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Adam Lambert with a fan at the Alexander McQueen store in Hollywood 10/16

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 17, 2011

Posted at : Monday, October 17, 2011

Apparently, he was buying rings at the store.


Anonymous said...

What a dream come true, to be able to shop in an Alexander McQueen shop and run into AFl!! and take pictures with him.

Anonymous said...

Just don't touch my Adam! Only me and Sauli are allowed to do it!

Anonymous said...

I always have to catch my breath.

Anonymous said...

I read that she also saw Adam and Sauli at the Whole Foods. Adam was wearing leopard pants and they were giggling. I thought she must be trolling, because why would they be giggling at a grocery store. Now I believe it must have been true. I wonder what Sauli was wearing. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I like the hair, but the extra shavings above the ears are a slight turn off.

Anonymous said...

Lucky girl. So jealous ,look at the second pic how she is hugging him so close. I don't know if I would pass out, so I would have to hang on tight lol!

Anonymous said...

All I can say, is what a lucky lucky girl. Cute too, nice picture, geez I always forget how tall adam really his. He's always bending for all the women fans- love it.

Anonymous said...

Not hatin on bb, but what is the obession with the shaved, designs,ect with more and more kids today? Adam has the best, thick, gorgeous hair I've ever seen. His hair is a hairdresser's dream- why shave it off like that? Maybe I'm just out of the loop and this is the new hip in thing. sorry, my age is showing!

LP said...

Great pic. what a pretty girl. I wonder why Adam has his sun glasses on in the store. He really seems to like having his pic taken with a real fan. Very sweet.

Anonymous said...

Adam glows where ever he is. Look at the first photo. Star on his head.
I would faint if I saw that tall gorgeous man in person.
He is too beautiful for us mortals!
And the leopard pants. I would NEVER be able to keep my hands off of him.
GOD SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are those cheeta pants? I think they are and they are way cool. Guess if you live in Hollywood, sooner or later you may run into Adam, who loves to shop...and who doesn't? He's always nice to his fans. What a guy!

funbunn40 said...

Such a cute girl and how lucky to get this close to Adam! He really is good and accommodating to his fans. I still love his old snakesskin boots that he had while on Idol. The leopard pants aren't bad either! Still hope he lets his hair grow on the sides,but he'll change it soon enough.Have to focus on the new cd?video and hope he won't shave it all off,but always his choice & doubt he careswhat we think! lol
Top looks edgy and great.

Anonymous said...

Tight leopard pants kinda invite you to grab the butt.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many friends she texted immediately?....JAK

Anonymous said...

I'll move to L.A next year and I really hope to be as lucky as that girl and meet Adam somewhere unexpected and have enough time to take a picture before I faint!!'cause I will!! LOL!! about the sunglasses, it's a protection for the person at the cash, otherwise how can you ask him ,cash or visa? looking him in the eye!!??

Anonymous said...

Lucky, lucky girl!! I envy you so much indeed!!!!:))))))))))


Anonymous said...

Hot Darn Adam is wearing my old cheetah pants from the eighties again!!
He looks super cool and my gosh the hair, it is all good in my opinion.
This issue of The advocate will fly of the shelves!!!!!!

Lizard Eyes

daydreamin said...

What a cutie pie and what a hunky pie! Ha Ha you guys are too funny. Loved the comment about the sunglasses! Yep, anyone in his path that happens to look up into his eyes would probably collapse.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Daydreamin!! I'm the one who made the comment about sunglasses. I just think this web side should be for fun, to make nice comments and have a nice time. Live it's hard enough, so we need to laugh and just try..look into Adam's eyes...Lol!! Sweet dreams!!!

Anonymous said...

I really HATE the shaved hair!!Why,Adam.why?Other than that,he looks great.