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UPDATED! Adam Lambert #KTUphoria "Evil In The Night", "Ghost Town" "Whataya Want From Me" Fan Videos via TALCVids & Anna Z

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, May 31, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, May 31, 2015

Fan Videos of Adam Lambert at KTUphoria 5-31-15

UPDATED/EDITED to include 'Ghost Town' And 'Whataya Want From Me' via TALCVids 

Full Set Playlist Via TALCVids

'Evil In The Night' Via TALCVids 

Ghost Town (partial) via TALCVids

Whataya Want From Me Via TALCVids

'Ghost Town' via Anna Z


Anonymous said...

Loving his performance of Evil in the Night! Is that Cam on keyboard - who was with him for his FYE tour? I think i read somewhere that she is back. Anyway, great performance!

Anonymous said...

TALC always takes the best vids!!! But I have a dumb question... Does TALC stand for something? The Adam Lambert Channel? Lol Ive just been wondering that. Regardless... Love their videos! :)

sunny said...

I think it's The Adam Lambert Club

Anonymous said...

Ok... I have an opinion here... I'm not a troll- I promise. But I feel like Ghost Town isn't quite as great live. Feels kinda slow or something. But on the otherhand... While EITN isn't my favorite of the singles he's dropped I feel like it sounds phenomenal live and gets a better crowd reaction. Only my opinion. I'm very excited to hear all the songs on the album!! :)

V Camilleri said...

Hmm seeing some bulk on those arms and chest. He sure is working out and looking Healthy

sunny said...

I think Ghost Town sounds awesome live.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:08 - I happen to agree with you re: Ghost Town. There's so much time where Adam isn't singing and he just has to move around, sort of dance, etc. that I think it may be distracting for a live audience. Again, like you... just my opinion. I do love the song tho.

Anonymous said...

If you have to say "I'm not a troll" when you say something negative, it's best not to say it.

Anonymous said...

It was only an opinion... Doesnt make me a troll and wasn't meant in a bad way. I love Ghost Town.

Anonymous said...

GT is a great radio hit, IMO. Maybe it needs more musical arrangement for the first half of live performance. The last half of GT live performance is fabulous.

Pan said...

Anon 10:08 PM
You're not a troll because you promised us , hmm, what can I say, how would you call it , launching opinions based on a fan-made video, quite distorted in its first half, very distorted in its second half? If we want to be credible , if we want our opinions to be reasonable, to really count , the music/performance we comment upon should be heard properly, as a first step.
This is the "tragedy" of my life LOL, to wait, to wait , waiting for...Adam's HQ vids.
Evil In The Night vid is of a better quality, but this is not the only reason that makes it my favorite, I think it is the song , from the 4 already released , which is the best "performance vehicle" , the one better suited to Adam's so-well known by now vocal technique, that of passing from low notes to high notes effortlessly. Speaking of performance vehicles, I think that Adam himself is like a p.v., he needs rolling, adjusting, they will be made , this is just the beginning.


Pan said...

Sorry, again I"elbowed" a button in my frenzy! Sorry !Something is wrong with me lol , Rupert also needs a general check-up!

Anonymous said...

The reason people fell the need to say "I am not a troll" is because if you day anything that isn't totally positive you are accused of being a troll.

It has become self defense to say I am not a troll because of how mean and unreasonable people will be if they think you aren't positive enough or praising enough.

This is the ridiculousness people are reduced to in wanting to express their opinion without being called a troll.

Anonymous said...

1:14 AM
Agree completely. People are screamed at here if they post a different opinion to someone else and always called a troll. Having the same opinion as everyone else is mandatory, otherwise you're deemed a troll.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Adam!!>>>"Evil In the Night"....."Little criminal.. I'm callin' the police"!!!!

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of trolls on here, people get edgy dealing with it all the time.That guy that's a big twat, the immature lonely girl, the beat goes on. They live in fear Adam will do well. What a life!!!

Dee R Gee said...

I'm probably the least troll-y anyone could possibly be, but I'll say this about Ghost Town (which I love, BTW). The musical interlude parts tend to slow it down a bit onstage. I wonder if he'll tighten it up a little and shorten some of those parts to get back to the lyric? Onstage, things need to keep moving, even slow songs. Either way, the song is good. And I really loved how he delivered EITN. Great stage song! As he sings more of the TOH songs live, I think they will be fleshed out for a more visual performance.

Anne Marie said...

Adam did a great job, and he will tweak out anything that needs to be tweaked. He knows better than us, he is very sensitive about such things, in his music.
The only trolls on here are the ones who constantly comment on other peoples comments, they never have an original comment to make themselves, but only try to pick on what someone else said,. They actually bully some of the commenters. I can understand why some people on here are afraid to say their opinion, because that troll is just waiting to pounce.

Anonymous said...

Dee R Gee I appreciate your opinion. Im the one who originally made the comment about GT on this thread which started the troll debate. But I only meant it exactly as you stated it. But now Im afraid to express any more opinions or even comment.

Anonymous said...

Troll . . . Scroll

Anyway who are the band members . . I know girl on keyboards . . is that
L. Parsons on the drums and that guitar player (is that Carlos from Great Britian)


Anonymous said...

Are some of you new? Don't you know you are nothing but a troll here if you have a differing opinion and don't think Adam walks on water??

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

@10:00Pm ... Just to answer your question about TALC .. I believe it stands for
The ADAM LAMBERT Connection ... could be wrong but if you go to Google it's listed under ADAM LAMBERT fan sites ... and I totally agree with you about their videos ... they are 'top-notch' ... IMO ... I always look for them on Ytube!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

11:44 don't you ever take a break from here? You are diabolical.

Anonymous said...

It's true though, say anything that someone sees as not positive and you are a troll. It is really sad that people claim to love Adam being tolerant but the attack anything that they don't think praises Adam enough.

Now say you think that happens here and you are a troll. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

11:44 / 5:04 / and all your peers!

It's the style and the vibe how YOU say things here. Why do you constantly want to stir the pot by saying things in a way that takes away so much of the positive energy and fun of following Adam on this site?!?! You are energy thieves and pathetic attention seekers. Try saying the things you wanna say in a constructive manner, choose your words and wordings wisely.

Adam is such an energy boost and a great source of joy & love!
He is the author of the book "this is how you should treat people no matter what!"... You would do well to read that book! :-D

Anonymous said...

1:05 AM, how does calling out the people who say there is too much name calling help anything? You are part of the problem.