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Blurb of Adam Lambert on ET with Queen tonight (4-25-12)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, April 25, 2012

@devenlane: Blurb of Adam Lambert on ET w Queen tonight 4-25-12. CAP BY LaStupenda.

2012-04-25 Vid 01 by devenlane


Anonymous said...

They said Adam is the new singer for Queen! The media do tend to exaggerate but great publicity for Adam and Queen.

Anonymous said...

Now Adam is so closely associated with Queen that when Queen is mentioned, we automatically zero in on Adam. It's a good thing for Adam as well as Queen; all these are sought after iconic performers in their own unique field. It will boost Adam's Trespassing sales too. Cheers! Queen and Adam!! :)

daydreamin said...

So did they say any more about Adam?

Anonymous said...

nice he was featured on this. Glad his hair has grown out, that style made him look too, hard and he is such a sweet guy most of the time. lol

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - no, that was the only mention of Adam, Queen and AI. Thanks to an anon. poster earlier in the day mentioning this, I turned on ET and was very happy to see this brief but good shot of Adam from the EMAS. Sure most people had no idea about his collaboration with Queen so all good. OT - Watched AI tonite for the first time since season 8 and only bc. of Queen and was pleasantly surprised that the singers actually did a decent IMO job of covering Queens songs. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I found Idol with Queen painful to watch knowing what a wonderful job Adam can do singing the songs of Freddie's. IMO they just didn't have the power in their voices.

daydreamin said...

Thanks Adamluv! It's great that these shows are showing that brilliant performance of Adam and Queen at EMA's. As you said it's "all good"!! Are you going to Kimmel BTW?

Anonymous said...

After Adam 'slayed' AI, the performances seem a bit lack-lustre; they may need a kind of sprucing up to sustain greater interest. But not bad considering all the down sides, they garnered 53 million votes, the last that I watched. (Last episode), Kris Allen actually stagnated in terms of style and performance, as opposed to Adam who reinvented himself several times over. If only he could ride on Adam's bullet train but a little difficult with whatever happened; a case of too many cooks spoilt the broth.

Anonymous said...

The judges said the girl who sang The Show Must Go On won the round - well her version of that wasn't a patch on Adam's. I thought Joshua did an amazing job of Crazy Little Thing Called Love, though.

Philips' rendition of Fat-Bottomed Girls just made me want to hear Adam sing "Oh Won't You Take me Home Tonight... Our guy sure could pack a wallop of meaning into those 7 words. (Or as Kara would say, 5 words.

Anonymous said...

JAK a good giggle at your Kara remark...thanks!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic to see this snippet of Adam and Queen on ET. I was surprised to see Aussie, Rove McManus as the presenter. Brian May was bloody brilliant on AI tonight. I havn't been watching AI but had to watch it tonight because of Queen. I thought the contestants were quite good.

BTW.....important that Aussie Glamberts phone the radio stations to request NCOE. The more requests the more they will play it. 2DayFM told me today that they love Adam Glambert and that they will be playing it. You can phone them on 131060. They know all about Glamberts and welcome our requests.

Anonymous said...

@April 26, 2012 4:38 AM

so FUNNY about Kara - 5 words, lol.

although, I LOVED Kara and actually thought she was terrific on AI

Anonymous said...

I saw the 6 AI contestants for the first time, because of the Queen songs. Brian and Roger were top- notch and I think we vehemently conclude only Adam can do Freddie Mercury properly and in my opinion at times even better. Hollie stood out for me, strong voice, beautiful girl, but the judges were giving her a 'lecture' on her performance. But as I've said I only saw all 6 the first time and probably the last. Just waiting for our Adam to grace his stage once more. :)

Anonymous said...

I happened to see that glimpse of Adam on ET last,but pretty nice..more than I can say about The Insider..I'm SO glad that Adam's hair has grown out also..WHY he ever got that awful haircut,I'll never understand( & even the sides of his forehead were shaved plus below his ears)I'm sure he got PLENTY of tweets commenting about it( not good ones)His Queen performance @ the EMAs was great..but the know.looking forward to seeing & hearing Adam on Jimmy Kimmel my DVR set!

Anonymous said...

Quickly reading through comments - speaking of Jimmy Kimmel - go check out Adam's brief twitter exchange with Kimmel if you're interested, cute!

Appreciate any look Adam chooses to share with us


Anonymous said...

it went something like this:

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
So excited to perform on @jimmykimmel tonight. Thats my cue to get to sleep. See you all onstage! :)

Jimmy Kimmel‏@jimmykimmelReply

@adamlambert yes - GO TO SLEEP! (I am very demanding)

In reply to Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambertReply
In reply to Jimmy Kimmel

@jimmykimmel :)


Anonymous said...

SO looking forward to seeing Adam on Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Hope that he talks at length about HIS NEW ALBUM (not anything else):). His new cd TRESPASSING deserves a full segment. There are so many great songs on it.

Anonymous said...

OMG Queens new singer! Adam<

Anonymous said...

The thought of Adam singing Fat Bottomed Girls makes me so happy!
Lets hope.

choons said...

Is Adam going to be interviewed by Kimmel or is he just performing?
Whatever, I'll be glued to the tv.
(And taping it on my VCR - remember those?)

daydreamin said...

Here is a terrific mention of Adam by a terrific comedian, Jason Stuart:

daydreamin said...

They are saying it is pouring in LA right now but rain should be slowing down.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...Queen and Adam mutually benefit from their hook up. Adam being chosen to front for this legendary band is a coup for him and Queen benefits from the youthful shot in the arm that Adam gives their wonderful music.
Their songs have been tested over years and are still as great today as they were decades ago.

I have a secret dream that they might allow Adam to do one (or more) of his new songs with their band.....but I won't be greedy. If it's a total Queen only concert I will still be extremely happy! :)

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin it's 11:39AM here in L.A. and sun is shining with patch of clouds here and there. We had heavy rain last night until morning. But now the SolCal sun is shining.

Arthas said...

A poll, good exposure for NCOE:

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, like it or not, there's almost no one except Adam Lambert who can deliver Queen's songs and Mercury's performances.

Anonymous said...

JAK, I have had the same thoughts. I too wish Adam could sing at least one of his OWN songs with Queen at one of their concerts together. I know these are QUEEN shows, but wouldn't it be great if it happened? Talk about exposure! I agree that the Adam/Queen combo is good for both parties involved.

(Are we all remembering to keep up the requesting and voting for NCOE?)

Can't wait for Kimmel tonight!


Arthas said...

@daydreamin >
The article was fantastic. Tnx 4 share...

tess4ADAM said...

@choons ... Hi! fellow VCR taper!! Thought I was the only one left in the universe that uses a VCR to tape all of ADAM's TV appearances ... LOL ... I have almost 6 hours of ADAM's TV gigs .. (wish I had taped his Idol journey every week) .. I'm thinking of having the tape put on DVD for backup in case the tape should HEAVEN FORBID "break"!! Can't wait for Jimmy Kimmel & I HOPE Idol too!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin April 26 10:16AM -
THANKS SO VERY MUCH for the link to that article! Gosh, I'm very appreciative to have been exposed to it, thanks!

Lambert fans, please look upthread and check it out.


Anonymous said...

I could not agree more with the comments about Adam's awful haircut..the only reason I can think of that he shaved his head is that several band members have the side of their heads shaved..but, it just does not do Adam justice..his hair is one of his beautiful not mess that up..but, I will love him no matter what..

Anonymous said...

Counting down the hours for the show!


Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - you're welcome and No, I'm not going to see Adam tonite. Have a ticket since they first announced the show but RL has prevented me from attending. Have a dog that just had a MRI and is on meds several times a day and last nite at midnight had to rush one of my other dogs to the emergency vet hospital and now he is on meds every four hours. Going to see Adam is usually a 11 hour + adventure so will just have to pass on it this time. Lookin' forward to all the details on the show from those 24/7 peeps that will be there. This Hollywood reporter is on the sidelines this time (LOL). . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

wish ET had given a shout-out to their audience about Trespassing..they made it sound like the only thing he has going on right now is fronting Queen..hoping the Kimmel gig will show up on Youtube as I have to get up early in the A.M. for work..

Anonymous said...

wish ET had given a shout-out to their audience about Trespassing..they made it sound like the only thing he has going on right now is fronting Queen..hoping the Kimmel gig will show up on Youtube as I have to get up early in the A.M. for work..

Anonymous said...

I actually watched a live streaming of the EMA show with Queen and Adam that night from Ireland and I have it saved as one of my favorites on the computer so I can watch it whenever I want. Adam is not Queen's new lead singer, just performing with them for several shows in England and Europe. No one can or will replace Freddie Mercury and Adam has said so himself. Good for him. I don't think anyone else could do the vocals the way Adam does. It's good publicity for him and will give him time to see how TRESPASSING does in sales before he starts planning a tour for it. He also needs those tv appearances to sing NCOE or another song from the album for those not aware of this sophomore album and the stories behind the songs and putting them all together with the collabs. This album is his"baby" and it is exactly what he wanted in it according to interviews. Can't wait to see him on Kimmel tonight and hoping that his entire miniconcert will show up on You Tube or on this blogsite.

funbunn40 said...

@ Jak We must be on the same wave length.I had told my daughter that wouldn't it be great if Adam could open or close the Queen concert with a few of his songs and then while talking about it, thought that maybe somehere in the middle would be better in case some left early to beat traffic and in the beginning everyone is impatient for the main event. It would be very generous of Queen to let Adam do a few songs, but then there's a risk of the hardcore rock fans to act stupid because Adam's songs on this cd are pop and there is a certain rock snobbery I've come to see. I have to laugh because Adam is the closest thing to Freddie than anyone, both gay, flamboyant with spectacular stage presence. I have to say I was underwhelmed at the Queen cover band performance. I heard a similiarity in the singers voice to Freddie's with the tone,but more raspy & lacking the smoothness of Freddie. Adam is so powerful and passionate and has the polish of experience. Roger and Brian are also seasoned musicians that are a hard act to follow, but I'm glad there's a cover band to keep the music alive. Roger and Brian are unequaled and Adam is strong enough & vocally on par with them to make it work, especially because he has his own sound and personality & reverance for Freddie. I think Queen really respects Adam's sensitivity and class and made a brilliant, insightful choice.

funbunn40 said...

@ Adamluv, OT..Hope your dogs are feeling better. I know how stressful it can be when our little guys are sick. Anyone on 24/7 with a Kimmel report? Daydreamin? Thought Adam looked every inch the superstar! Loved the new leather pants, chic, edgy jacket and hair and makeup just right! Love this look! Liked the backup singers and band too!This music director knows his stuff and really raised it up a notch!