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Adam Lambert Grammy's Glam Cam 360

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 14, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 14, 2011


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful suit on a gorgeous man! And those legs go on forever, thud
His taste is impeccable.

Anonymous said...

gotta love a hot man with long legs! grrrrrr!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

what was that I just watched?

Anonymous said...

Im suree that Adam will be on Fashion Police on E tonight. He will be voted Best Dressed. I mean really who else could it be but Adam.
For the person who asked what this is all about. This was for E's Red Carpet show.
Check your guide for the time and channel for Fashion Police.

Anonymous said...

Why all the ugly weird faces...I think his beautiful smile is what we love and it shows a softer gentler side of him that most people don't know...Smile Adam...

Anonymous said...
This looks like one of adam's previous outfits!! does it not haha:)

Anonymous said...
Adam's outfit?

Anonymous said...

Stunning man - stunning outfit - best looking man at the Grammys. Adam is always a winner !!

Anonymous said...

Adam's too cool to just stand there and smile. After all, it's kind of like a fashion shoot - he's creating a mood - Rock God! I like!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Ride the merry go round w me"...
Hahaha. Babyboy's dreaming of his own Ken doll!
Well... after attending the fair of vanities... You are forgiven! [..glitter rain pouring down on the little big boy..]

Anonymous said...

Sooooo looking forward to Adam's new album. Told Seacrest last night that it will be more leather than glam. YEA Our Rock Star is Back!!

Anonymous said...

when i saw the glamcam last night i thought Adam has got to have a go of that....

ha ha ha this really made me it

happy valentines day everyone. xx

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :) xx

Anonymous said...

a Rock album would be the shit! I hope he has some great collaborations on the album. He should really work with some rock legends.

Anonymous said...

Just a question... Was he holding some sort of confetti blaster or something? It looks like he just pulled something and something's in the air spinning to the right of him. If it is, only he would think to do something like that, lol. If not, I'm blind, sorry.

It is the GLAM cam 360... It was invented for him! Maybe they should just rename it the Glamb-Cam 360.

Anonymous said...

sex on legs! undeniably hawt!!makes me giddy!!swoon!!

Anonymous said...

Damn, Awesome!!

BUT I wanna see the WOLE thing... the whole interaction with Kelly when he first got to that area... and walking up onto the round and getting into position... this is great but I wanna see the WHOLE SET UP and what Kelly had to say!!!

I'm SO glad this is here as it was not shown on TV as some were =(

Wanna see, wanna see!!

The Dark Side said...

Love that fierce snarl he has on his face, and the attitude. He was looking so gorgeous and serious on the red carpet. Honestly, Adam gave hot new meaning in this tux.