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Adam Lambert's SnapChat Video 7-23-16

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, July 23, 2016

Posted at : Saturday, July 23, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


JAK said...

I love the sound of the surf, it's as good as a sleeping pill.
My husband and I hit the beach frequently for a "nature fix"!
I drag my pillow and blanket out to hotel room balcony and sleep on a sun cot.
I wake up to the early dawn screeching of seabirds.
Frequently there is a line of seagulls on balcony railing when I open my eyes.
.....They are greedy creatures and occasionally I wonder if they are wondering
"Do you suppose she'd taste good?"

The sun rising is a glorious sight to behold.

Anne Marie said...

Adam was showing the smoke over the ocean. They have had a wild fire there, getting people and animals out to safety.

Dee R Gee said...

JAK, what lovely observations. You are a wonderful wordsmith.

And Anne Marie, you're right.