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Adam Lambert sings at the Mazda Music Lounge!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, March 5, 2012

Posted at : Monday, March 05, 2012


Anonymous said...

He could just sing to me all day. What a special person he is. HOT too!

Anonymous said...

Exquisite. Beautifully controlled and nuanced. Regular pop singers simply do not sing this well. He is so heads above other vocalists, it isn't even funny. He croons, he teases, he belts, all changes it up, all seemingly with little effort. Oh, and he's smokin' hot, too. I could go on......

Anonymous said...

Not sure if it's just my hears or my blind love for Adam but today he's voice was even better!! I know is hard to belive or even possible but it's true!!WOW!!OOL....I cry everytime..

Adam, please, could you sing behind a desk or with a long coat on or something!! Hard to keep the focus on your eyes!!Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Mazda Music Lounge - WHERE???

Anonymous said...

JAK here......I guess I'm never going to be able to hear Outlaws of Love without tearing up.

Right now I want to put in an order with Amazon for whatever acoustic album appears in the next year of the "dark" songs from Trespassing. sigh........

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Kevin, his magic fingers are a real asset.

Anonymous said...

things you have to do to get your song played

Anonymous said...

dedicated to kirk cameron

Anonymous said...

Kirk Cameron is a very nice decent young man, who stands up, in the face of adversity, and stands for what he believes. I admire people who will take a stand in what they believe in. Of course everyone has a right to their own opinion. Adam is a nice and decent young man, who stands up in the face of adversity, and stands strong for what he believes in.

Anonymous said...

sounds a little bit as he has a cold

Anonymous said...

Sigghhh... This quiet version of Ool was just... peaceful and lovely. Love Adam's little lilt on the last notes.

@ DRG Agree, well said.
These quieter moments are much harder to pull off without full orchestration & filler sounds to hide in. Adam is a true artist.
Kevin was wonderful on the guitar. Really liking this guy! Good choice Adam.

Anonymous said...

who's kirk Cameron, I honestly never heard of the dude but he sure sounds a little overbearing to me.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say anymore about this young man that we love so much.

He is 30 but look at him my gosh::::)

He gives me tears of joy every time I see and hear his voice indeed...........


Anonymous said...

Adam's acoustic interpretations penetrate my soul more than his studio recordings. However, I am surprised by the radio's support of Adam's amazing talent, but I have no doubt one day I will turn the radio and will listen to this angelical voice all day long!

Anonymous said...

@3:21 This was in Dallas for 102.9.

Anonymous said...

Kirk Cameron is an actor turned Christan fundamentalist who would like to take away the rights of gays and lesbians. He also doesn't believe in evolution and would prefer it not be taught in science classrooms.

Anonymous said...

The VH1 site has been letting me vote more than 20 times. If I go back to their site in a coupe of hours of voting it lets me vote 20 more times. I haven't been deleting my cookies or anything. Has anyone else noticed this?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm on my phone.

Anonymous said...

Purest most beautiful voice in the world. Adam should be selling millions of records. Outlaws of Love and Better Than I Know Myself are so different than the popular pop songs and a thousand times better. Can't believe it!!!

You can vote on VH1 via twitter 20 times a day or vote all day at Scroll down the entire page until you see Adele on the left and the word vote. Good luck.

lorraine said...

Adam's voice is other-worldly. Beautiful beyond words.....
Re: Kirk Cameron I heard his interview on Piers Morgan last week. Yes, Kirk has every right to express his opinions about anything. That is our basic right as Americans. However, no one has the right to impose their beliefs or thoughts on others regarding the right to love and be loved by another. My opinion!

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice is to die for! I love this version of BTIKM! Kevin is a great musician as well! My only thought is - Adam puts so much passion singing on that stool, I'd love to see him standing up singing with all his dramatic (sexy) moves. He was born to dance and any movement by Adam makes me lose control. I know they were not exactly dance songs, but just a little hip action or shoulder roll (floor slithering maybe) I'm sorry - that was a dream I had. (THUD)

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts: Wasn't Kirk Cameron a teen heartthrob on some TV show about 20 yrs. ago? I was a teacher and I remember the girls being crazy for him, and he was real cute. Is this the same guy? Has he really gone off the deep end? Too bad. I wonder why Piers Morgan had him on in the first place. Just to spew hatred and bigotry?
VH1 only lets me vote 20 times each day and that's it, no matter what I do. Oh well. I keep voting!

Adam is sublime.

Anonymous said...

HA! I just signed my post "Adam." It's me,

Anonymous said...

@ DRG..........JAK here

Kirk Cameron was on a family show called Growing Pains. I'm all for freedom of speech, freedom to believe what speaks to your heart, but I'm not for forcing your beliefs on anyone else or thinking only you are RIGHT! And wanting to force your standards and way of life on others or deprive them of the rights you have. What possesses people to be so presumptious that they think only their beliefs are of value in this huge world? It's a complete mystery to me. I just don't understand this country anymore.

Anonymous said...

@ nancdruuu2 .......JAK here...

Floor slithering??? I'm sorry dear, but you may need help.....
perhaps a few sessions on the couch, the therapist's couch!
Not Adam's......his couch is occupied! :)))))

Anonymous said...

Wow! Outlaws of Love...Adam, it's almost as if you were praying, sometimes closing your eyes. One of your highly-graded performances on Outlaws of Love; maybe even the best! Also, I can see how you shape the notes/sounds with your tongue and mouth, the way you want them heard. So well-honed. :)

Anonymous said...

There is almost an unearthly, spiritual quality to Outlaws of Love. Adam is the supreme vocalist, so controlled and pure. You could hear the pain, the sorrow as he sings this song because Adam has faced the slings and arrows of many individuals in our society as he chooses to show us who he is and allows us to know so much about himself. I am sure his new album will be amazing and I can't wait for its release. In the meantime, I have to be content with these vids from the promos he continues to do for TRESPASSING.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, I want to know at what time Adam had this show! Did this have this show at 6 AM? Didn't you see Adam's eyes? He isn't okay!You sound like my mom! When my son came home "slightly" drunk she thought that this is his cologne!Adam looks very strange for me. His eyes, his voice, his behavior:( Adam, please, be good. We love you so much. Your eyes scared me a lot. And you know the reason.

Anonymous said...

@anon 3:13PM Adam is deff smoking..................I just wnat to know what?

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:23pm: You are so right that Adam has the most beautiful voice in the world and should be selling millions of records. And yet when I listen to the radio, I do not hear BTIKM at all and it took a long time before I heard WWFM on 102.7 in NYC area. He is the most talented singer in music today and yet most of the listening audience settles for "garbage" done by no talent individuals in many cases. Adam may not sell millions as we his devoted fans had hoped for, but I think he will have a long lasting career in music building his fanbase slowly and then branch off into other areas. I hope TRESPASSING proves me wrong, however, and that 2012 brings him the accolades and success he is deserves.

Anonymous said...

8:33 could it.... could it be voodoo voodoo voodoo. Oh I can just see Terrance slinking down those stairs now. lol

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:10PM Deff voooodooooo! A lot of voodooo! HAHAHA
Still want to know the time of this performance!Isn't it to early for any kind of voooodooooo?

Anonymous said...

Kevin is amazing!!!! I like him much more that Montie. He is very emotional and has a great voice. Sorry, but Tommy is little bit boring and deff ins't such a talented musician as Montie or Kevin.

Anonymous said...

Deff Like this 'voodoo'version of "outlaws Of Laws"

Anonymous said...

ADam, where did you buy this "vodoo" smoothies? I don't think I can find them in Whole Foods!HAHAHA
Don't worry, be happy! JUst don't forget about rehearsal you need t have with Queen. I bought airline tickets in Moscow and England! Hope to see you there!

Anonymous said...

The voice of an angel....what a gift Adam has. OOL blew me away. I could listen to Adam sing and talk all day. WoW!!!


Anonymous said...

Outlaws of Love .... SUBLIME, DIVINE!!!

Anonymous said...

There's a nutter on this topic. :(

Anonymous said...

Adam's signature song WWFM never fails to impress, and such a gorgeous version of Outlaws of Love.

Loving this hairstyle (a little hair on his forehead) ... YUM! :)

Anonymous said...

What I find most dangerous about Kirk Cameron is that he is raising several children, I believe 4 or 5, in this, as JAK smartly put it, "presumptuous" way. It actually makes me sad. He and his wife, I believe a former actress by the name of Chelsea Noble??, seemingly will raise those children to be intolerant and presumptuous, a shame. Wouldn't it be lovely if one of his children were gay, it would open their hearts and minds perhaps.

choons said...

He's lovely, especially with sleepy eyes - mwah!

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would acknowledge Kevin at the end of their set. He is so good, of course Adam may do so and that part is just not filmed. I appreciate the fact he responds to the music while Adam is singing, pays attention and is in the mood of the music with Adam. Does that make sense? It's unkind to compare, but Monte was sort of disinterested and robotic
much of the time.

Anonymous said...

In reference to Adam's eyes, he wasn't wearing his contact lenses. His eyes look like that without them, under lights or in the sun. Since I'm sure you know every photo ever shown of him, think back to photo (old one) of him on the boat in the sun. Same eyes. His sunglasses all have corrective lenses, haven't you noticed that?

Anonymous said...

I think it is as simple as this., Adam does not have much if any eyeliner on., I think that is the only difference. But who cares what it is he sounded like an angel, breathtakingly beautiful.
I have never heard Adam say he wears contacts or needs glasses and he is pretty open about these things.
Jadam NZ

funbunn40 said...

Adam's eyes do look different with less eyemakeup, but think about all of the interviews in different locations, many early in th AM. He has to be tired. In addition he's still working on the album. Tough to be bright eyed and bushy tailed 24/7. He's working hard promoting this album. His voice sounds beautiful and he takes care of it. He also has been studying Queen's past performances. He has a full plate and always rises to each occasion.