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New Picture from Sauli Koskinen's Blog

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Sauli uploaded a new picture of him and Adam in Bali:

Source: Sauli's blog


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. Freedom of expression, in Finland.

glitzylady said...

Love this picture of Adam and Sauli. They're just so darn cute together....So glad they're having time to enjoy each other and the beautiful surroundings.

Anonymous said...

Nice pic! It looks like paradise. Happy New Year, everyone.

Anonymous said...

nic pic. Bali is now on my bucket list. Phew, beautiful place and I love that resort Adam was at, it's on the list too.

Magiclady said...

They look so good together,both so handsome in their own way. Love seeing them in relaxed clothes, poses and places.

Anonymous said...

Ah love in paradise! May 2013 be a great year for everyone. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Very cute pic. Looks like a great time. Agree 9:53.

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli and Drake are both good looking. And sensible.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli <3 True love!

Anonymous said...

I thought Sauli had a tattoo sleeve.

Anonymous said...

10:48 am...well he does! left arm:)

Anonymous said...

i just have to say that the actors in Les Miz should be down on their knees thanking Adam for his critique since now many more people will go see the film to form their own opinions. the numerous media reports on Adam's comments have def not hurt the film, and i doubt seriously that they will hurt Adam..who is just being his honest self..he DID NOT trash the film..only suggested that the music should have been more up to par with such an iconic work..i, for one, had no interest in seeing the film, but now i will..cannot stand the arrogant Russell Crowe..and he, i am sure, is one of the actors Adam was referring to who cannot sing well..

Anonymous said...

@10:48 AM, Thanks! I see it now. For a minute I thought he got rid of it.

Anonymous said...

11:16 are most welcome:) Happy new Year!

Anonymous said...

damn you AL I had no intention of seeing Les Miz now me and my sister are going today to check it out for ourselves. Thanks alot Sir Thanks alot.

Anonymous said...

I've seen it and he is right. My friend, who had never seen the musical and didn't know the story, liked it better. She didn't know what was going to happen and that kept her going. I had seen the musical and was expecting better singing.

Anonymous said...

11.06 agree with you completely! I had no intention of going to see that movie, and still may not but if I do only to see what Adam is talking about. Just because you are a celeb does not mean you should be a wishy washy and spineless and have no opinion! That just shut up and sing stuff, is so offensive, and he not a singing puppet he is a man with much theatre and singing expertise, and he can have an opinion, he not speneless and scared of his shadow! The ones saying he was ranting and just mad because he was not in movie, like this Jodi woman from the one Rene usually comments on! They are rediculous he did not rant and not being in movie had 0 to do with it! When you read how immature people are, you realize why US has so many problem, people are attacked for opinions. He did not call names he just did not complement RC, and HJ! They said he said the worst ones were good, and completely ignored that he vigorously called put AH as breathtaking, Like he was dissing her! Adam did that picture a favor and it will blow over do not think it Hirt him at all, actually negative or not it is publicity for him and many are backing him, some are people of old dropped idols that use any excuse to dissed Adam! But I only looked early on paying little attention to it now! Love VH1 backing him! They can say relavant this are that but Adam's must be bigger than we ever imagine that his opinion rings around the world, he mega relavant judging by this, alone! It will be a memory in a few days, the whole thing!

Leilani Aloha said...

Awwwwwwwwe.....Beautiful couple!!!
My 1st gorgeous pic to look at upon waking up on 1st day of 2013 up in the rain forrest of Hawaii:)
Gorgeous day of sun, clear blue sky, cold fresh mountain air!!!
Yay! No rain.................Yet:)

Happy 1st day of 2013 Glamberts!!!
Love is in the air!!!

Anonymous said...

Someone posted about Adam's Les Miz brouhaha " Again it's December, he is right on time for his annual "scandal" of the year." lol

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Glamily! Love the picture of Adam & Sauli....very sweet.

Hoping Adam's success continues to grow and more pele in the US learn to appreciate our boy!

LOL! To Amon 12:28! How true! Wonder how long the buzz will continue. That's our boy... A real trailblazer.


Anonymous said...

boys look fit and trim

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yea I was thinking that annual thing, but I have to say this so called scandal , not, is pretty pale in comparison, must be loosing his touch! Lol! Sue

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the most attractivee couple in the world! So happy. I am going to see Les Miz, and would see it regardless of whether Adam had commeneted on it or not. I'll be especially attentive to the singing, though. I agree that Adam's commments could increase the audience. It hasn't been getting universally good reviews.


Anonymous said...

Adam can't influence me on Les Miz. I'm flat out not going. I don't like opera and I don't want to sit for 3 hours.

Anonymous said...


I saw the movie the same night Adam's critique's came out. IMO he is pretty much spot on. Great visuals and acting... very emotional. Singing... ok. Russell Crowe was by far the worst singer IMO.

Anonymous said...

Just posted on top thread, but I'll add here. Russell Crowe just tweeted about Adam's comments. (Saw it on AO.) He seems to agree with Adam about the singing, but the director wanted it done his own way. It's cool that Russell replied about it!


funbunn40 said...

The first day of the New Year and we have a pic of the cutest couple, looking like happy tourists! Their year is getting off to a fantastic start and this pic brightened my day! Happy New Year everyone!

funbunn40 said...

The first day of the New Year and we have a pic of the cutest couple, looking like happy tourists! Their year is getting off to a fantastic start and this pic brightened my day! Happy New Year everyone!

glitzylady said...

Since DRG mentioned Russell Crowe's tweet in response to someone's comment to him, here's the question and his tweet. His answer was fair and respectful and honest. Just like Adam's comment was. Good men.

Karen S. ‏@Brunettemom123
@russellcrowe Not sure if you saw @adamlambert's comments about Les Miserables. He was pretty opinionated.

Russell CroweVerified
@Brunettemom123 @adamlambert I don't disagree with Adam,sure it could have been sweetened,Hooper wanted it raw and real,that's how it is

funbunn40 said...

I hope this Les Miz thing will die down. CBS had a clip of Adam's remarks and his pic on the news, saying he panned the film's vocal choices, but the acting and emotions were great. Such ado about a professional musical opinion. Haters having a field day and I just don't get why they bother with an artist they don't care about when they could spend their time on someone they do.

Anonymous said...

@11:06 AM

Russell Crowe is one of the finest actors ever so take your negative comments re him elsewhere. Furthermore, Russell Crowe has never claimed to be a fabulous singer.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:27 PM
I agree, Russell Crowe is an excellent actor. His work on the excellent "An Incredible Mind" won him several awards, including a Golden Globe. He was no doubt chosen by the director of Les Miserables for his rugged "everyman" rough around the edges look, his respected acting ability, and also his rough around the edges "not a great singer" voice. His comment to the woman asking what he thought about Adam's critique of some the vocals in Les Mis was reasonable and fair. I seriously hope his tweet is quoted by the media as well. I might help to calm people down about Adam's opinion. Sounds like Mr. Crowe knew exactly what Adam was getting at. But the director calls the shots. Oh well.....

glitzylady said...


I meant to say "IT might help to calm people down..." in my comment above at 7:26 PM Sorry :)