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Interview In Forbes Magazine: "Who I Am: Adam Lambert On Bowie, Burning Man, Gaga, Queen, The Who And More"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, June 7, 2019

Posted at : Friday, June 07, 2019

Adam Lambert Interview In Forbes Magazine: "Who I Am: Adam Lambert On Bowie, Burning Man, Gaga, Queen, The Who And More"

Adam Lambert performing at the Academy Awards show with Queen on Feb. 24, 2019
 (photo by Kevin Winter)

From the Forbes columnist Steve Baltin: "I had a thoroughly enjoyable talk with Lambert for my 'Who I Am' column, where he took me through the many diverse influences, from David Bowie and Rocky Horror Picture Show to Lady Gaga, Burning Man and the full-circle moment of opening the Oscars this year with Queen."

A quote from Adam while discussing Prince's 'Kiss': "..And I like going back to the old stuff. I think it's iconic for a reason. I suppose that's part of my love affair with the past is I like learning things that aren't force fed to me. And in today's age there is so much information and there's so much we're being told to like and there's some freedom and liberation going back and rediscovering something that was liked many years ago and figuring out why."

LINK TO the in-depth interview/article:

"Who I Am: Adam Lambert On Bowie, Burning Man, Gaga, Queen, The Who And More"

An excerpt from the interview: This quote below is but one of many influences on Adam, during various times in his life & career. Be sure to read the entire interview (linked above)!

David Bowie, Diamond Dogs (Age 10)

My father playing this record was a big pivotal moment of me going, "Wait! What the f**k?" He pulled the album out of his collection and just the cover of Bowie, half-dog, half-man, sultry and androgynous, that visual, to me, I remember being like, "What is that?! Who is that?" "Future Legend" is the first track on that and it scared the s**t out of us, my brother and I. We were sitting there together. It was scary and eerie and I was such a Halloween fan as a kid, I was always playing dress up and I loved dressing up as scary monsters and things. So, to me, it felt like Halloween. It was my first time really understanding what a subversive rock star was. The thing that made Bowie so special is obviously his amazing songs, but also his visual presentation was like nothing else at the time. And he definitely carved out his own lane that way. So whenever I take a risk either sonically or visually I definitely think of artists like Bowie, who paved the way for that type of expression.

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

Really good interview! He certainly was chatty. And in Forbes, of all places. NICE!

Mi Re La said...

ADAM This Morning' TV show, London, UK

Nanbert said...

Adam is really giving good interviews....but what else is new? He's so charming, articulate
and airs and B.S.

Mi Re La said...

Adam Lambert Steps Into the Shoes of Freddie Mercury | This Morning i/INTERVIEW

Nanbert said...

Thanks Mirela...enjoyed that interview, too. Adam is delightful! That smile!