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Top 100 Western Featured Artists - Adam Lambert #29 (From Japan)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 30, 2013


daydreamin said...

Yes, America does need to wake up already. It is really awesome to hear this from so many. Validation. Radio is to blame on so many levels IMHO, but they are not the only ones.

Anonymous said...

Daydreaming, this is the top WESTERN artists list from Japan. Who knows how Adam would have fared if they included Japanese artists and K Pop artists who are extremely popular in Japan.

Why does any other county liking Adam have to end up as a slam against the US? It is a US show that brought Adam to international attention. Adam is currently on an American tv show. The list of Adam's accomplishments in the US is long.

Adam is building his career world wide. Some fans want overnight success and will blame anybody they can as to why that hasn't happened.

Anonymous said...

I loved the comments and agreed with each one. Adam is everything they said and more, but they're preaching to the choir here.

Anonymous said...

Great comments re Adam.

Anonymous said...

Slam against the US?!
That's your (imo false) interpretation of this. You wrote this almost exact post in some older thread, too.

US is a huge, huge country. The potential, the sales numbers, everything could be huge for Adam, if more people in US could see the light and open their eyes and minds to Adam's talent! And not only to the 'boy next door' or 'Elliott' look... cause, that is the real issue, Adam will never be that 'mainstream pleaser' most Am Idol and Glee watchers want him to be!
In real life he is Adam Lambert, one of the fiercest VOICES and performers of our time - he's overloaded with unique charisma & beauty, sensual, sexual appeal and he is gay - and it would be a total waste and shame if he is not accepted as he is, the multitalented ever evolving and changing chameleon with unsurpassed voice and all his other assets (acting included).

What you said, dear @12:11, is not enough. So many fans from Am Idol deserted Adam when he showed his true colors. And I'm afraid the same happens when the ones that have found him with Glee realize that he is NOT Elliott...

Conclusion: Unless the mainstream in US changes their views, wakes up si to speak, Adam will always be more popular internationally just as he is, the fabulous ubertalented badass Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

above 4:51
sorry for sp.mistakes!

Anonymous said...

4:51AM, I don't see any proof Adam is any more popular in other countries than the US. Do you have any actual statistics to back that up? The Hungarian Music Awards don't count because anybody in the world could vote for that. Why is Adam on an American series TV show if he isn't popular in America? Shouldn't he be on a Japanese or French or Canadian series TV show if he is so popular internationally?

As far as your comment on fans dropping him after Idol, perhaps a few did after the Rolling Stone story but the truth is most Idol fans don't hang around for long. Most Idol fans move on to the next group of contestants. Adam is one of the few Idol contestants to have a career after Idol. Also, you obviously don't know the Glee audience and who their favorite characters are and the storylines they are clamoring for.

Anonymous said...

I often think about other Idol alums, even some winners, whose professional success has been nowhere near Adam's. Almost five years after Idol, he is still in the top circles, he is talked about, he's on TV. He works and socializes in celebrity circles. He has a loyal international fanbase. He performs with legendary acts. He has won accolades for his social issues work in and out of the LGTB community. It's really quite impressive, considering the fact that his record sales are not that huge. It shows that he is recognize as a presence in the celebrity world as a whole person. He commands attention. Now, if he can release new music that is played on the radio and sells in the marketplace, the world will have the superstar we Glamberts. always knew we had. Adam has worked to maintain world markets. He is fully aware of the U.S. market problems. Hopefully, a new label will provide him with the promotion he needs. Love the comments on the link!


Anonymous said...

Saying America needs to wake up is a ridiculous statement. They don't need to wake up any more than the rest of the world. Sometimes I think fans are trying to force Adam into the career and level of success they want rather than the one Adam wants. Adam knows who he is and what he wants. I'll leave managing his career and his goals to him. I believe he will reach whatever level of fame he wants.

Anonymous said...

While I'm not the first one to give in to my personal grudge match with the bigots in the US, I have to admit American has finally woke up to the greatness of Adam Lambert! Where he once was mentioned as part of a joke, he is now mentioned with other A Listers in the music industry. This is all due, of course, to Adam's work ethic and belief in himself. He now counts as fans some of the icons and legends in the business. This acceptance of Adam's talent can no longer be denied. I'm proud of the US. We will always have haters but the ones in the know acknowledge and respect Adam Lambert!


Anonymous said...

Do you know what I love? I love the fact that four and five years after AI, Adam Lambert is still as fascinating as he was back then. He is constantly breaking new barriers and exploring new avenues while STILL being true to who he was and is in 2014. That is a sign of a genuine artist and of longevity in this incredibly tough business.

Have an incredible 2014 Adam Lambert! Love following your ever changing career path. It's exciting.