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Sauli Koskinen photoshoot taken by Lee Cherry

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Thanks glitzylady for the tip!


Anne Marie said...

What a gorgeous young man, I would think that Adam is mesmorized by him. Lovely personality. If you didn't think so before, I would say this will be a couple for many years to come. I think that having Sauli in Adam's life is what everyone has noticed in Adam, he has definitely matured.

Anonymous said...

They seem so perfectly matched. Both beautiful, strong, sensitive and funny men.
Sauli should model for print. He is stunning! and so different from print models that you see.
Sign him up....somebody!!!

Anonymous said...

i think sauli gone a kidnap by adam fans or gays.

its funny if he showed up in adam new mv.

Anonymous said...

dayum, I just had a thud on the previous post, but here I go again.....thud.

Anonymous said...

Both of them have become the embodiment of Love, how True Love makes you stronger and more beautiful.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Cool picture, indeed. Still, I hope he's chosen something a bit more dignified to wear to the Independence Day reception he's attending today :D

Happy Independence Day to Sauli and to all other fellow Finns.


Anonymous said...

Happy Independence Day to all those from Finland. Sauli looks gorgeous, like a model.

Anonymous said...

Adam would be beautiful if he wasnt in love with Sauli.
He would mature on his own too. He's still a wild man, dont give up on that about him.
Sauli is a handsome man but it doesnt take him to make Adam what he is.

fanatapan said...

OT: u guys've probably seen this, but its a nice christmas fanvid of AI S8, and since its kind of christmas time i thought it would be a gd idea to show u all :D

Anonymous said...

Not much longer before Sauli goes back to Finland YAY!!:)

Anonymous said...

Lee Cherry's photographs of Adam and this one of Sauli too, are the best, rock-spirited and classic.

Anonymous said...

Lee Cherry is such a talented photographer! This picture of Sauli is beautiful. Hope his Finnish fans are seeing it. Wonder if Lee will ever do a photo shoot of Adam and Sauli together? Now THAT would be something! Mmmmm.

glitzylady said...

Apparently we and Adam are not the only ones who find Sauli extremely attractive. This (embarrassed) guy tweeted Adam today: Oops! Probably happens a lot....

@adamlambert it was still an honour to meet u last night! and FYI, had no clue he was ur boyfriend! thanks for not giving me a black eye lol

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture of Sauli but where are those baby blue eyes of his? Lee Cherry is a very talented man for sure. IDK, it looks a bit photoshopped to me.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, what a crack up, some one obviously hitting on Sauli.
How Do you find this stuff out you are a 24/7 treasure.

Anonymous said...

@Jadem You can read the tweets about this guy trying to pick up Sauli on Adamtopia.This guy might be exaggerating a bit for attention. Would have loved to see Adam's fierce look when he saw some guy trying to move in on Sauli!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jadam I spelled it wrong in my post.

glitzylady said...

Picture gallery of Adam pictures from MTV Buzzworthy: I do believe they have joined the ranks of the Glamberts and are showing lots of love for Adam.

"There's a reason why Adam Lambert's fan army of Glamberts go HARD for him, and it's all basically encapsulated in this photo. "American Idol" alum Adam, like many of our favorites here at Buzzworthy, graduated with top honors from IDGAF Academy. Dude shows up in full makeup and outfits inspired by both "The Matrix" and "Sex And The City" anywhere he damn well pleases, and we support that 100-percent. In the words of Katy Perry, he's a firework."

"The "If I Had You" singer recently revealed that he's in the process of writing and recording his second album, Trespassing, and it currently has a release date of spring 2012. Because we couldn't send you all hair pomade and BeDazzlers, we've got the next best thing to prep you for his upcoming tunes -- BUZZWORTHY'S MOST INCREDIBLE PHOTOS OF ADAM LAMBERT PHOTO GALLERY!"

Full gallery here:

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweet about meeting Christina Aquilera for the first time:

adamlambertAdam Lambert
Randomly met @TheRealXtina for the first time last night. She was lovely. #alwaysafan
30 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

Sorry, posted the above message in the wrong thread...should be in the previous thread...

Anonymous said...

@Glitzlady Thanks. Just went over to the MTV link and posted a comment. Love their article. They must be getting ready and excited for Adam's new music too!

glitzylady said...

Just FYI, here is the twitter acct for the guy who was hitting on Sauli..Adam was not amused..!/AnthonyPerkins_

The story in a few selected tweets:

@AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
@adamlambert it was still an honour to meet u last night! and FYI, had no clue he was ur boyfriend! thanks for not giving me a black eye lol

@AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
@laa95 it was close! i think i accidentally touched his hand or something then Adam came and told me to back off

[..."or something"...]

@AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
@TrueGlambert3 something like that lol. at first i thought he was kidding WELL...he wasnt.

@AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
@baileylambert12 lucky adam :)

@AnthonyPerkins_ Anthony Perkins
@Cbodina i learned my lesson lol!

Indeed he did!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm! Adam protecting his lover. Sooo sexy! Like a scene in a movie.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but those tatoos are gross, AND he smokes. Not attractive at all from first appearances. Might be a nice person though.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1.07, thanks I do go to Adamtopia on occasion but seem to get lost trying to find the current page.Any hints to help.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of tattoos, but at least Sauli's are birds and flowers and a "fairy". Tommy's tattoos are John Wayne, Nosferatu and Regan from Excorcist. :/

Anonymous said...

I read this guy tweets( Thanks Glitzyladyfor the link),and I'm not 100% sure if it's true or not, don't ask me why It's just a hint.BUT I would love to see the scene:

Adam walking with his amazing strut on his platform boots towards that guy and with a deep voice says..

-Hey! YOU!! Take your hands off!! He's mine!!Are you clear!??

Better than a movie!! Lol!!


Anonymous said...

Sauli looks like he should be fronting a rock band himself.


P.S. Had a really cool birthday yesterday, it's taken me 48 hours to recover!

Anonymous said...

Well, that's how Adam himself sees the situation:

". I’ve only been in one major long-term relationship prior to this, and I’m really, really happy. It’s done a lot for me, and it’s grounded me, and it has inspired me as a writer, as a performer, and I just think everybody wants that connection, and I’m really happy to have found it.
He’s inspired a lot. I’m writing about love and relationships. Before meeting Saul —which is a great positive healthy exciting relationship — I had some not so healthy situations. Heartache is great for songwriting."


Anonymous said...

@glitzylady are you really that gullible you don't get that this guy's a troll? He just made that account a month ago.

Anonymous said...

The person who tweeted about jealousy drama is probably a troll. Anthony Perkins was an actor whose most famous role was in Psycho..

Anonymous said...

Beautiful eyes and features. But the angle and the lighting on the cheek isn't good, looks like a big pothole.. mr cherry can do better

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:16 PM
Usually I'm pretty cynical actually (my husband tells me I am anyway..). Not any more gullible than anyone else on twitter today... But apparently much more so than you. Most people just thought it was amusing, and had some fun thinking about that whole scenario..and if/when it's proven to be true or false or neither then we'll just go on with our lives. We will anyway. I posted this here because some are not on twitter and wonder what the story was that they were hearing about. This was all over Twitter, all over other Adam sites..Thanks for shooting the messenger (me). Maybe he was a troll...I've heard that..and I've heard otherwise..stories come and go. Most people have already moved on, back to wondering when the heck that @#%$*@ single is coming out! This was but a small, insignificant diversion..

@Anon 5:21 PM
Just a thought:most people on Twitter do not use their "real" names. Celebrities use their own names, but most others do not, to protect our identities online, just like here.. So there's a pretty darn good chance this guy's name isn't Anthony Perkins in real life, for sure!! ..I would be very surprised if it was. My parents didn't name me "glitzylady" when I was born, and gave me a much more generic and mundane name because they sure didn't know I'd be flailing about Adam Lambert at this point in my life!! ; ) It doesn't make him a troll based on name alone. But its possible...In the whole scheme of things, it doesn't really matter. At some point, the truth will come out: maybe. Either was interesting. And kinda fun...and nothing more.

Anonymous said...

Jadam, I follow Adamtopia also. Just go to News and Information on the main page. Click on it and it takes you to a news and information list by date, with the latest date on the top of the list. Click on it that's the latest news. I like that site, too, but 24/7 is my favorite.

BTW, I'm not a tattoo fan, either, but Sauli's seem to suit him. The shirt he has on sets them off very well in the picture. He's a really lovely looking guy. As for the Anthony Perkins thing, I have my doubts, too, but so what? It's kind of like fan fiction.

HK fan said...

Jadam, I find Adamtopia really hard to navigate too, I usually just go there when I find a direct link to something, like Sauli's blogs.
Glitzylady, I thought those anthony perkins tweets were funny, as did most people on another site I frequent...

Anonymous said...

If that Anthony Perkins was a troll he wouldn't have tweeted to Adam.

Anonymous said...


Photo by Leecherry
Make-up by Adamlambert
Model Saulikoskinen

Perfect combination!

Anonymous said...

This is an absolutely awesome photo of Sauli. It's the best photo of Sauli I've seen. Lee Cherry has done a fantastic job. I don't like tattoos at all either except for the ones on Adam's arm - they're not in-your-face tattoos.

The Advocate article is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

Speaking for myself, a non twitterer, I really appreciate your passing on what's happening.
I feel a little more 'in the loop'.

Since we are meeting in cyberspace, who knows whether info is correct. For instance...I am only assuming the guise of a 76 year old, muumuu wearing, Florida grandma...actually I am a size 0, super model from Lucerne who is currently dating Leonardo di Caprio and my name is Heidi!!!!

JAK ......Auf weidersehen

Anonymous said...

LOL Riskylady! I love you ever since we swapped zero size clothing for Adam's concert in Ste-Agathe!

It could be troll. So what? It is a little like fan fic. For those of us who don't usually indulge in it, it provided a little thrill of fun. Most of the people objecting to it are engaging in full time fan fic so they can't really complain.

Anonymous said...

Well said again Glitzylady.

I dont know why when perhaps a negative situation arises, whether someone doesnt like Sauli, Tommy or anyone, they are a troll.

Not true, the fakey fans will just have to deal with reality every now and then.
Some put Adam so high on a pedastal
its sickening.
He wouldnt even like it. #Realness.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind about the trolls if they are funny. I've liked them all along. They seem to have the same knowledge, or more, as the real fans.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that the Anthony Perkins is a troll. I read all his posts and he's OK.

Anonymous said...

You guys are funny with your troll hunting.