Adam Lambert Introduces New Band Members!
Filed Under (The Band,twitter ) by Admin on Thursday, December 29, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, December 29, 2011
@adamlambert: "ladies and gents: for those of you who don't know, please meet @ashleydzerigian - my new badass diva on bass."

"And mr @TommyJoeRatliff is feat as lead guitar now. He understands my musical vision, plays so tastefully and as an ensemble! Go team!"

"And the incomparable @isaacthecarp on drums!! So in the pocket!!! And the biggest heart..."

"And @UhHuhHerMusic's Cam on keys!! A true artist and musician... And a sexy spirit!! Luv ya Cam!!"

"I'm so excited for you all to Trespass into my world and under my skin with this album!!! My Lightness and Darkness collide on this one..."

"And mr @TommyJoeRatliff is feat as lead guitar now. He understands my musical vision, plays so tastefully and as an ensemble! Go team!"

"And the incomparable @isaacthecarp on drums!! So in the pocket!!! And the biggest heart..."

"And @UhHuhHerMusic's Cam on keys!! A true artist and musician... And a sexy spirit!! Luv ya Cam!!"

"I'm so excited for you all to Trespass into my world and under my skin with this album!!! My Lightness and Darkness collide on this one..."
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Wow, so he did get rid of monte, I thinks that's sad, I thought they were a great fit!
what happened to Monte Pittman?
I think Monte's wife came between them.
Don't you all get mad at me but that new badass bass player looks scary as hell (maybe just not a good picture, but I'm sure she's talented as hell or adam wouldn't have her.)
Just wondering if Ashley is from LA:)
I mean Little Armenia in LA:)
Adam don't even get any ideas about Ashley's hair, don't even look at it!! lol
7:27 MP promoted the bogus album and basically said he did not care if it did damage Adam's career (meaning that it was released right before the planned release of Adam's real sophomore album, thus creating confusion among casual fans and possibly contributing to the delay of Trespassing. MP's back w/ Madonna.
@ 7:55 LMAO! I needed that chuckle.
Well it's official. So now we know who everyone is... Love Tommy, but boy I'm gonna miss Monte. Those are some HUUUUGE musical shoes to fill, and I just loved Adam and Monte together. They were such a good team for soooo long. Jeeez, it was Monte who pushed hard for Adam to go on 'AI' in the first place. Hope time heals. In the meantime maybe he'll be on tour with Madonnna...?
OKaaay so we got a BAND... Can't wait to see them crank it out. Get those appearances goin!!!
SWEET! What an awesome lineup! \0/
Ashley looks really cool, and I'm so happy to have so many Glamily originals back. They all seem to just fit. Really well, both with eachother and with Adam (including the direction he's heading with this new album). Soooo excited. It seems like he's totally heading in this sort of direction that I love/have a major soft spot for--a direction that I just get. It's like his music is almost being made for me, I'm so attuned to it (Going off what we've seen so far & what has been rumored). Era 2 is lookin' good. I bet it's going to be even better than Era 1 by like 1000 times!!! :D
Okay, done flailing, lol.
Welcome Ashley and Welcome Back Tommy, Isaac, & Cam! \0/
Maybe the thought of being on tour for a year just could not fit into "Daddy" Monte's expanding family life. His own career is secure and he is just in a different stage of life than the crazy wild crew we just met. They look COOL, young and ready for anything - just what's needed to light fire with Adalicious Glambere!! Come on tour!!! Ticket's Please!!
I think Tommy will be much better than Monty I have been to Adams concerts & everyone in my group all said there eyes was focused on Adam & Tommy Monty just was not an eye catcher to much bad attitude.
now I am so ready for another tour!! hmmm, not that I wasn't before.great group, looking forward to seeing and hearing Ashley.
Young Band Members. Yay, Adam! Love it!
Monte is gone, folks -- and he did it to himself by promoting that bastard album. I wish him well and think Tommy will do great. Adam said Tommy shares his artistic vision (I don't think Monte did this time around) and that is very important to Adam for this second album. Bring it on Adam and the new band! We're ready and waiting!!
7:55 :-
1. Adam decided himself to audition for AI-after Burning Men, according to him,he is where he is now because of his talent.
2. Monte has, ALWAYS HAD, a solo music career, you can just follow his ~Huge musical success if you miss him.
3.In the end, he stopped being a team with Adam and focused on making a quick buck, regardless of the impact this would have on Adam's career - that's selfish.
Adam's career is about Adam and his music, band members will come and go. Entitlement about who should play what instrument "is not sexy"
Exactly Anon 10:27 - re: #3. Adam mentions "Go Team" when mentioning Tommy as lead guitar. I think that was intentional. Tommy has always been a team player and supports Adam unconditionally. Monte didn't. Loyalty is important to Adam (and all of us, really) and so Tommy is lead guitar. He played lead guitar before and was only asked to play bass because Monte was already on board. So now Tommy can show his stuff. Let's support him and the rest of the new band!
Great crew! Congrats.
I saw MP with Madonna Helsinki earlier, maybe the reason now also.
I Like...A LOT!! Young band members with no hang-ups, prior claims, entitlements or expectations (I hope). "Go Team" indeed!!
I'm glad Adam used the word "ensemble" to make it clear to fans that the band members are there to compliment Adam as main act and Adam's music. Basically, Adam is the boss and they follow his order. Adam is a Solo Artist. Another word he used is "now" for Tommy that he is a lead guitarist for now. It all depends how well Tommy will do during promo. Over all I love the new band members. It'll attract more youth fans.
Monte has family obligations having 4 kids and a whinny wife. Having his solo career and being part of Madonna's band, since she doesn't tour as much, works out well for him. Also, he had expectation from Adam to release old stuff disregarding what Adam wants. On tour he always searched for spot light. He should be appreciative to Adam that most of his fans are Adam fans. They raised over $100,000.00 for his albums. On his website he has tons of Glamberts' videos of GNT used to promote his profession.
I'm only a fan of Adam and really don't care who he has for his band. My eyes are fixed on him only. Can't wait for the tour.
Here are Ashley's tweets:
ashleydzerigian Ashley Dzerigian
@CrazzyGlambert 17 years, started when I was 11. :)
about 8 hours ago
ashleydzerigian Ashley Dzerigian
@adamlambert Thanks, Love. That's very sweet of you! I know we have yet to meet, but tell Neil I wish him a fabulous birthday. :)
about 9 hours ago
Welcome Ashley Dzerigian!
If Adam has chosen Ashley she must be quality. Love to see Tommy taking lead, as he took back burner last tour. He is one heck of a guy and a brilliant guitarist!!! He will rock on the next tour. Isaac, fantastic on drums and Cam always under rated on keys. (she's great) Monte is a great guy too, regardless of all the negative remarks.
Don't know about Ashley yet, but I only like (trust) Isaac from this lot. Tommy is now loyal to his cash cows and the Adommy fans of course, who constantly lick his a** and constantly judge Adam for his personal life. It has surprised me how pettifogging the atheists can be..
Also, it will be strange that part of the fandom will primarily go to see Tommy on tour..
Tommy will be a draw on the tour there's no doubt about that. A younger 'ensemble' this time round
which is more appealing to the younger set.
PLS Adam has chosen his band , and what fun tt will be to see familiar AND a new face onstage with him. We all know of the tremendous chemistry between Adam and Tommy. So what? Adams in love woth Sauli ,Tommy and the rest of the band have there own things going on . Lets just let them be and enjoy them .
The band should be wallpaper to Adam's persona/performance. Not the central focus of fan drama.
When half Adam's online activity revolves around whether Adam is screwing his bass player and the other half revolves around whether his lead guitarist is screwing him, you've got to figure that he and his music are getting lost in the shuffle.
Cant help but wonder what would happen if MP tried the same bullshit with Madge? Hmmm..... I think he got off way too easy. She would have castrated him.
Tommy is safe and approachable. I'm shy, but I've always been more fond of the bad boys that turn out to be good-hearted, such as Robbie W, Adam, rappers, arab men.. :)
Adam is wize to have Tommy replace Monte. I'm afraid I personally have lost respect for Mr.Pitman, he let Adam down to make a quick buck, Tommy and Adam get along so well and it's important Adam has a team he can count on. I'm sure they'll do just fine and can't wait for them to go on tour together.
I like to think that there aren't any Sauli fans in this fandom as the Tommyberts claim. There are however quite a few fans who don't hate Sauli or resist Adam being in a (real gay)relationship with a non-American. :)
did Pittman and Lambert have a tiff? I think Monte is back working with Madonna soon.
Ratliff and Lambert will have a long musical love affair, much deeper than a physical one and will last longer I'm sure:)))
6.36 AM
So what`s your point,what was your question again?
7;24 Ratliff and Lambert might get physical on stage. It's Tommy's job to illustrate the music content.
6:36, I don't get your commment.
As for Monte, well, he's had steady work for years and his work with Madonna has been his claim to "fame." BUT, did anyone outside the inner music world ever hear of his before Adam? No. I am not criticizing his talent and ability. I'm just saying that he was NOT known by name to a large audience before he performed with Adam. I'll bet that even most Madonna fans who probably saw him on stage many times with Madonna most likely didn't know his name. I'm sure he'll still be successful. Adam is moving on and will do fine without him. Monte isn't the only good guitarist in the world.
7:37 your comment has me laughing, not mad at all!
7:31 I was referring to the Adommy fans who say there are Sauli fans. I don't get why Sauli's fans would want to be part of this fandom. Sauli blogs for his own fans in finnish, because his fans were and still are mainly Finns.
i wish adam would screw his new bass player, regarding a comment on this thread. do it adam , its rock n roll !
I'm not sure Tommy is as good of a guitar player. his lead play at Boston last year was sub par. love the way he looks though. and adam's voice would be substance enough.
8.08 AM
You are right,Sauli is just his Boyfriend:)
Monte was too ambitious for Adam and Tommy lacks ambition, so..?
8:25 Yea, and it's none of our business. But the fans are interested, like the Bradams, Dradams and so on were before this. The nosey fans want to know what is written in Sauli's blogs and they want the blogs translated. It's a pity that google translate don't understand finnish grammar. You know it's like similar to ancient sumerian grammar. :)
I like a little lifflamb.
the bassist has a little gaga vibe goin' on. I'd like to see tonguediving between AL, the bassist and TJR. they would make for interesting entertainment.
TNTT (The NO Trespassing Tour)
how bout some ratbert??? or ratlamb???? or JoeBERT????? or JoeLAMB?????? oR ADOMMYBERTLAMB??????
8.56 AM
this is happyland try this,it works for me:
9:27 Yes, the EMA's was the highlight. I'm looking forward to see Adam doing a couple more performances with the Queen. It will reach wider public than just this fandom. The other video, that has 280 000 views, has very nice and interesting comments also from non fans.
Good chance for Tommy to show that he is not only good for stage gay but also has some guitar playing skills.
This tour will different - the fans who expect the same shenanigans will be disappointed. Adam has moved on and is not interested in repeating himself.
omg please help the cray crays here and everywhere.Amen
I saw some interview with MP a while back (sorry don't remember which one) where he said Adam only uses him to play live gigs but doesn't ask him to play in the studio (I think he was referring to the Trespassing music). Maybe this is what got MP mad at Adam ?
9:25 how about some, you are a bore? #growup
I hope on this next tour there is no more tongue diving and kissing on stage with Tommy or any of the band members. Adam will undoubtedly have a new look and the glam, glitter images will probably be gone. Let's just have good musicians to back up Adam(I thought Cam was great when she first joined Adam) and keep the focus on Adam's voice, the songs and not have a sideshow to distract from the spectacularly talented Mr. Lambert. Do you think there will be dancers this time? Personally I don't think Adam needs them. He is the driving force of the tour and should be front and center with the band members there to support him and not be a distraction. By the way I thought Monte was extremely talented and will do well no matter with whom he performs in the future. Good luck to all of them.
Lots of fun concert speculation here! 2012 is gonna be a wild ride. Let's strap on our seatbelts, Glamberts!
I picture Adam in a tight fitting leather bodysuit with leather medges for the next album.
lots of tight leather bodysuits and fishnets. I see him in fishnets with medges.
Love Ashleys look - young, fresh and edgy! Very happy with Tommy, Isacc and Cam being apart of Adams band. Last nite Monte performed at the Whiskey A Go Go in LA. It was his first performance I will have missed on purpose ( had tickets to his last one 2 mos. ago but was sick and had to miss it plus Longineu/Yellowcard 4 days previous). Wasnt a happy camper! Would have liked to be a "fly on the wall" to see how many Glamberts were not there! Monte has lost my respect and my support. Too bad since the atmosphere at his shows was always so much fun! ... Adamluv
I think the next tour will be more concert-like. GNT was fun and campy, but Adam has grown up an moved on. Glad Tommy gets a chance to play lead. I like the newer, younger look to the band members. Monte always looked to me like a Limp Bizkit cast-off. And he proved without a doubt that money is more important to him than friendship. You're right, UF, if Monte tried to pull the crap on Madonna that he did to Adam, she would make damn sure he never worked with anyone decent again. By the by, any word on if Adam will be on the Grammys this Feb?
Each music site I visit has always scored Monte as mediocre at best on guitar. Probably the producers Adam worked with were aware of Monte's skill level and weren't thrilled to have him in studio either.
In my youth there was a saying: "Good riddance to bad rubbish." See ya Monte. Go and stab another good friend in the back.
If there is anyone here who thinks Monte never tried to upstage Adam, just google Outlaws of Love video and listen to MP. His guitar play is way too loud for this quiet and soft ballad. JMO
Can't say I will miss Monte, he never came across very well in interviews to me, and his look just didn't fit in with the rest of the band. Although to be fair, I never really notice the band once Adam comes on the stage!!!
I agree with 12:48pm. When Adam is on stage, he's all I see. He could have elephants and monkeys accompanying him and I wouldn't notice.
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