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Adam Lambert Cover Issue & Interview/"In Conversation With Boy George.." and More! Attitude Magazine February 2022 Issue (+Ordering Info)

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Posted at : Wednesday, December 29, 2021


LINK TO ORDER Issue 344 Adam Lambert Cover, Print Edition Only HERE: (with various postal rates, etc.)


The issue may also be downloaded: check out the link in the tweets for additional ordering info ie download or for full Attitude Magazine subscription..

QUOTE from the article/interview: Be sure to go to the link for a little more of the article. The full interview will need to be downloaded or the magazine ordered in order to read in it's entirety. 

"Besides, Lambert already has a jam-packed 2022. There are Queen + Adam Lambert live dates in the UK in May and June before they head to Europe, plus he’s judging a new ITV talent show, Starstruck, all the while “actively making space” for his personal life. (He declines to discuss his relationship with boyfriend Oliver Gliese, other than to say: “I’m very happy, thank you.”) Then there’s his as-of-yet-untitled musical – in which George, we’re told, is also involved. “It’s about a real-life person who’s a bit obscure,” explains Lambert. “Writing music for someone else’s story has been really interesting. It takes place in the 70s. I love that era. I’ll be putting out an album, linked to the musical. A concept album, where I’m performing it.”"

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


broddybounce said...

Beautiful! Perfect! Thanks for the great post, glitzy.

Dee R Gee said...

Very exciting to see this! Those photos are fabulous! I am very eager to find out what "the musical" is all about. Boy George is a part of that project, too, which is a cool thing. The album featuring Adam is something to really look forward to.

BTW, yesterday I found on another site a link to a video of Adam etc. doing some rehearsal for the Superpower video when they were working on it in NY. It is NOT the one we have seen before (at least I hadn't seen this one). This one is more detailed in the working out of the scenes. I cannot for the life of me find the link again. I tried YouTube and it doesn't take me to it. If anyone can find it, it's worth a look.

Here's hoping that 2022 is very busy for Adam in all the right ways.

Patria said...

"(Harder than it sounds.)" Hah ha ha!

Dee R Gee said...

Haha! I thought that was funny, too. Adam seems so easy to talk to. He's a natural gabber. So happy that Shosh is so optimistic about 2022! A lot of great things will be happening!

Mi Re La said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Have a safe and wonderful 2022.

Patria said...

My New Year is starting tomorrow, a 10 inch snowfall/storm, temps dropping to minus 9 degrees below zero and hopefully getting back to the teens starting Tuesday. I'm afraid to look at the forecast beyond that. I have 4 stray cats that I'm looking out for and none of them will walk thru the door into my house. They are afraid of people. I'm afraid for them. Today I'm going to the store to get pet safe ice melt for my porch and driveway.

Dee R Gee said...

Patria, we are looking at a big snowfall tomorrow, too. (Chicago area). You are so kind to take care of those cats as best you can. Those feral cats often afraid of getting close to people or going inside. Good luck to them.

Having a couple close friends over for NYE. We see them often. Just three of them. We're all vaxed and boosted. Should be fine. Hope Adam has a fun NYE. I remember when he often
had to perform somewhere on that night. Maybe he'll just have a few friends over.

Have a fun and safe evening, everyone!

Mi Re La said...

Patria, I hope the cats find shelter until the cold weather passes. I'm a big cat lover.

Abnormally hot weather is forecast in my area on the first day of the year.

Dee R Gee said...

Here is the Superpower link I was looking for! Lots of fun to watch it all be created! Enjoy!

Patria said...

Woah! I had not seen that Superpower video. Thanks a bunch Dee.
Have a fun evening. These days my idea of starting a new year right is by getting a good night's sleep.

Enjoy your heat wave Mi Re La. Personally I deal with heat better than cold. It's easier to find shelter from the heat than from the bitter cold.
I'm a cat lover too. I have a heated water bowl plugged into my front porch outlet. It's very popular with them. Also put out kibble but it has to be watched carefully.

Thank you both for sharing my concern with my 'outdoor cats'. If I had my way they would not be out there ever. I won't get into the possum at my front door eating cat food. I will say I live in the suburbs in a very residential area. Don't know where it came from or where in the neighborhood it lives.

Gonna go watch the video a few more times. Fun stuff.

Dee R Gee said...

Happy New Year, everyone! Here's hoping that the world gets better in a million ways.

It looks like Adam is going to have a busy year. I hope his new projects turn out to be successful and that we get that new album and LOVE it!

Nanbert said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR Adam and all his Glamberts! Fingers crossed for a better 2022...we're overdue!

Broddybounce and Glitzylady, thanks for all your hard work keeping us up to date about Adam. I hope he will have his most successful (and healthy) year ever....and you and the rest of us too.

Sunflower said...


GLitzylady and Broddybounce for all you do for us fans Thank You!!!!❤️
For my Glamily here at 24/7 Thank you for allowing me to express myself even when I talk way too much! Gemini thing ugh! ❤️
Beyond excited for Adam’s musical play and Boy George being a part of it? WOW! ❤️
Put up my 2022 Adam calendar this morning, gorgeous pics of course, print is smaller though but added a small section for notes in the bottom left hand corner. January 2023 was also added. ❤️

Everyone have a healthy, and wondrous year filled with lots of love and laughter! ❤️
Last but not least, HAPPY ADAM LAMBERT 2022 YEAR GLAMBERTS!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! ❤️
P.S. I too will have 4 to 9 inches of snow starting tonight until tomorrow, and 22 degrees and windy tomorrow! Means I have to shovel Monday. Ewww

Dee R Gee said...

We are getting some snow, too. Probably more overnight. Glad I don't have anywhere to go.

And yes, thank you to glitzy and broddy who work hard to keep this site fun and informative and keep fan family strong.

broddybounce said...

Happy New Year everyone!!

Thank you, Nanbert, Sunflower and Dee — Glitzy and I appreciate all of your contributions that help to make this site so successful. Yes, looking forward to a wonderful year for Adam!

Dee R Gee said...

Just remembered that Adam will be celebrating a real milestone birthday this month. I assume he'll have a party.

Nanbert said...

Off topic...Patria...I admire and sympathize with your concern about those "outdoor cats".... I'm an animal lover, too. But you should really think twice about getting them to move in with you. There's a lot of rabies among feral cats, and yours should absolutely be vaccinated against rabies before you try to get "personal" with them. That's not easy to accomplish! Please be careful. Perhaps your local SPCA can be helpful.

Patria said...

Nanbert I just called the police about a male not neutered tabby that I let in the house during the storm yesterday afternoon. He
's been in the neighborhood a long time, I have no clue if he has a home. The police is the Rescue Leaugue's method of picking up strays and he will be taken there. He's a well behaved nice cat. Did not make any trouble. I cannot pet him. He's not fond of my food offerings. I hate doing this but I can't throw him back outside. The temps won't be above freezing until the middle of March. I don't trust him to not start spraying and or have any other stray cat issues. I don't know how they will catch him. The dispatcher said she is sending someone so I am now waiting.

Nanbert said...

Patria...Sorry about your cat problems. You're very soft-hearted. But I'm glad you called your Rescue League...let them handle your tabby/ies. Stay safe!

Patria said...

Rescue League and police will not help me. It's up to me to get the cat into a carrier and then they will come and take it away. dam

Nanbert said...

Haahahahaha....forgive me for laughing, Patria, but your dilemma reminds me of so many I've been in during all my years of being an "animal lover".

Nanbert said...

I'm going to order that Attitude magazine with Adam on the cover. I guess it will come from the U.K. Is it not carried on any magazine stands in the U.S.? Looks like great photos of Adam. And the interview, which was "not so easy" to moderate, sounds entertaining. Of course Adam always gives a good interview. So does Boy George...I just saw an excellent one of him by Dan Rather on Youtube.

Speaking of Boy George, I'm very curious about how he figures into Adam's next opus...the musical, I assume. I'm also curious to learn what they mean by "toxic masculinity"...does it approximate my definition? After all, they're approaching it from a entirely different point of view!

Sorry everyone...I've been a jabberbox more than usual (if possible) lately. Too much isolation during the pandemic, I guess. My New Year's resolution is to cut back on my commenting!

Nanbert said...

BUT....When I end a comment here, I am required to check a box declaring that I am not a robot, before the comment can be published.

2 questions:
Why are robots not allowed to comment here?...Are their remarks expected to be derogatory or inappropriate?

Can't robots be taught to check the box that says "I am not a robot"?

Patria said...

Forgiven Nanbert. It's not easy being Mrs. Nice Guy. We've all been there even if it wasn't specifically for animals.
About that resolution to comment less, - abort that mission

There has been some talk about how Adam will celebrate his 40th birthday per gift request. I'm looking forward to that.
Also chatter about the new Masked Singer and they are already guessing Adam. Nice ongoing publicity, imo. I hope he never goes on the show because then they will stop dropping his name.

I don't know how the robots that get in here either, but if I don't check the box I don't get posted. I'll assume it's stopping way more than are getting in.

Happy New Year everyone. Forward!

Dee R Gee said...

Nanbert, I never have to check the robot box when I post here. I used to do it, but then I just stopped and my posts work just fine. I guess it might be different from one computer to another. I do have to check the robot box in other situations online, but not on 24/7.

As for not allowing robots to post here, I just have to say that I have nothing against robots. There have been some great ones in the old sci-fi movies, like Robbie the Robot. He seemed very nice to me and would most likely be a Glambert just like the rest of us. Some robots can be evil, but they're probably in the minority.

I think most robots have the integrity to NOT check the "I am not a robot" box. It would be very dishonest to do so.

Patria said...

Scroll by if you're tired of hearing about my stray cat.

The kitty is out the door. He has made no attempt to leave in the 21/2 days inside. When I opened the door to come in from filling up the heated water bowl he slipped out. He stopped to get a long drink from the water bowl and left. When he comes back I will offer to let him in again.

Patria said...

You're right Dee. I hadn't tried to by pass the robot thing lately and now it let me thru.

Nanbert said...

Well, I never tried to NOT post. I am overly persnickety about following rules, but this time I'll cavalierly wave it off and see what happens. Gulp, hope it won't bring the Internet Police to my door!

One robot "guard" I especially hate is the one that requires me to identify all the squares with autos, or parts thereof, in it...or something similar. In any case, I suspect a robot can also be trained to recognize those things... and with much better eyesight than mine!

Lastly, Patria, You FINALLY got that intact male feral cat out of your house....and you are prepared to invite it right back in again? Boy, are you and I a lot alike!...i.e. softhearted animal lovers....but not very smart! heh heh.

Hold my beer.....I'm about to "Publish My Comment" WITHOUT admitting I'm not a robot! If you don't hear from me again, check with the Internet Police.....and/or...consider yourselves lucky!

Nanbert said...

Yay! It worked! Why do I feel I should go to confession? (Old Catholic joke!...from an old ex-Catholic). And I just already broke my New Year's resolution, too!

Patria said...

Hah ha ha ha! Nanbert That pretty much described the way I felt not following the rules. Does this mean Dee is a bad influence or should we thank her for unchaining us.

Dee R Gee said...

Haha! I'm glad it worked for you! I think that when you repeatedly post a lot from the same spot it just gets used to your identity and lets you go through. Makes sense to me.

I am so glad you are both unchained! I confess to being a "fallen" Protestant, so following the rules rolls off me like water off a duck. See you in Hades with all the other rule-breakers and renegade robots!

Nanbert said...

O.K. you two! I don't know who is the worst influence, but for all we know, we may all be living on borrowed time. Just hope we can have adjacent cells! And "being unchained" may shortly be a misnomer!

Ugh, orange is a bad color on me! Oh my! Is one allowed to go to confession even if one is no longer a Catholic?

Well, at least I don't have any outside (or inside) cat problems! heh heh

Nanbert said...

Patria, you have two different choices for your cat problem:
1. Get a kitty litter box.
2. Get a dog...a big one.

Also, I've got a good recipe for Possum Pie.

Keep us informed.

Patria said...

Dee, I think of it as having out grown religion. I came from a rock solid protestant family and I kept wondering why doesn't anyone question all this stuff. If all these people (of any religion) that say they are going to heaven do go to heaven, I will join you in hades. I don't want to put up with them both now and in the afterlife.

Nanbert, adjacent cells? Possum pie? LOL Get a dog? that I can take for a walk twice a day in rain sleet or dark of night and of course below frzzing temps? oh yeah, NO to a dog. My last cat had to be put down a year ago and I still have cat equipment in case I forget I'm done with pets. One litter box is in the basement and one in my second bathroom. My stray orange friend checked out the layout of my house as soon as he came thru the door. He chose to use basement litter box. What a good house guest he was. I sincerely hope he survives until spring. I can offer food but I can't protect strays from the bitter cold.

Did I say NO to a dog. Hope I get that in here. If I have to listen to an animal I'll choose 'meow' over 'BARK BARK BARK'

I hope this 'I'm not a robot' thing is a federal offense instead of state. I hear you get treated better in federal prisons.

Patria said...

Possum Pie??? You know that begs questions like Do you make your own? Does it taste like chicken? Do you trap or shoot the possum?

I'm off to twitter to see what Adam is up to. For all I know broddy has already posted a new thread. I better check there first.

btw it's hard not to check 'I'm not a robot' now that it's become a ritual.
Remember when we had to match pictures of stuff? All the fire hydrants, cross walks, fire trucks etc?

Dee R Gee said...

Adam new Instagram message has a pic of Runyon Canyon and the message "Operation Hike It Off" has begun!" Looks like his NY resolution is to really get back in shape. Great news! This is year is filling up with all kinds of things for him, QAL being just one of them. Hope he reaches his goal.

Nanbert said...

I hope "Hike It Off" is all it takes for Adam. He's certainly not alone with "Pandemic Weight Gain". But there's also another possible cause....certain medications will cause a type of weight gain or bloating effect. I hope Adam does not have a medical problem that needs that type of medicating. But he seems strong, healthy, vital and motivated, and he's certainly intelligent enough to seek/follow quality medical help.

He'll be fine, either way. Actually, he's ALREADY PERFECT!!!!! So happy to see his career growing SO many directions! How rewarding to "be along for the ride"!

Dee R Gee said...

This isn't Adam's first weight-loss rodeo. He has had to deal with weight issues before. He knows what to do. and he seems very motivated. When your looks are an integral part of your career, you just have to concentrate and get it done.

Nanbert said...

Patria...YOU'RE the one with the visiting Possum! I was just suggesting that you invite it in for dinner...heh heh. But knowing you, it'd probably end up living the highlife as a permanent (wellfed) resident!

Never knew a possum personally, never shot or hunted one, and never cooked or ate one...just teasing you about "Possum Pie" personal knowledge of same...but lots of great sounding recipes can be found online....really! Keep an open mind.

As far as walking dogs in a blizzard, there's a great invention to avoid underground electric fence used with a special collar! My son has one for his dog, and it's wonderful! I can see that expanding for use with young children! You can let them out in your yard to play, and they won't wander off! Gives you time off to clean the house! Whee!

Nanbert said...

Humm....wonder if Adam can walk off the parts that keep off those wonderfully snug black leather pants of early QAL...if they still exist. Inappropriate question for a lady (?) of a certain age, you say? I bet there's not a one of you that doesn't reminisce about the same.

I've blown my New Year's resolution, haven't I? Oh my!

Dee R Gee said...

Nan, I'm looking forward to some skinny pants again, too. So you're not alone. He'll get there.

Dee R Gee said...

Queen has just announced that the 2022 tour will now be postponed till 2023. Such sad news. but I had a feeling this would happen. There was no way that COVID would clear up enough to allow such large audiences to gather for a concert. They are still planning to finish that tour in 2023. I know Brian and Roger and Adam must be very disappointed. Hope Brian and Roger stay healthy and ready to rock in 2023!

Patria said...

Very disappointing Dee, but not surprised. At least they're not saying canceled (there's still hope). First I want their lives to not be in danger. But it does add to the sadness that there is no end in sight to the plague yet. Disappointing that they cannot continue touring to bring joy to their fans and into their own lives.

Dee R Gee said...

OOPS! Quick correction! I was mistaken. The cancelled tour is NOT QAL. It's the tribute extravaganza band tour that is cancelled. SO sorry for my too quick misinformation. There is still hope for QAL, but time will tell.

Nanbert said...

I'm heartbroken for them...for all the ticket holders, and for us! The longer the tour is put off, the more likely it is to be permanently cancelled...nobody's getting any younger! I wonder if more ticket holders will be finally cashing in their fact, how many have already done so?

It's devastating to realize we MAY have seen the last of QAL! The first and most important item on my "bucket list" is to see Queen and Adam Lambert LIVE one more time...and they won't come here until they've fulfilled their promised UK and European tour! And I will be 89(!!!!!) next month! Tempus fugit!!

Well, thank goodness for Youtube! Not a day goes by without Adam Lambert and/or QAL concerts on my computer... fortunately with better than average speakers. They've been a real solace during these months of pandemic isolation. But the REAL THING is....oh my!

Nanbert said...

Whew! Dee R Gee...just now found your correction! Must be a time zone difference. No matter....there is still hope for a QAL tour after all! At least we have that to cling to for a while.

Dee R Gee said...

Hope Adam is runnin' the Runyon today! It's in single digits where I live, but it should be warm and sunny in CA.

Dee R Gee said...

To recognize his upcoming birthday, Adam has asked his fans to make a donation to his Feel Something Foundation. Sounds like a good idea to me! He mentioned several of the worthy causes that the Foundation has helped with its donations. So contribute is you choose to!

Sunflower said...

Hey everyone been a minute for me but still dealing with internet issues BUT NOT my fault. My brother came by the other day and checked out my wifi and internet connections and nothing wrong with my end so outside interference is my guess. Perhaps all the crazy weather. Maybe I need new equipment. Still I can’t post when I want but today took a chance.

I did see that clip on Adam telling fans if we “so incline” to donate to his FSF for his birthday! I don’t mind to donate but not crazy about PayPal. Don’t have an account nor do I want one now. Seems like Adam’s Fan Club likes to use this.

Adam, Oliver, Terrence, Anthony and friends went to Six Flags and in this pic of them Adam is wearing a White hoodie that you only see his face (haha unrecognizable to me at first) and still looking cute! I don’t think Adam needs to wear oversized clothing all the time, no way he’s that big. Yes I know Adam can wear whatever he likes big or small, I love him so much nevertheless! If Adam shaved he would certainly take off years and look younger (even tho he looks young right now, lol). Adam shouldn’t worry about turning 40, I felt nothing when I turned 40.

Patria said...

I don't have PayPal. I can't figure out why they get to be a paid middleman. I also don't have Instagram. It won't let me donate unless I join.
I pulled out last years donation from my tax file. We can donate through this link.

Just click the Donate button and a form comes up. I assume it will go thru - I haven't committed yet. Last years receipt was emailed to me and I printed it out for taxes. (I'm so old fashioned and not trusting my computer skills I want them to mail me a receipt. That's not a thing) It says I paid thru pay pal even tho I remember the form gave me the option to use my credit card, which I did. Again why is their hand in the pot?
Bottom line is if you have neither pay pal or instagram, you can still help out.

Sunflower I too, have 'fair weather' internet service. It balks at rain and below zero weather. Reminds me of 'dial up' days. I could use new equipment but if I bought it and had the same issues I'd be hopping mad.

Patria said...

bellow freezing temps --- doesn't wait to go to zero

Dee R Gee said...

Thanks, Patria! I don't have PayPal either. It's good to know there's a link that makes donating easier for lots of people.

Dee R Gee said...

Only 19 more days till Adam's 40th birthday. I'm sure he'll have party. Hope we get some pix!

Nanbert said...

I would also like to donate to Adam's foundation, but not with a credit card online. Is there an address where I could send a check?

Hope Adam is successful with his "Hike It Off". At his age, it should be a breeze. But I still think he should hire one of those body trainers that turn actors into "Superheroes" for movie roles. The truth is, Adam has a great FRAME, he just needs to readjust and tighten up the meat on it a bit...heh heh. He's never been a "body builder type" as such, but all his earlier hiking kept him lithe and limber, and in good cardio/lung condition for strenuous singing and stamina during long tours.

From my point of view, the age 40 is still a "Spring Chicken"! Sorry Adam approaches it with such dread. Actually, IMO most men just start looking more attractive by that age...but maybe being gay causes one to look at it differently. Whatever! Just so he stays healthy, happy, productive and successful!

Patria said...

Nanbert, if you go to the link I posted and bring up the donating info, you can find an email address at the bottom of the screen to contact them. You could try sending them an email and ask for a mailing address to donate by check.

I have a 91 year old friend and am 12 years younger than her. She calls me a spring chicken every time I start to complain. LOL I asked her when do I get to be old and she changed the subject. LOL!

Aren't you the one who used to be an Il Divo fan? I remember when Sebastien turned 40 he was not happy about it and felt like he lost all his appeal, just like that. Lordy!

As for Adam's "Hike it off" label to his pic, it might have meant his new years hangover he was talking about. ????

Nanbert said...

Patria...first, I never heard of Il Divo.

As for "when do you get to be old?"...that's entirely up to you. It's really a state of mind or attitude...maybe health....or a combination. NO one can declare you to be old. Age is relative. I'm astonished to be rapidly approaching 89 next month....and disappointed that I'm not as smart as I expected to be by now. Ce sera, che sera.

And yes, you ARE a Spring Chicken!

Patria said...

Finally I have found something Adam and I have in common. Yay!