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Picture of Adam Lambert at Terrance Spencer's Birthday Party

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 13, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, October 13, 2011

"here is a photo from the party with my amazing friends! @adamlambert and @jskystyle" - Terrance Spencer


Anonymous said...

OMG!! Adam's eyes...I have no words to describe what I feel when I'm watching thouse blue eyes....and with that blue shirt.....thouse eyes...thouse eyes...already melted....& love the hair!

Anonymous said...

OT: where's the glambert that is always reminding us to VOTE? Well did, up to 800 points but it just kept letting me vote and vote- no max? Finally had to go to the bathroom and quit. When's this thing going to end?? Anyway, love that shirt adam has on- BLUE is is color and white also. His hair does look shorter there than previous pictures- oh well we never know what we are going to get with adam!

Anonymous said...

Notice how adam towers over them all! Who's that character in the checked red shirt-those are the kind-of pictures I take when I'm straight even lol

Anonymous said...

u guys check this out
new old photo of adam :DDDD

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I hate the hair. Just in time for his album cover :(
Everyone tries to stay so upbeat - I'm just being honest. I'll still buy the album.

luc said...

Yeah, I don't care for the hair either. But, it's just hair.

Sligo lambert said...

Adam looks always amazing and sweet and cute

Anonymous said...

The vast need to go. Cute shirt,eyes and hairdo! Better to show off the chest hair like Spencer! <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

@ least BB's hair has grown some since this pic was taken about a 7-8 days ago.I don't care for the shaved hair either,esp if it's gonna on the new album cover..sorry,but why does he always to shave it before an important event??( like the GNT video in Indiana & now the new album cover)His hair is so beautiful..just loved it before he shaved it.He still looks good & the outfit is pretty but..well you all know.I wonder where Sauli is.

Anonymous said...

New pics up on Adamtopia site. Adam's hair is pretty cool I think once I looked at the new pics . Edgy and that's Adam! If any one hates it remember it grows back fast and he'll probably have a different hair style again anyway!Can someone bring those pics over here. Sauli and Sam Sparrow sitting with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I do not like the hair. Love the blue shirt to match his blue eyes. I guess we are all wondering if this is the look for the new album or it is just a phase. I liked him best on Project Runway and at the PFLAG reception. This shaved hair on the sides does nothing for me, but I guess Adam likes it. No matter what, I am looking forward to this new album and the first single release. After all, it should be about the music and that amazing voice.

Anonymous said...

wow Terrance and Adam looking great. I sort of like Adam's hair ,he reminds me of my young sons when I get their haircuts, don't ask me why. thanks for the picture. 12:57 it let you vote 800 times or 800 points? that poll has always been right on the money for me. I hope it let you vote 800 times!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Taylor - long time no see... Happy Birthday Terrance! Adam - hi beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Sauli's hair visible behind Adam's shoulder.

Anonymous said...

hey I must have looked at that picture 100 times and just thought the third guy was Taylor. Yes?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:46 PM
Yes, that's Taylor Green : )

Anonymous said...

Opinions are out there that Adam may be using pictures taken over a period of time for his album. Maybe not all shaved sides. He did say that he used a lot of different styles of fashion, and, I assume, hair.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the shirt Eber gave Adam?

Anonymous said...

I don't like Alexander McQueen shirts on Adam.

funbunn40 said...

The Alexander Mcqueen shirt that Adam is wearing is silk and cotton and goes for $725.00. At last he can enjoy the fruits of his labor! He also gets good wear out of them and is well dressed,giving us our fair share of eye candy!

Anonymous said...

Adam has those eyes, but let's not over look Terrence. Man what eyes!