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Adam Lambert - Beg For Mercy (all songs in 1 video)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Via @ShabotaKatame
Thanks Adam Dilda for the tip!

WARNING: This is NOT Adam's new music. These music are not official. These were supposedly recorded a long time ago. Adam himself have said that he doesn't support these releases. CLICK HERE to read about AdamOfficial's explanation on these songs.


AYA said...


Anonymous said...

I'm too lazy to listen.

Anonymous said...

After listening to these song clips, I think they all sound kind of unfinished and "muddy" with a lot of music noise cluttering up Adam's voice. I don't believe these would have been the final versions if they were to be legitimately released by Adam himself. Some of the songs are good, though. Remember Adam said that in his second album, his voice is going to be more "up front," because that is what he heard that his fans wanted. Not so much of the "over-produced" sound. Adam's voice is always good, but I think the REAL new album will have top-notch sound mixing and really let us hear Adam's voice at its best. JMO.

Dinah-mite said...

Ok folks all fans should know by now-THIS IS NOT ADAM'S NEW ALBUM!! Recorded years ago with Monte/ Citizen Vein...
Adam not happy about this release, but it is legit...
New album will NOT release until Spring of 2012, still have a ways to go...
Hang in their, I'm sure the wait will be #WellWorthIt!!!

The Dark Side said...

Well they are not as bad as I had thought they would be. Each song kinds sounds a lot like the one before, but it's clearly Adam singing, Monte playing, just not the polish we are use to. This album is way better than Take One and for those who are dying for some new Adam music this isn't that bad. But who gets the money for this release. Adam and Monte or others. Valid question!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why this is posted on an Adam fan site. I am clueless in Ohio.

Anonymous said...

frankly my dear I don't give a damn.

Anonymous said...

Check this one out.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why this is up here either. When and if Adam ever decides to put out a rock album I will buy it. This is not where he is in music right now. So I will wait for his true second album which sounds like it will be EPIC!

Anonymous said...

12:51 thanks for the link to a good article and I was loving the comments too.

Anonymous said...

12.51 After reading this, makes the waiting for the new album even harder!! It's gonna blow us all!!

Anonymous said...

I searched out the whole Beg for mercy clips last week to see if I would like. no I don't!It's not adam now and he is so much better, on a positive note glamberts- if there are people that buy it and love it- well he just might gain new glamberts and they will be blown away by the real deal. There are some casual fans out there that might love this, i just think us die-hard glamberts KNOw how unbelievably talented he is and this does not show case it. I guess any exposure is better than none at all- besides who really knows about this except for us die-hard fans? this all will work out and I so hope monte' and adam are still friends, that to me would be the worst of all of this!


Anonymous said...

Beg For Mercy is new album but it is music by Adam and Monte. His 2nd album will be on beginning of new year.

Anonymous said...

24/7 - Then, why post it here???

Anonymous said...

Who decides what's get posted here?!
I am stupefied.
Adam got money for this after they finished the album, we have all heard these stories, young artists in desperate need for cash signing away their rights. He doesn't get anything from this anymore.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

The rights were sold again I think. Seems like someone with money, but not much know-how bought them. Just keep wondering the motives..

Anonymous said...

I agree with others; after all the negative comments and KNOWING that Adam disapproves of this music at this point in his life, why would you put this on the site? It's kind of a slap in the face for Adam.

LP said...

There is money in cd's, but the market is changed now. There so many ways to get the music free. The real money is in tours, have you noticed there are many more stars doing tours. It's a hard life, but pays well. Adam didn't want that album coming out, that is so inferior to his second album, that he has worked so hard for. I am hoping his new management will be better for him now. His spring album will be great timing, since so many others opted for a fall drop. We will be looking for something new and fresh after the others have grown stale.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to have a peek at early Adam, but the quality of these recordings is so poor and face it, except for a few exceptions the lyrics are trite.
The speakers at the Citizen Vein performances were SO LOUD it seems that it was a duel to drown out Adam's voice. The amateur vids of Adam singing Turning On ,The Circle, Rough Trade are available, just google. The best part is seeing snippets of a dreamy young, 25-26 yr old Adam movin and groovin
at the mic is eye candy. So cute.
I read some time ago, but can't verify, that the vids were made by Monte's wife, so there's more Monte than Adam. Of course you all know you can watch the Zodiac Club performance of Crawl thru Fire. We can be content with that and not give any money to Welsford.

Anonymous said...

Just went to You can download the single BFM, but the album has been pulled. The sleazes won a battle but lost the war. Maybe a few people will pay to download the single, but that won't make much money, now will it.

Happy days are here again,
The skies above are clear again...

coloforadam said...

Have always loved "Pop-Pop Goes the Camera" - too bad he can't claim it.

Anonymous said...

Why would you post this here - giving the the video hits! Stupid!

Anonymous said...

I would just ask WHY the fcuk are you putting that on this site. You give a disclaimer, but this "music" should not be publicized in any manner. They are unfinished and don't reflect at all where Adam is today--even where he was a couple of years ago.

Anonymous said...

I already have 5 songs from this album plus others that I downloaded from Ytube & converted to mp3's on my computer from two years ago ... not knowing that they might be released someday. When ADAM was asked about the Citizen Vein songs he said he wasn't going to market them because they aren't what he wants for his NEW music to sound like ... so I thought since I liked them why not get them from Ytube ... so I did!! Don't need these other 'bootleg' albums ... HAH!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I am having a hard time with the Beg for Money clips here, on an Adam site. An ad for the sleaze, who wants to put out old songs, everytime Adam puts out his new music.
Admin take this shit down.


funbunn40 said...

I think anything about Adam shouldn't be censored on this site, as being "informed is being forearmed." I think we have the intelligence to make our own choices, the majority seemingly choosing not to line the producers pockets. Reading or seeing what's being marketed sleazily about Adam isn't going to brainwash me into buying it, but I do like to know what is happening regarding Adam, not choosing to hide my head in the sand or worry because the info is posted that everyone will be compelled to buy it. It's also a free country, for better or worse. I think censorship of information is more harmful many times than the message....These songs are poorly done IMHO, but I've heard a much better quality rendition of Pop Pop Goes the Camera that I really like. I wish Adam could rework and record it, but guess he no longer has any rights to it and he's moved on. It's catchy and very applicable now, tho'. Adam's voice is so muted and drowned out, I can see why he wouldn't want it released as is. Really poor quality. Can't wait for the real new album!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is so much intolerance on this sight. It's music..that's all it is and if anyone enjoys it then who's business is it? This music being release is not a world crisis.

I'm very disturbed at how Fans have reacted. I like Adam very much from day 1 but I don't want to be part of any 'hate' campaigns like many fans have displayed. It's sours the experience of being a fan.

Anonymous said...

the album just doesn't need to be here,people that aren't fans visit here too. No need to spread the word.

Anonymous said...

I actually like Beg for mercy! So ADAM! :)

Anonymous said...

ok is everyone voting to the max on the MTV poll. No slacking allowed every vote needed.. Throw some votes Adam's way on the HotBoy q102 poll. Corny name I know but Adam and I didn't pick the name. lol

glitzylady said...

This was tweeted by the producer of this album..We already know the album has been pulled from Amazon and iTunes...only the single is available...Sounds like it may not be coming back??

I support Adam. Hoping we'll have some new authorized music from Adam to flail over very soon!

Just to let you know...

@stevecookemusic Steve Cooke
Glamberts.I respect your fierce loyalty to Adam, but his recordings and info will be lost for ever.It was a rough ride for all!