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Adam Lambert sound checking in Puyallup

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, September 23, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, September 23, 2010

Adam Lambert sound checking in Puyallup Washington September 21, 2010

Down the rabbit hole and Soaked

Thanks to 1nadineb!


Anonymous said...

These are so special! Love hearing his crystal clear magnificent voice all by itself. He is so from another planet this man! There is NO ONE like him and there never has been. We adore him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He could be heard across the fair grounds during the soundcheck. It was beautiful! I stopped mid-sentence when I heard him singing in the distance. What a voice!

Anonymous said...

God, even after 75 concerts he still gives 100% tosound perfect. "Soaked" always send shivers down my spine.
If he ever gets to perform at another awards show and I am sure he will he should showcase his voice with no frills in a song like soaked, he will leave everyone breathless.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when I hear his voice...I think who put this angel on earth??

Anonymous said...

he is an angel..........personified

Anonymous said...

My you tube is not working, grrrrr, but i believe in all your comments!. Surprise, surprise, next single in Argentina FYE :) !!!!!
Big Kisses. Ale.

Anonymous said...

So sweeeeeeet Adam!..

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. I just want Adam to put out a completely, 100% acapella album. None of this background electro-noise. Just his voice. Maybe a couple of acoustic instruments. But that voice! It's perfection.

Also, you can hear the influence of temple cantors in the way he's embellishing the ends of some of the lines on Soaked in this sound check, which would make sense, as he is Jewish! Those minor-key notes sliding up and down... straight out of a synagogue. And as we all know, in the Bible, Adam was the first man on earth.

Love you, Adam.

Anonymous said...

2:57 was that what I was hearing around 2:30? It wasn't the words to soaked, I'm pretty sure. I read somewhere that he studied opera for a year. I would love to hear him sing one very operatic song someday. I sure he would nail it. Fun to listen to this sound check, a whole different perspective of him. I have but one regret that I am no longer young and I probably won't be around when he is the world's greatest super star. Oh, I a happy to be at the beginning and introducing him to other younger fans.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 2:57....I was wondering the same thing too! I'm Jewish and have been to temple many times and have heard those beautiful melodic prayers. I even wondered if somewhere in Adam's family's past, there might have been a Cantor! Where did Adam get such a heavenly voice? Just wondering....

Anonymous said...

I was there and I missed all of these?! BUMMER! Adam stolled around the fairgrounds and I also heard he signed around 7nish by the stage (unconfirmed)... double BUMMER! :( But the great thing is I was there to experience to see and hear Adam performed LIVE! :) All I can say is,
" You Gotta to be There! " :)

Anonymous said...

I was on my way to my car to get a sweater when I heard his voice clear into the Blue Gate parking lot. Clear as a bell, even better when I got back on the Fairgrounds, but I couldn't find an opening to see him, nor did I see him on the grounds. There was a VIP meet and Greet that began at 6:30, but a select few got to buy those. The only other person I saw out on the grounds was Neil. Damn.

Anonymous said...

Btw, it looks like he had blue eye brows on his Puyallup show. Same color as my nail polish on that night... lol

Anonymous said...

Adam said in an interview that when he sang for the "Celebration of Life" concert he had never sang Jewish songs before and had to sing them phonetically. He had no idea what he was saying or singing.. lol. I think it's just his natural talent of knowing how to bend the notes.

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear him sing Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof. I think it would be so amazing! Love the soundchecks and seeing and hearing him in a natural state, just being Adam, seeing the man in charge, doing his thing to give us the best concert. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oh my God!
Here I am quietly and in peace reading the comments while listening to sweet Adam (again) checking the sound (1st video at the and, Soaked) and my cat «Icon» (who was out), from the distance recognized his voice and came running right to the laptop, stareing at the screen and miaowing out and loud..... sooo sweeet! My cat is such a good glamfan!

coloforadam said...

NOPE - those wretched awards shows don't deserve him!!!! Hope he never puts himself through that idiotic snobbery ever again!! (OK - calm down). I am still dreaming that Madonna will let him record his own version of Ray of Light, as we heard him on soundcheck in Iowa. I never forgot that and often listen on favs. LOL

Anonymous said...

Well, by "singing Jewish songs" I'm sure he meant that he'd never sung in Hebrew. but there is a lot of footage of him singing at Jewish benefits and events, and I'm sure he had been to services and heard cantors. It is a very distinctive sound and a way of bending melodies with a lot of minor notes, and instantly recognizable. He used it in AI too at the very end of "Feeling Good," right after he slid out of that magnificent high note that he held forever.