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New Old Interview!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 28, 2014


INTERVIEW: Adam Lambert on singing the title track, how it feels to be part of the film, being single at the 2012 Premiere at Los Angeles CA.


Anonymous said...

Love this interview. His first single was Time For Miracles. Love that song and video so much. His interview was thoughtful, informative and humorous. A great time for Adam in late 2009. This was such an honor and everyone wanted to work with him. Thank you for this post!

Anonymous said...

Classy, sassy and humble. Love Adam.

Anonymous said...

Time for Miracles should have been released as a single. It would have reached a whole new group of people.

Anonymous said...

He was on top of the world here, but then just sort of fell off.

Anonymous said...

Love TFM and the video was great,he looked so hot in that video!Maybe @8:49 should fall somewhere other than this fan site.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed this new tweet from Adam:

@adamlambert: I collab'd w @chrissaundersart to create a piece for my bday! Proceeds go to @nilerodgers @wearefamilyfdtn #H32BAdam

Anonymous said...

I saw a different video, not the interview. It was the vid of Nile, Adam and Sam Sparro singing "Let's Dance". Hope we can see another collab with those three again:)


Anonymous said...

He is still on top of the world, he hasn't fell off. This is just the beginning of great things to come. Come on now.

Anonymous said...

such a great look. Love the longer hair and guyliner made the baby blues sparkle. Talented man

Anonymous said...

TFM is one of the best singles ever done by an American Idol. Hauntingly beautiful and timeless. It really shows off the great vocal talent. one of my faves

Anonymous said...

Adam has recorded so many great songs on his albums. Unfortunately for whatever the reasons(and I suppose we can all name a few), they weren't released as a single or given radio play. And so now we have to wait for his third album to see the focus of the songs included and whether or not it will be different for Adam this time around. I certainly hope so. He seems to be well liked and popular with individuals in the music business who are all amazed by his voice. Hoping that 2014 will be Adam's year for professional success and personal happiness.

Anonymous said...

Even overnight success takes time. Adam knows that. I am sure Adam will achieve the level of success he wants.

Anonymous said...

He amazes me in interviews. Is he ever nervous? He seems to always be cordial, thoughtful, forthright, respectful and at ease and humorous. <3

Anonymous said...

@8:49 AM

He was not on top of the world. He was just starting to climb up that ladder; and had a few self made hurdles blocking his way up and many hurdles put up by other enities and powers that be; but, in spite of all of that, he has kept himself in the public's eye; and made him stronger. Adam has never stopped working and in the interim has become an International star with over 2 million twitter followers.

He was inteviewed by Barbara Walter's most interesting people; Grammey nomination; Someone posted today on another site, that had received at least 90 awards, from all around the world. He has done so much; too much to mention here. If you are interested, just google him.

Adam has never fell off; all of his fans know that. Sometimes, slow and steady is the long lasting careers. I have been here for 5 exciting year; and I have not been following a ghost. Adam Lambert isn't going anywhere but to the top, because in this year of 2014, the best is year to come!

Anonymous said...

@1:46 Here/Correction

Meant to say the best is "yet" to come.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was a zillionaire; I would buy Adam a radio station of his own; and let him make videos for all the records on his album. I would also buy him his own label. Then, pay off who ever needs to be paid off for exposure.

But, I am not a zillionaire. So I'll just have to continue to work my heart out supporting him as a good fan; for life.

Anonymous said...

1:55, you probably just need to pay for radio play. Cheaper than you thought. You only need to be a billionaire ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam is right in the right alley, better slow and steady than be a success being a tool of Satan in the music world.