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Fan Made "UNDERNEATH" Music Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 27, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Off topic, but did any one else notice that Adam lost a couple thousand twitter followers pretty much overnight. Could this be?

Anonymous said...

JAK definitely held my interest!

Anonymous said...

deep deep I will have to watch a few more times.2:53 someome on another thread said Twitter is shutting down inactive accounts.

Anonymous said...

OT: OMG...Check out these adorable Adam dolls:

So cute! Love fan art!

Anonymous said...

THIS video is AMAZING! I hope Adam sees it. I was mesmerized! Truly a work of art

Anonymous said...

Nice video, but I think this is fan service, not real art..

Anonymous said...

it says fan made.

Anonymous said...

I know it's fan made. I meant the anime fan service.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful interpretation of Adam's lyrics in 'Underneath'. Hope that he gets to see this video. Adam's songs reach so many people of all ages in so many different ways. A true artist!

2:53 -- I have been monitoring Adam's twitter account since he had less than 250,000 followers. From time to time, there are temporary adjustments made by twitter people about inactive accounts. And it's not a couple of thousands, only one.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, Adam's Facebook official account increases every single day by more than 1,000 likes! And heard on CNN that Facebook itself is regaining popularity with marketing execs.!!

Anonymous said...

Now has over 4.3 MILLION LIKES!!

Anonymous said...


Usually seen in reference to Japanese popculture. When someone (i.e. manga/anime character, music artist) flashes the general public and/or whenever two or more famous people engage in any action which could be perceived as sexual in nature just to stand out or please (excite, shock, etc.) their fans. Many bandmembers have been known to kiss, lick, rub, and hump against other bandmembers while performing or while in public. Usually, this is purely platonic, but not always.

Anonymous said...

OK, Lam-my-hop to it! I just know that you can interpret this video as relevant to Adams's song. Do you fully understand all the symbolism? I am a little lost but I perhaps get the overall picture. Help us, please, wise one. You have helped us many times in the past.

Anonymous said...

Twitter is purging inactive accounts. Some artists have lost tens of thousands. Nothing to worry about. :)

Anonymous said...

Twitter is purging inactive accounts. Some artists have lost tens of thousands. Nothing to worry about. :)

Anonymous said...

Twitter is purging inactive accounts. Some artists have lost tens of thousands. Nothing to worry about. :)

Anonymous said...

Twitter is purging inactive accounts. Some artists have lost tens of thousands. Nothing to worry about. :)

Anonymous said...

Twitter is purging inactive accounts. Some artists have lost tens of thousands. Nothing to worry about. :)

Anonymous said...

This video was very interesting but I don't get it. I was just happy to hear Adam singing one of my favorite songs. Adam's voice is so beautiful and moving. That's all I need in a video. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Twitter is deleting a lot of inactive accounts. A lot of artists lost more than five thousand twitter followers. Not be worried about.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, artful, mysterious, well done!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Tommy are over 30 and too old for doing fanservice, imo. But Tommy needs it because he is not musically talented enough.

Anonymous said...

A Tommy basher is always waiting in the background to put someone down. What an empty, fleeting rush of superiority you must feel. How sad when its over and you return to your own little world.

Anonymous said...

7:57 I think Adam is with someone tonight and it ain't Tommy. It's easy to know when Adam is out with someone. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! for your confidence in me. This is just my interpretation. :)

The fan video seems rather professional and it's done by a mainly Vietnamese team, suggested by the names. Yea I got some of the symbolisms; like the long black cloth sometimes straightened, and at times twirled around probably to symbolise confusion, fear or even death. The ruins of the place also symbolise an internal brokeness. The male personality has one blue and one red eye, symbolising homosexuality. The female personality has both red eyes. The white/black shirt/jacket and shirt trimmings also symbolise duo personality. Basically the video shows the internal turmoil of a homosexual. The reader in the video may or may not be gay, is reading a book on a homosexual who tries desperately to be his real self Underneath. I've always wondered, wouldn't it be difficult and confusing to have to behave like a male when the brain states 'brutally' female or vice versa. That's what intrigues me about Adam; he embroils both these two opposing forces as one! Okay back to the character in the video...He tries to be with girls who like him but can't fully accept them sexually and inevitably runs back to his female personality, depicted by the more female looking guy holding a basket of red apples which probably signify female. Reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood in the forest chased by the big bad wolf...This video could be depicting a story because the reader seems to have dozed off on the table and then shows his hand on the book about this gay character in the book. If I know the title of the book, most likely Vietnamese, I'd probably know a bit more. It seems to be a rather tragic ending if I read the video correctly. The female personality evaporates and I think dies tragically, meaning the straightened piece of black cloth at the beginning could have symbolised death! He found himself in death...Whoa. The tear rolling down the female personality also signifies tragedy. So I'd say this video is panning out a book character and using Adam's song as the background; rather ingenious I'd say. Adam's passion and singing of Underneath can never be replaced. He can even release this as a song/video. The director of the video, Tran and his team did a super job!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Lam-my, for all the time that it took you to do that interpretation. You are a true Glambert to help us out like that. The video was just too deep in symbolism for me to try to interpret. I just thought the overall video was trying to say that it is just damn difficult and painful to psychologically be gay. When I heard Adam sing Underneath for the first time, I just cried. I truly felt his pain. know he is an out and proud gay man, but it took him some good time during his young life to accept and fully adapt to the gay revelation. He had the right parents. It took me a long time in my life to fully understand that you do not choose to be gay, that you are genetically predetermined. But, our G-d must have really been bored one day and decided to add a little diversion to the world, so he created Adam. I wonder if any of us that are straight can really ever truly feel Adam's pain in his incredible song, Underneath. I will say one thing, the song really helped to open my eyes to the pain that the straight world has inflicted on the LBGT community. Shame on all of us for not fully accepting the magnificience of all of G-d's creations.

Anonymous said...

You are so welcome and very appreciative and perceptive. Do you know why I say you are perceptive...yes it took me quite a long time lol! due to the intricacies and symbolisms in the video. I just read the heading that says two gay persons were kicked out of the cab; that was painful even for me to know it's so blatant. One of the ladies was wearing an Adam t-shirt. I'll watch the video. Many doctors and scientists have voiced their findings that this is a natural phenomenon occurring at around the 6th week of foetal gestation...research still ongoing. Putting whether it's natural or not aside, deeming another fellow human being as substandard is cruel and insensitive.


Anonymous said...

Another interpretation could be the actor in the video dozes off while reading the book and the video could be a dream of the reader who himself may be gay and identifies with the gay guy with the black cloth. :)
