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ClevverMusic: Adam Lambert Slams Les Miserables Movie, Russell Crowe Agrees

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Anonymous said...

Somebody who actually pointed out Adam recommends going to see the movie. I think it's blown out of proportion, but then I'm not relevant. lol

Anonymous said...

OK woke up this morning with Russell Crowe front page net talking about his vocals...AND a picture of him and Adam with the recent comments. Russell's reply was added and everything super positive regarding Adam. Everyone has an opinion.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has a right to give their honest opinion...if they are willing to take the heat for it...Adam obviously is. I didn't find his tweets alarming or newsworthy, but the media is in the business of making mountains out of molehills. Life in the 21st century!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Blimey, this topic just goes on and on and on ad nauseam. I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie but Adam has kinda put a dampener on it. Still, I'll form my own opinion and it won't be aired all over the world. lol

funbunn40 said...

I'm Les Mizzed out!At least this was factual without embellishments.

Anonymous said...

I have no desire to see the film,
the story is about as depressing as Schindler's List. I can't imagine singing about the depths of degradation and despair!
That's entertainment?