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Lady Gaga's "Marry The Night" Music Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 1, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, December 01, 2011

Your thoughts on Lady Gaga "Marry The Night" Music Video?

Do you like Lady Gaga's "Marry The Night" Music Video?
Don't Know
Adam should do something like this! free polls 


Anonymous said...

Adam stop patronizing and sucking up with gaga, you are a better singer than her.

Anonymous said...

let Adam enjoy what he wants, to each their own.

Anonymous said...

Gaga is a very talented artist and IMO she doesn't need to do all these over the top acts in order to validate her artistic ability. I love it when she is just behind the piano and plays her songs. Like last night's Grammys Nom. show at Staples with her second act. She was fabulous. Don't care much for this video at all.

OT, noticed this tweet on my twitter timeline:

@RequestAdam: To clarify Behind closed doors, RCA is playing Adam’s new single for radio folks & preparing them for its release.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is OH! DEAR!!!

Adam my darling LESS IS MORE exciting for me:)

Love yah!!!


Anonymous said...

Won't let me view so I don't know whether I like it or not. :(

Anonymous said...

Don't knock Adam's taste in music. He's a huge fan of Lady Gaga.

Mwah!! K said...

I like my taste in music, ADAM LAMBERT's music!
I tell ya , when Adam's music comes out, I hope we hear something from lg , if not it'll just confirm to me what kind of artist she truly is!
I don't even know why I'm commenting on this, we've heard tweets from radio stations on Adams new music & that's good enough for me.
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Not sure what I thought of that video? I'm sure that song will be a huge hit like every other song she does.I kept wondering if she was trying to do this long video like MJ's thriller video- which was the greastest video of all times. She has to top everyone you know.

Anonymous said...

Somebody commented this on the new music thread:
"that was one of his sexy moments; but I feel Sauli might have accentuated his sexiness, because now it seems to express itself more from within, like oozing sexiness rather than a show of sexiness".
Are you kidding, you have to be.
Adam was is and was singing Sexy before Sauli and will be after Sauli.
I just dont know about fans sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of GaGa's, I am usually pretty late on the fame train. But Adam touched my heart on January 20, 2009, when his auditon for AI aired. I will never understand why people like GaGa and Bieber sell music that goes multiple platinum and Adam's didn't even go platinum in the US and should have. Am I delusional? Adam's voice is absolutely incredible and I am so disappointed that he hasn't been rewarded and recognized for his God given talent. Adam can outsing GaGa and Bieber any day of the week. Rather than buy other artist's music, I am vowing now to buy multiple "Trespassing" CD's.

Anonymous said...

8:08 Ah, my favourite subject nowadays is Tommy Joe Ratliff. I'm allowed to talk about him and over analyze him, if I want to, because he is an important figure in Adam Lambert's band. I think I know why Adam is attracted to Tommy's stage persona. Tommy knows how to play the seductive vamp, and also I'm the weak victim parts so well, that even Adam is buying it. I choose to believe that the real Tommy is not like that, because if he was, Adam wouldn't have been looking for other lovers.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:35: I couldn't agree with you more. Gaga is one of the most talented "pop queens" in the industry nowadays and shouldn't have to resort to crazy, over the top antics. It takes away her credibility as a musician and a singer. But to each their own I suppose.

Anyway, I can't wait to hear Adam's new single. It's being played for radio stations so that must mean that the time is near. So exciting!

glitzylady said...

The word on Twitter this morning is that we may very well be hearing Adam's new single before the end of this month...This coming from a radio station..also Sony is saying there will be big news soon: So hmmmmmm.....

#FF Glamberts Worldwide!! Big things are happening!! We can't WAIT to share!!

@tkradio toby knapp
@jam2885 you will hear it this year. can't say what day. but it will happen this year. :)

Gotta go..but sounds VERY promising!

Anne Marie said...

I don't think this was one of Gaga's best performances. in fact I hated it. I sincerely hope Adam keeps with his own style of music.

Anonymous said...

Gaga is very talented. Her voice is great, but she goes over the top when she really does not need to.I can see her acting someday ha, not sure in what kind of movie. Adam I know will have true fame with his [trespassing album. His time has come!!

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of Lady Gagas...but I think she is very talented...not the voice, it's okay, however I think she has not found the right niche yet.
She has tremendous ambition and I think she may find her 'happy place' as a director someday. I'd like a peek inside her brain, I'm sure it's a beehive of activity and never rests. I think that's what draws Adam to her, the energy and creativity.


Anonymous said...

She's very talented but her videos are way too much over the top, so exagerated that sometimes you pay more attention to the "wrapping" than to the music itselfs.Maybe that's why I don't like her too much.
I really hope to see Adam's new video on other artists web sides, that would be fair, wouldn't it!??


Anonymous said...

@ 8:08 A.M.

I get what the person was saying that you quoted from the music thread you read. Only I would replace "oozing sexiness" with "smouldering sexiness". Adam has always been sexy but before it was overt. "Look what I've got and what I can offer"! It was a show of sexiness! A great show!

Now he's more subtle, simmering within, elicting a slow quiet yearning response in his audience, as I said, smouldering while you wait breathless for the fire to flare up
and burn you to a crisp!

Perhaps it's part of his "less is more" new entertaining style.
It works for me. Whew! Is it hot in here? I'm too old for hot flashes!

JAK *_*

Anonymous said...

JAK, Once again, I agree with you. Adam is evolving from the overt flashes of sex (love that, too) to a more subtle, sensual persona. Either way, it works on me. He loves to tease, and the teasing keeps us hungering for the big payoff. He's the "King of Keep'em Begging."

Anonymous said...


....and we do! ^o^

Anonymous said...


Would you stop, please!!? I'm burning here!!! I had to turn off the heater!!Lol!!


See!??You still a woman!! No matter how old you are, Adam can "DO" anything!!!oooopppppsss...Lol!!


Anonymous said...

I agree that Gaga is way over the top again.This video( song) is very"samey" sounding as many of her other ones,too.On the "Very Gaga Thanksgiving",I actually enjoyed the singing,etc on there because she was more"normal" & told about her real childhood, different from the other stuff she puts out,& any family member could watch it.I had to vote."no" for this video.Sorry,Gaga.I guess if I had to choose a "fav" video of hers,( @ least the song),it would be"Bad Romance".I sure HOPE that we hear Adam's first single very soon,as it's posted on the more recent threads.Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I loved this GaGa video, she has something to say and says it. Couldn't look away. Lots going on. Great singing and dancing. Loved, loved, loved the end. Burn it up. I don't get all the negative comments. She is over the top fabulous and never boring.

Anonymous said...

This is a mixture of film noir and screwball comedy. I wouldn't take her too seriously this time.

Anonymous said...

JAK ohh baby yes burn me up Adam baby, you said it well.
DRG King of keem em begging oh yes yes yes yes yes

Anonymous said...

Only in Gaga one else could pull it off. Since she has to keep outdoing herself, makes you wonder what's next. She is fascinatingly talented and I hope this kind of dramatic expression fulfills what she needs to not become a train wreck.

Anonymous said...

As far as her Tv special goes a rerun of The Mentalist got millions more views and a peanuts or Garfield special out ranked hers. Anyone wanna make a bet that she does not acknowledge Adams new single nor CD? I guess not. anon 9;39 - i agree. She's all about herself.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time that Gaga video was. I could have been watching three of Adam's videos and really enjoying them.

Anonymous said...


Are you sure you don't want to reconsider and write sizzling fanfic? You know you could do it.
You're dying to do it, just too chicken. lol cluck cluck cluck!
Tell Jackie Collins and Danielle Steele to move over and write a scorching novel!!!!!!!!! CK :)

Anonymous said...

Didn't like Gaga's video much, but I have to give her points for creative use of Honey Nut Cheerios!

HK fan said...

Liked the song, very catchy and it will definitely go on my ipod, but what the f**k was the first 9 minutes?????? and what did it have to do with the song???
I had to vote no, maybe if it was just the last 4 minutes I would have voted yes. I like listening to Gaga but haven't enjoyed her last 4 or 5 videos. Agree with anon 2.36, could have fitted 3 amazing Adam vids into that time.

Anonymous said...

This is terrible!! How can anybody like it?
Sorry, but i think Adam want to please and support evrybody in American Music Industry! Surprise, he didn' support Bieb's "Misltoe". As a matter of fact it was boring but mcu better than one more discussing GaGa's new video!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, ADam never supporeted a very big talent as Daugthry who needs everybodies support right now !!Or Kris Allen, or Haley and Casey with their new music video!!!! This video is absolutely fantastic and this is #1 IN MY OFFICE!!! Belive me, there are a lot of people who doesn't care about AI or Adam, or Daughtry or GaGa!! But "Baby, ii's cold outside" is the music video #1 for people with big hearts.
As a matter of fact, Adam loke Haley. May just in his tweets:(
Very Very Very sarcastic TROLL!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, for my bad spelling!

Anonymous said...

Dear Troll

One reason the Haley and Casey new
music video is good is because the song was written in 1936! A lot of real music was written in "the old days"! "Baby it's Cold Outside" was a good song then and still good now. Some music lasts!


Anonymous said...

The mesmerizing and penetrating power of kitsch!

JAK (10:52 AM), would it make any sense to you if I said I believe Gaga has found a Nietzschean 'niche' in music? She uses the Industry and people's appetite for kitschy stuff to enlarge that niche to a whopping (systemic) hole and tell her stories. I like the intros of her videos a lot more than the musical parts. She seems to fight along Passion and Senses against Reason, Truth and Morality. I hope she's aware of the fact that neither one of the above, alone, cannot stand for Reality.
(HaHaHa. Where is my friend who took “a couple of upper-division philosophy courses” to assess the validity of my assertions? Forget college classes! Let’s (net)surf ourselves!)

Anyway, I like her. I watched some of her interviews and I do think she’s funny, very clever, (sickly) creative and, evidently, has some issues. She keeps me entertained and not in the most obvious sense of the word.
The Black Swanish Gaga!


Anonymous said...

Anon @8:54, What are you talking about???

Anonymous said...

@ GLb

When my teacher introduced me to Nietzsche...I was scandalized...
"In heaven all the interesting people are missing", 55 years later...hmmmmmmmm ^o^ ?


Anonymous said...

she always wants her clothes off. her best song is You and I.

Anonymous said...

Gaga has a huge empire. I predict one day she will make a music video that is a movie.

funbunn40 said...

I've always liked Gaga's voice and musical ability, but I found the first part of the video grotesque, tedious and depressing, a waste of time. When it got to the actual song and group choreography it just was repetitive and just more of the same, as Simon Cowell would say, "Self indulgent." Her Thanksgiving special was top notch and I wish I had recorded it. Beautiful music and visuals. I agree with those that say she doesn't need to be so over the top, but focus on her music. It was interesting and different at first, but now just distracting, taking away from her natural talent. Don't wish to offend any Gaga fans,as I really do appreciate her talent, just didn't care for this too long, too much video.