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Byron Cooke tweets: I Made a Promise To Adam Lambert, But Do I Keep it? Interview Coming Soon..

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, May 25, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, May 25, 2014

More tweets from Byron Cooke @Byroncooke

Soundcloud link to Byron's previous promise to Adam Lambert....

Byron Cooke's Twitter:


Anonymous said...

Fun guy.

Anonymous said...

Want the interview!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the new interview! These two guys are great on the radio together.

Anonymous said...

Sounds as though Byron will be interviewing Queen as well as Adam. BRING.IT.ON. Byron. :-D

Anonymous said...

Love Byron and his promise. Now, THAT'S funny! ....JAK

It's 3:28 AM......tucked my g'son in bed in his old playroom at 2:30.....I'm too excited to grandma heart is <3. <3. <3......I will have him all day tomorrow!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@JAK, so happy for you...

Had to giggle at the thought of your all grown up tall grandson tucked in a bed wayyyy too small for him, his feet showing from under the covers outside the bed (just my silly cartoonish imagination, lol)

Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

@5:30 AM......JAK here....I laughed at your mental picture, it's almost true. I think his heels hang over the queen size mattress! I just hugged him goodbye for a couple months, we had such a nice visit.

I told him all about Adams new adventure and he pretended to be interested....someone taught him nice manners! :-)