aww after two years

Rebecca said...

for all his outer beauty his inner beauty is even more stunning

Anonymous said...

I love this picture. No make up over Adam looks very handsome and sexy

Anonymous said...

I love tall men, so Adam is attractive in that sense. I think his confidence on stage is very sexy! I love how he plays with his audience and leaves you wanting more and more. It's like foreplay and then the big CLIMAX! THE BIG GLAMMAX!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I keep reading that the hair (which I ADORE) is extensions. Did Adam say so? His hair does grow quickly (remember how fast it grew out after the side shaves?) I could be wrong, but this seems like it could easily be his own. This is a perfect look for him. Not over the top with the make-up, perfect coif, superbly tailored clothes. I have more adjectives I could trot out, but you all know what I mean, LOL!!

Fan4fun said...

@ MGF and GGDgal

Gut reactions? Me???? No, never! I'm a very «serious» Glambert, can't you see I'm working here? Where is my bib?

Adamluv said...

@MGF, be as shallow as you want! LOL! I think most of us are from time to time.@funbunn40, You are way too funny - thanks for the laugh!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

my goodness gracious he is the complete package indeed.

Bing said...

OMG all i can say is, DASHING AS EVER! And gosh those seductive eyes are to die for.

@MGF - love your post ;-)

Ditto @HeartAdam4Ever hope he keeps the look for the Grammy's because he will definitely standout from the rest. But should he come up with something else it would fine by me. His ability to fascinate us with his looks is endless. And also dreaming of their collaboration.

Anonymous said...

MGF - LOL, HA HA HA!! Glad you finally made it down here to my level...I was getting a little lonely. :)

My level being mostly shallow remarks about His Royal Hotness and how he makes me feel all wiggly. C'mon, I spend (most of) the rest of my life being serious. I come here to have fun and enjoy some eye candy...not to mention, chat with all of you fine Glamberts!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:34 - I love tall men, too, and NO, I cannot imagine Adam walking towards me in real life. Don't think I'd survive it. Doing a little silent scream inside my own mouth right now, just thinking about it!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

V, his brother Neil tweeted that Adam had on extentions. My hubby is 6'4" without shoes, but it just seems like there is rarely anyone even close to Adam's height in pics we've seen.


glitzylady said...

To all who are being "shallow" in their remarks @MGF , @Adam Fix...("wiggly" indeed...LOL!!! and to which I add an enthusiastic YES!!!)) @Adamluv, @Bing, etc., etc....I'm here to join you in your happy places..Down at the shallow end of the pool..There has been WAY too much serious discussion lately (making me tired and a little crabby on occasion...) ...and time for a little fun...and discussion of the finer points of Adam Lambert..The Hair (love it.... : ) ) , the really nice tailored suit, the fact that he can just stand there and look amazing...I also am always just waiting for words of any kind to come out of his (very sensual...and perfectly formed..) mouth...and love the fact that they are (almost) always of the intelligent variety..And I must say, I appreciate @funbunn40's comments...and say ditto and amen! And as far as any "leaning" in a particular direction, I think leaning in Adam's direction is the best direction to be leaning!! In fact leaning ON him would be better-er.. ; ) (Darn those lucky guys in the first picture..that's where I want to be leaning!!) So there...shallow!!! That felt GOOD! Thanks @MGF for getting the ball rolling in that direction.....

Anonymous said...

Neil tweeting Adam wearing extensions--come on little brother you are sounding like sour grapes. Love the long hair, extensions or not, but rather think it his own hair, at least most of it. Love that suit (And who are you wearing?), where is Joan Rivers when you need her. Oh yes, telling Fox to go FU. LK