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Poster featuring Adam Lambert 'Trespassing'. Measures 24"x36" for $10

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, September 9, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, September 09, 2012

You can purchase the poster over at Adam Lambert's Official Store.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, oh my - Just resting my eyes here for a while... still my heart...

but I hear Brian L shouting:
bounce, bounce, bounce!!!

GGD Gal, :):):)

Anonymous said...

I would love to have it but don't know where to put it that no one would say I lost it! LOL!
But I'm going to get for myself!

Anonymous said...

I am so tempted to buy it for a dear friend who has just moved into a nursing home. She is allowed to have one photo or painting on her wall....!! It would brighten the place and assure that her heart got started every morning!.....JAK :)

Anonymous said...

I almost bought this poster at the Winstar concert,but the line was so long. So maybe i have to purchase it now. But where to put it. My husband likes Adam but don't think he would want it in the bedroom lol.

Anonymous said...

Adam's Trespassing Contest Entry by the very cute McEwan Brothers - enjoy!

(just copy the link and paste it in yr browser; hope it works)

Anonymous said...

So many fabulous photos here:

Anonymous said...

@ 3:08 He might let you hang it on the wall facing the bed. He could benefit from it!

Anonymous said...

Please don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE!

VOTE repeatedly for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of Today:

VOTE for QUEEN and ADAM: (once a day)

SG said...

I would not be able to have this huge poster at home, I want to be alive for many years to come!!Still too young to die of a heart attack!!

tess4ADAM said...

@3:34PM ... Why only once a day? I've been voting continuously at this poll & my vote has always been accepted ... I also watch the trailer of ADAM singing WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER from London July 14 concert that is featured there ... I'm afraid I'm ADDICTED ... So Beautiful!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...


That's good if you can vote repeatedly on that Queen poll but I can vote only once a day.

Thanks for your info for others to know.

Anonymous said...

I would like to buy a Trespassing towel. They are not for sale at the poster site, has anyone seen any at the US concerts? ty and how much?

Anonymous said...

I want this poster hung over my bed, but I don't think my husband would appreciate it. He likes Adam, but there is a limit.


Anonymous said...

There is no way- I can hang adam of that size anywhere in my house. My desktop pictures are enough for my husband. I would love a beach towel however, great idea.