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Adam Lambert left out of American Music Awards

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The American Music Awards announced their list of nominations Tuesda,y and there is already some controversy regarding Adam Lambert -- he wasn't nominated. As a matter of fact, Carrie Underwood is the only singer with a history from "American Idol" to make it onto the ballot.

So what is the reasoning behind this? The AMAs are supposedly based largely around record sales, so that could explain why Adam didn't make the cut under those qualifications. However, wouldn't it have been a sign of good faith for the awards to at least show the guy some love? Thanks largely to the aftermath of his performance last year, Adam has had to suffer through question after question about the broadcast.

Not only that, but Adam has managed to bring the AMAs more publicity than every before. As a matter of fact, if you Google search "American Music Awards" you will find a list of things immediately involving Adam.

So here's the real question about all of this -- did the AMAs shun Adam Lambert, or do you think it is a good thing that he avoids them from a publicity standpoint?

Source: Examiner's Matt Carter


Anonymous said...

All I know is, I'm shunning the AMA's.

If this keeps up though, Adam will leave us to go where he's appreciated. IMHO ebbtide

The Darlk Side said...

I think the AMA's can shove it!!! Asked my opinion, you got it.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need the AMAs. The only reason why I watched it last year was because of Adam. So this year I'll have better things to do that night. I can't wait for him to come back to the states and make some TV appearances. I need my Adam fix!

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in educating myself as to what criteria there is for AMA noms; I sincerely am ignorant about the subject. I mean, even other than what is legitimately published as to criteria for nominations, there is always behind the scenes politics, but still, there obviously is in place an accepted set of criteria for nominations fed to the industry (and public), I'd like to learn what that is. (Is it record sales largely?? or just part of it). I'd love to hear comments from anyone reading if you know more about this! Will have to hit google about it tonight.

Anonymous said...

This is just soooooooo WRONG!!! Is this a JOKE?!?
Adam is one of the biggest star out there right now and for them to not include him on their nominations or show... BIG MISTAKE! HUGE MISTAKE!
Listen up AMA committees, you are going to miss out on a lot of viewership because you DID NOT include ADAM LAMBERT on your nominations! :((
Adam will be around for a long time so you guys better acknowledge his mega talent and star qualities!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go a little off-topic here - because I think this is going to be a hot thread ( 8^)/LOL ) so I'm completely going to use this opportunity to say what others have posted on other threads - which is to vote for Adam's IIHY on Ryan Seacrest's American Top 5, here is link:

that scenario forces spins, which translates also to other stations... ultimately a great thing! It's a daily thing.


Anonymous said...

The AMAs are not even relevant. I don't really care for them. I have never even heard of them until last year when Adam performed there. Adam gave them the biggest ratings boost ever and headline news, and this is how they repay him? Not even ONE nomination?

Anyway, we should put our expectations towards the GRAMMY'S.

Anonymous said...

This is not very complicated. The AMAs are on ABC. ABC banned Adam Lambert last year following the AMAs. Therefore, ABC probably insisted that, this year, the name Adam Lambert not appear anywhere close to a list of nominees. It's all politics, nothing more.

But, WHO CARES, really? Adam is now giving SOLD OUT shows internationally and across the US. What would an AMA nomination bring him more? Just look at Carrie U. She has many awards under her belt, but she is not an international star.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think we have to admit that when looking at the sales #'s (downloads for example) after broadcast television appearances by artists, they are (the #'s) pretty compelling usually. This is not always the case, broadcast TV appearances don't always translate into big #'s, but they often do - just a thought, what do I know... not something to dwell on and get bummed about, but we can't be naive either. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Adam will get the last laugh on this one. The Grammy's and People's Choice is where Adam will get the awards and nom's he so justly deserves!!

He does NOT need the AMA's and any past negative publicity he has had to deal with for over a year now. He is an international treasure now - enough said.

I hope the AMA's loses massive viewer audience base this year - Adam's fans for sure will NOT be watching!!


Anonymous said...

carrie underwood sHES a singer but she not fmaous and also shes not an worldwide international star.ur bad AMAS.

Anonymous said...

Not even slightly interested in the AMA's. I am interested in Adam Lambert as an artist. He is rocking the world right now and is a bit busy to be on that silly show.
I AM intersted in the Grammy's though. They are judged by musicians and artists. I do hope he gets nominated. His time is here and he has just begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much more to come!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all I have to say I'm not surprised but it would have been the most watched AMA award show ever. The Grammy's won't make that mistake!
His managment needs to get him on SNL and Glee and almost every show they can think of. We also need somekind of video for Christmas of his GN tour. It would sell like hot cakes, (without the cover being like his FYE). I also don't know what Adam is going to do with the 10 days off later in the month, but whatever it is I pray we get to see some wonderful news, interviews and good press on every TV and radio station. He needs to rest but still we will be so lost without him each day. Ellen, Oprah and Jay should all be chopping at the bit to get him back on their show. I am still waiting to hear about his music on Dancing with the Stars--what happened to that??
Anyway, back to the subject...we'll still be okay = in the Aftermath...

Anonymous said...

In the aftermath ….... there is no other male singer like Adam and there is no other award, but the priceless love of the fans and people all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Forget the AMAs, let's throw a gigantic party for Adam who will reach 1,000,000 (that's one million) friends on Facebook in a few hours. He's only 200 away!!

Anonymous said...

I think someone made a mistake about the date for Dancing with the Stars. I watched the show last night and it is acoustic week, next week is Rock week so that is where For Your Entertainment will be.

Anonymous said...

I watch wherever Adam is on. Next one, will he be on the Australia X-factor?

Anonymous said...

Much ado about nothing again. Adam is doing great with or without the AMAs. One only has to check out the reviews and sellouts of his numerous concerts this year. The way I see it, their loss.

I agree with MGF at 11:39 PM - continue to vote and help with his exposure even greater!That's where we can be productive to further his career and success.

Anonymous said...

Well said 11:44. Screw ABC.

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt that Adam (or his management for that matter) has even skipped a beat about the AMA's. Reality is that it's based largely on sales, and as wild as we are about Adam, his sales are not huge like many other artists. Not yet anyway.

Sadly, Adam is an "acquired taste"; certainly after all of the hullabaloo, and it will take time for him to build his fan base.

Unlike the Justin Beibers of the world where their over-produced, auto-tuned, can't sing live performances are everywhere and shoved down the throats of all the teeny, tweenies etc. Most of that generation really doesn't care if you have a great voice or not, they just look at the package and scream. They also have more disposable $$ than before and spend it wildly on music.

Adam not getting nominated is just a simple blip on the radar screen. Down the road, I certain the picture will look very different.

Anonymous said...

"...when looking at the sales...after broadcast appearances by artists, they are usually pretty compelling." Maybe my head's not working right today, but I don't get it. Is this an explanation for why Adam was not nominated?

Are you saying that Adam didn't get nominated for AMA's this year because his sales were not "compelling" after his appearance last year? Or that the AMA's don't want his sales to be compelling, therefore they do not want him to appear on this year's show?

Maybe I'm just not thinking straight, but I don't get it. Thanks in advance for explanation, anyone.

P.S. Lots of lasting, iconic artists based their careers on touring. Did the Ramones or the Dead ever appear on thbe AMA's? SNL or other teevee shows? I wouldn't worry about it. In the computer age, lots of us don't even own TV's anymore.

Romane said...


I love Adam to death but his sales are very low compared to Eminem, Gaga... and the AMAs are bases on sales/popularity. Maybe next year :)

Anonymous said...

Is it really much of an honor to be nominated by an awards committee that nominates Ke$ha and Bieber??? Come on, now. Word is that Eminem will score big there. Sorry, but that says it all for me. Adam made some unfortunate choices at the AMA's last year, and it cost him a bit, but he really doesn't need them to prove his vocal abilities or his popularity.

Anonymous said... a few years when NO ONE can miss where Adam is in sales, talent and international popularity...and the AMAs want to nominate him...perhaps he will have his opportunity to reject them!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Facebook - OT a bit - I went to the movie, Social Network and before it started there were some ads as usual. One of the bigger ads was for the pop radio station and they played
Bad Romance and What do you want from me as the
promo music. Lots of people were singing along - it was great

LP said...

Have you forgotten already what all the fuss was about at last years AMA. Well, he is still doing it , and even more so. At every chance he gets he still kisses Tommy and his show is not very family friendly. No one should be surprised that he wasn't nominated or ever will be, I don't think Adam cares, or he would have stopped doing what was ojected to. Actually I am not holding my breath about the Grammys either, but I will be bitterly disapointed, because he deserves to win.

Anonymous said...

OT - funny, right on article on Adam in Malaysia. Worth reading at Scroll down a couple articles and there it is! Hysterical IMO. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam is too good for the AMAs.. His award is seeing thousands of fans screaming his name all over the world. The love that Adam inspires is so much better than two minutes of TV time and an plaque made of tin or whatever.

I don't need some Hollywood nerd telling me who is a good singer.
Adam is the best of the best and we ,his fans, know it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon October 12, 2010 12:56 PM - this is MGF. Regarding your post - I wasn't really even talking about the AMA's in particular - I was just sort of speaking to the notion of dismissing a broadcast television appearance, any broadcast television appearance, as irrelevant and meaningless and Adam-doesn't-need-it, etc., that sort of thing. That might all be true, maybe/maybe not, I don't know, I'm no expert, but I think it might be a little naive of me to dismiss the possible upside to any sort of broadcast TV appearance (again, not AMA's specifically). Afterall, it was Adam's appearance on AI9 that shot WWFM to #10 on Billboard/Pop wasn't it?? Not sure on that, but there is always a lot of talk about how various sales #'s increase when an artist appears on good old regular broadcast television - could be DWTS, could be SYTYCD (I was hoping, for example, for a big sales payoff when Allison Iraheta was on U.S./SYTYCD, but I don't think it materialized), that sort of thing. Lots of great posts here already on this thread and lots of valid points and lots of love for Adam - I was just sort of speaking to that sentiment that Adam doesn't need this or that etc., because it's all a business, stating the obvious there :), and sales is a large part of the bottom line. As I said in my first post on this thread, I am really quite ignorant as to the criteria for AMA nominations... can't comment intelligently on that, sorry, but I hope I've explained what I meant by "...when looking at the sales...after broadcast appearances by artists, they are usually pretty compelling." Again, I actually meant it in no relative way to the AMA NOMINATION process, and didn't even necessarily mean it in exclusive relation to the AMA televised broadcast for this year, but more in relationship to admitting that there is oftentimes a sales upside for an artist after any kind of primetime TV appearance, or good time slot during the day on a popular day time show. Crap, I'm rambling, I probably just made it worse, lol, sorry!! Just speaking for myself and my POV on all this obviously, certainly no expert!!!!! just someone with eyes and ears who likes to deal in reality :), otherwise, really don't know what I'm talking about :).


ps. no time to proofread this or edit myself, hope that all made sense, crossing my fingers and hitting "post comment" :).

judys dancin said...

I think it sucks him not being asked to perform or being nominated, but I think deep down inside, I'll bet it hurts Adam's feelings! And that sucks more than anything! Love You Adam!

It's all Crap!!! said...

Don't hit me!!! I am sure there are just as many Daughtry fans upset right now. These shows are elitist and they look down on Idol contestants. I Would not expect any different from the Grammys. Besides all the heat the AMA's took after Adam's performance last year, probably payback time. Music big business, and if you don't go platinum then you don't get nominated. Doesn't matter that his international sales phenomenal. Gaga and Bieber have the big machines pushing their careers and making tons of money. Remember Gaga said she worked hard for three years to get the recognition. If talent had anything to do with it, Bieber kid would not be making music. Adam's come a long way this year and every step has been uphill.

Anonymous said...

OT Adam is performing on X Factor Aust, screening Oct 18th over there.

Anonymous said...

I will be back with another comment and rave later when I have more time. Jan NZ

Anonymous said...

IMO, I dont think we should dismiss award shows as being unimportant. I think they are important and I am not so confident as some of you that in the future anything will change. I hope I am wrong and you positive thinkers are right!! With no coverage at all in the mainstream media for his GNT tells me that there isnt much interest in Adam, outside of us already committed fans. The only bright side for me is that he is on some lists (favorite under 30 celebrity, and performance for JingleBall). I"m not a happy camper right now. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

That Jingle Ball scene has a lot of young concert goers. Hope Adam is doing one or more of those for sure, necessary demographic IMO. Not slamming the older demographic, I am in that demographic, but hoping for more FYE cd's to be in the hands of the older teens and 20/30-somethings, that's all.

Anonymous said...

I am alittle confused here, MTV music awards shunned Adam also , so I refused to watch just like I will not be watchig AMA now. My point is I read somewhere that MTV awards had the highest ratings ever that night, we need to stick together and make sure that Doesn't happen with AMA also! Sorry, right about now I have no faith in America ever acknowleging Adam for anything. They never even mention his names on any of these entertainment stations ever! Just wrong- who cares about snooki, kardian, hilton, ect. ect.

Anonymous said...

I won't be watching but what if I miss bigot db Eminem peanut head sing a gay bashing song? How could I ever forgive myself?

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a good thing for Adam to be distanced from the AMA's, not that he doesn't deserve all accolades, it's just that he has and STILL endures the ridiculous questioning and mentioning of that one performance. It all would just start up all over again only with him under a microscope. However I do agree with anon 12:05 it would have extremely high ratings so for the network they are shooting themselves in the foot. I also agree with Adamluv...there hasn't been any coverage of GNT even with every show sold out...right here in IndiAdampolis the evening news did not mention he was playing at one of our main concert halls at a university but they mentioned Train and actually mentioned the bombing American Idol Tour...all playing on the same night!

Anonymous said...

Here's another opinion:

My son is a drummer in an up-and-coming indie progressive rock band in Cali. They want to make it big. While we were chatting last night, I said "when you get to the Grammy's don't forget to thank me". This was the reply: "Ok, we'll get up there and say thanks mom, and by the way F**k this award. We don't give a sh** about it. It's just an f***ing trophy from an over-politicized establishment." His band mates all agreed and chimed in.

Apparently awards shows aren't important in some of the younger generations eyes. I'm not sure I'd agree; just wanted to post the opinion of a few 20-somethings.

Anonymous said...

I honestly had never even heard of the AMA before Adam was on.


Anonymous said...

amas and mtv theyre both twin same attittude-same color.thyre both not supporting thier own fellow-the greatest singer adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

I have thought from the getgo that ABC's (and other major TV & Radio corps')rather obvious ongoing blacklisting of Adam following the 2009 AMAs amounts to a major violation of Adam's Civil Rights under the U.S.Constitution. He has been persecuted to the point he has probably lost major income AND well-deserved awards (i.e. VMAs)due to the fact that he is gay and his performance was at least partly in keeping with the sexual expression that people who are gay would relate to and enjoy. Adam was not on until nearly 11:00 PM at night. It WAS NOT a violation of the FCC in any way. Other acts in earlier time slots were much more "raunchy" than Adam's, i.e. Eminem's that glorified misogyny, rapes, assaults, and murder. Remember that One? YouTube it. You couldn't hear the lyrics for the bleeps. There was another crotch-grab, by Janet Jackson I believe. But that's acceptable because it was female on male.

I was outraged at ABC for additional reasons: ABC USED Adam and the promise of a racy performance not only in advance of the show, but all throughout that night, to bring in viewers, and indeed he did (as he always does,i.e. to a flagging American Idol in 2009, to Leno to ensure his own viewership 1st week back in the 11:30 PM slot, etc.). Somewhere I read the viewership was increased 2,000,000 over 2008.

Out of 14,500,000 09 AMAs viewers ONLY 1500 people (who must have been homophobic because there was no mention of any complaints about violence & misogyny promoted by Eminem)complained to ABC, & thus became so powerful that they were able to dictate what the rest of us are permitted to see on TV. ABC cared more about these 1500 biggots than all the rest of us. This makes ABC no better than the Malaysian Islamist extremists.

I LOVED Adam's performance (except for his fall which was traumatizing to him). I GOT what he was going for with 1930's Berlin. It is STILL one of the most stunning things I've ever seen on TV. Cabaret would never have garned the Academy Awards it did in what has become a suffocating conservative choke hold on this country. I'm an adult. I DON'T WANT my entertainment to be WATERED DOWN INTO FAMILY FRIENDLY. Those who have kids--you have plenty of choices for kid-friendly stuff. Don't take MY choices away from me. I NEED something more sophisticated than what an 8 year old would want!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with Anon 2:42! Let Adam be distant from anything to do with the AMA's! I will definitely not be watching the show though.

I just hope Adam's feeling's are not hurt and that he can see it's better for him not to be associated with all the negativity surrounding the AMA's of 2009.



LP said...

I am sure Adam isn't the only singer shunned.They said it wasn't based on record sales anymore, cuz everyones are down, because of all the down loading for free. When push comes to shove, you have to accept it's because he is openly gay, like it or not. He will be fighting that the rest of his life. Too bad he didn't concentrate on the beauty of his voice. We know he is gay, but he doesn't need to act on it all the time. IMO this is what he is being shunned for. If he can continue with his tours, and some TV shows, he will be making big bucks anyway.This is a cruel world. I can only wish him a happy future and contentment in his life.

Anonymous said...

Morgan Freeman on one of Jay Leno's programs said nobody remembers who won what awards at all these award shows. But I hoped for AMA to have Adam perform again. Just like VMA had Kenya West. There is always next year. Hopefully, Adam will get nominated for his second album. I'll doubt it he'll get any nomination for Grammy but let's keep our fingers crossed that he will.

Anonymous said...

If they are taking off acts that they don't consider
family friendly, why is Eminem back on?

Kentucky fan, love your post at 2 58.

I also agree that if they put Adam on this year, the
ratings would blow off the roof. Then he could sit
on a stool and sing an accoustic ballad and hold the
audience in the palm of his hand..

Anonymous said...

Stuff it AMA's! You set up Adam last year!! You all knew he was going to drag a girl around by her leg, have dancers in bondage wear,etc. You built it up and built it up, knowing it was going to be a hot number, but still slapped his hands when he added a few seconds of off the cuff moments. He was on at 11:00 at night, and no one was shocked in my household except when he fell (poor baby) and as disappointed that his tremendous voice couldn't be heard. He doesn't need the AMA's.......never heard of them until he was going to be one them. He was the only reason I watched, and his absence is why I won't watch it this year. This "blackballing" that is still going on in the USA has to makes us look like our country is full of hate for people that aren't cookiecutter people? Again I say.....stuff it AMA's!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't stand Eminem. He is very disrespectful to women and gays.

ABC is still mad at Adam for last year. The big guy at ABC doesn't like him. It's payback time for embarassing ABC. Things like this are always personal--and remember Adam never really apologized.
Anyway, I think all those music awards show stink. I only watched because of Adam last year.

Anonymous said...

Off-Topic Alert, Very Off-Topic, Giving Fair Warning :)

@Kentucky Fan October 12, 2010 2:58 PM -

1930's Berlin - yes, OMG, I have always wanted to post about this!!! (Not that I and only I had this info as some big secret :), many talked about it at the time, it was just lost on so many others that I found it frustrating at the time). There was a whole cultural societal throwback reference thing going on with that performance, Thank you for throwing that out there. There is so much I agree with in your post... and it's funny, because I kid you not, I've been wanting to tell you how fabulous I think you are. I meant to do so the other day on the thread where you mentioned the thought of Adam Lambert singing Lennon's "Imagine" - something which I dream about :)... and I didn't do it right then and there and then I forgot what thread it was in when I had more time later. Well, I am not going to let this opportunity go by without saying I think you're fabulous. I don't agree with absolutely 100% of your post at 2:58, but almost, lol!! And from what I get from your posts, you'd be quite fine with my differing opinions on the few things because you get that this is what makes the world go 'round, and interesting to live in. There are many things I want to say "I know right" to, from your post, lol, and add to as well, but I hijack enough threads as it :( ... so I better sign off now, but I enjoyed your post - I want to tell you that just in case others come on here and talk about not rehashing the past and that sort of thing, if people do that, they are of course entitled to their feelings and opinions, but I enjoyed your post.


ps. Just one other little thing, since I'm blabbering on anyway, to anyone who may be reading who is interested, progress on Don't Ask Don't Tell today, :), check out the news if interested.

Anonymous said...

Wow, such passion in this thread!

100% agree Kentucky Fan.

and Anon @ 3:35: Wouldn't that be great if he could do that. They would be so blown away they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

Anon 3:49: Good points all, and I agree.


Urethra_Franklin said...

The AMAs suck anyway...

Raquel Ferreira said...

The GNTour international is a sucess! Adam in Asia... Roooooockkkkk! Adam,love your way!
Never change it! Love from Brasil

Anonymous said...

agree totaly with anon 12:08. We know in our hearts that Adam is our true rockstar,superstar! I don't worry about no one else because Adam is all I ever need when it comes to music. In my heart, Adam has won every award!
Why are we,the fans, the only ones who understand & acknowledge the gift of this wonderful human being? Because ADAM IS MAGICAL!! & WE ARE MAGICAL!!!WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD OF ADAMAGIC!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

dont ask dont tell- that judge who decide this was right she sa woman judge-obama cannot do anything or washington people/get rid of them.
we put a new senate-congres-hopefull a new president.

Anonymous said...

@1:52 I agree with you. I can't help but think Adam has been hurt over and over by this shunning, starting with last year's Grammys when he wasn't even invited to sing. (It also broke my heart to watch Adam's beautiful face when Kris Allen was undeservedly announced as the Winner of AI.) As much as he loves making his videos, it had to hurt Adam to the core to be left out of the MVAs this year. That breaks my heart. The shunning here was so blatant that it is obviously about something other than quality, because Adam's FYE and WWFM videos are stunningly good (and this extremely bright young man has to know that.). Adam may feel like this is the story of his life, no matter how hard he tries it never seems to be enough--like there are 2 sets of standards, one for him and one for everybody else. I hope not. I think his time is coming, and it will be huge. His many talents are a force that cannot be denied.

How long was the WWFM video on the VH1 Count Down? The disconnect of this with the MVAs in & of itself is bizarre, don't you think? Adam's a very sophisticated artist and my guess is everyone in the industry gets that--looks to him as a trend setter. Others, like Miley Cyrus, are copying him. I think Usher is, too--perhaps even stealing ideas from Adam's sophisticated friends (i.e. listen to Usher's latest and then hear Cassidy Haley's Whiskey in Churches). And, insipid Beiber, rushing in to get his own nailpolish line before Adam! The kid doesn't even wear it, does he? Does it smell like bubble gum?

No, there is something terribly wrong with this picture to the point I want to look (out of curiosity) into who actually OWNS these various entities like ABC and MTV. I think these owners have scarey power, because through controlling who and what we hear/see (or don't) in the media they can control the climate of this country.

The only other threat I think Adam poses, and it is a huge one to the music industry, is that he CAN ACTUALLY SING--even without autotuning and production gimmicks. If too many people get spoiled by Adam's PHENOMENAL talent, they might start expecting it from all the other (i.e. mediocre) artists that are safely bringing in the bucks.

Like I've said before, Adam is a bellweather (and hero) for me re: the status of our current climate in the USA at large, particularly for creative expression and civil rights. Does the industry even reward actual quality anymore, or is it all a big fake joke? I think many of the rest of us are hungry for artistry, and thus will follow Adam anyway we can--leaving TV and radio behind for the internet.

Sorry for such long posts, but have been wanting to get these thoughts off my chest for such a long time. What happened to Adam after the 2009 AMAs was horrid. No--Adam did NOT bring this on himself. He gave a fabulous, sophisticated adult-oriented performance. Even with his disatisfaction with his own singing, it was WAY better than anything I'd seen on TV in a very long time.

Kentucky Fan

Cheril said...

I didn't really believe that ABC or AMA would have enough integrity to include Adam. But, I do hope that the Grammy's which people say are more about artistry, will recognize Adam's talent. He has worked his butt off and deserves this recognition.

Anonymous said...

Thank you MGF and Rae. Did you hear the drums and bugles going off above my head (ala Green Acres)? I love your posts, too, MGF. And, yes, I love--not only that you have your OWN thoughts and feelings, of course!--but that you dare to share them with us. This kind of social interaction puts spice into life in a good way!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Well, Glamily, I just got home from Hell's Kitchen, very tired as always, intend to watch some HK performances and go to bed... All I have to say is that sweet Adam knows very well what he can find counting on us, his Glamberts, as well as we Glamberts know very well what we can find counting on him, as a worldwide multi-talented idol, a real icon. It's not hard to believe it, just look to what sweet Adam got this last 10 months!!!!!!!! It's amazing, once he doesn't have any big money machine pushing his career, but almost only Glamberts watching his back, pushing him to his right place on the top of the Universe of Music. Let the time make his history... Very, very, very soon we will be all laughing of this crappy AMA's which now drives some of us out of our minds. They are the losers, glamshit, not our star!

coloforadam said...

It is a sad fact that Adam will always have a limited number of passionate supporters but, guys, the ones he has are "surreal"(Adam's word). Remember how often he has said that he just wants a place in this music world he loves and he wants it to be lasting. Those dreams have been realized by his unfailing hard work but also because his fans are stuck like glue!! I've tried going a couple days without accessing the Universe of Adam and they were cold, sad, stupid days. How can his future be anything but success with such a tenacious following? We are the only ones who are upset because he has not been crowned King of the Rock World. He seems happy as a clam to be surrounded with such love and support and then to move on to the next lovefest. Think that just two short years ago this month, this beautiful guy was living dime to dollar, exercising that gorgeous voice in backstreet clubs and stuffing his passionate energy, backstage as a occasional stand in for people with half his talent (and looks). And what of our lives 2 years ago....? Unawares of the starburst that was about to claim us. We just gotta give it time and faith - faith in him and faith in our staggering loyalty to a truely extraordinary young man who has only begun to amaze us.

Anonymous said...

I am truly at a loss for words after reading these beautiful posts. Thank you, everyone.

Anonymous said...

I am litteraly SICKENED by this. Adam Lambert NOT on the AMAs = another lost viewer. Adam is truly the most amazingly talented singer, a true artistic genious with the best voice in the music industry today. He has more talent than most performers combined that WILL be on that stage. People can honestly relate to the angst, angry, brutal lyrics of rape, violence & threats to "Tie you to the bed and set this house on fire" than they can to the beautiful voice and positive, uplifting message of self esteem, love, joy, and connection that Adam delivers from his heart? What a saaaad state. Another disturbing issue is $$$ of little tweenies who will change their minds next year, but this year are spending their immature $ on a teenybopper - autotuned cute face who can't perform live worth a damn. Money talks = Execs listen. Adam gave ONE racy, adult performance at almost 11:00 at night. The AMA's never got so much publicity, and I hope they never do again. They should thank him for drawing in all those viewers last year and the buzz of conversaiton about the"AMAs"that is still on-going.
It would only take Adam sitting on a stool with a microphone and an acoustic guitar, (look up on youtube: ~ "Sleepwalker Munich") or tinkling piano, (youtube: ~ "COME HOME"~ one of the most touching and beautful performances ever) to erase any negatives. The AMAs and the world would see what this beautiful artist has to offer. The publicity would put ratings through the roof and The AMA's would be begging him to return. IMO, as long as 'Dick Clark Productions' has anything to do with the AMAs none of this will matter. I really think it's time for the dinosaur to retire... A half naked GaGa smashing a whisky bottle, etc, and this year's abusive lyrics are apparently fine and upstanding moments for our "innocent children" who should be in bed anyway to witness...they can, I won't

laurieb said...

I too, am very disappointed the AMA's chose to ignore this very talented, wonderful man who has filled many lives with happiness.
If I knew nothing else about Adam Lambert, the love and support shown to him by all the wonderful fans, would speak volumes to the type of man he is. I just wish that others could see and feel that too.

Anonymous said...

I was secretly relieved Adam didn't get an ama nomination and was glad to read on this thread several people felt the same way.He would have to relive the whole thing over again.He seems very busy and happy to me and that is validation.

Anonymous said...

Well, now let's see...had the AMA's attempted to redeem themselves by inviting the most interesting talent they ever had on their watered down version of the Grammy's, it would have been about November 23rd or so and oops, look at that...Adam is busy in Milan or or Austria or Switzerland or Paris or Cologne or Glasgow or London and, oh dear, he would have had to ....mmmmmmmm..regretfully(?) decline!! Ho Friggin' Hum!!

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan--you are awesome. The fall was terrible, and not enough emphasis was placed on what happened. The "kiss" followed that fall. It's almost like Adam was grasping for something to mitigate his injury. It had to hurt, and he had to feel a little embarassed. Anyway, thanks for your insightful comments.

Oh, one other thing. Might have been mentioned above, but Danny GOKEY is one of hosts for AMA Red Carpet. Aren't ya'll excited over that bit of news. Won't have controversy there except people will be dropping from boredom or being impaled on his eye glasses.

Anonymous said...

I am part of the Kentucky Fan/Fan Club, as well! Your posts are always intelligent, insightful, refreshingly honest and sprinkled with wry humor (and a dash of cynicism, for good measure). Thanks for letting us inside your head! You speak the thoughts that many of us had yet to formulate...the ideas that were percolating in our gut and hearts...but had not yet come into focus. Thank you!

On today's to-do list: participate in a well-deserved love-fest. Check. Done.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous at 8:31 -- goood point on international sold-out obligations. I needed a positive chuckle, thanks so much!

On the "Fall"... jeez, chalk up one MORE thing this amazing artist can do WELL! Is there anything Adam doesn't do beautifully? The "fall" was perfecctly excecuted like a 'ninja roll.' At first I honestly thought it was part of the coreography. He went into it so easily and came up perfectly holding the cane, and never missed a note or a lyric!

In closing, the hell with tha AMAs. Let's show'em by helping Adam achieve his dream of a solid place in the music industry by requesting his songs on every radio staion possible-- especially Ryan seacrest top 5 etc. He IS getting more spins which will continue to rise with more requests... GO ADAM!

Anonymous said...

"SUCK IT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Danny Gokey is so F"ing" yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam Lambert is Forever!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's not fool ourselves people....
Adam nominated or not, THEY WILL find anyway to remind people of last years incident.

Just wait, there will be hints at "last years debacle", sly and snide promises to be more "family friendly", etc. etc. Sadly this is the performance that keeps on giving. Every media outlet searching for ratings and ill-gotten "cred" will have to come up with some sort of kitschy hype to sell the show, and their coverage of it.

Unfortunately, I forsee Adam will not get away unscathed. (Seriously, they still bring up Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction.)

Just one woman's opinion.

glitzylady said...

@Kentucky Fan..and many others

I started to post a long comment but decided that you and others have all said it all so very well that I really don't need to say a whole lot more..but then I have a hard time being brief!! Adam has had both an amazing AND challenging year and he will continue to become the world super-star that he was destined to be..I have every hope and belief that he will, perhaps in the next year two, finally get the respect and recognition that he deserves as the brilliant singer, entertainer, and human being that is so obvious to all of us, his devoted and passionate fans...The AMA performance last year, whether we loved it, hated it, or were somewhere in between, was a speed bump along the way and thats the truth...Sadly he hasn't sold as many albums or gained as large a following that we all wish he had...and he should its not surprising that he was not nominated this year..But give him another year, another album that he has had more time to refine and produce to his high standards of excellence, without the rush that preceded his first quickly produced album after Idol (and which is still amazing in my opinion), and I think we will be seeing him up there with the other "popular" artists on the award shows and probably other mediums as well..Asia loves him, Australia and New Zealand love him, certain countries in Europe love him, and we his faithful fans love him, we "enlightened ones", and as he is introduced to the rest of the world, we will see him rise to the top..His talent will overcome the negativity eventually..

I am posting a link to an article from a reviewer in Hong Kong, who apparently up until seeing Adam perform in person was sort of lukewarm re Adam and his album...One Glam Nation concert and he is a believer and a fan-boy!!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam Lambert because he is one gutsy guy and missing the AMA's --- well, it's their total lost! How sad the US freaked out and have never recovered from that awesome night. The US is suppose to be the land of the free...but I fail to see it so many times. One things for sure at least everyone knows Adam now!
Well, I won't be watching this year because the
most talented, creative and amazing performer will be elsewhere so what the heck is the point!

Anonymous said...

Did I read "Danny Gokey" for the AMA'S?
No wonder Adam has moved onto much greater
things! Obviously the show has totally lost the plot!

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest who was talented on the AMAs last year. It was so darn boring except for ADAM and the GaGa.When you've seen the best all the rest seems so bland.

Anonymous said...

Last year I sat through that boring award show just to see Adam. This year I won't have to. They say the best revenge is to live well, and Glambert is livin large right now. Who Cares about the AMA?

Anonymous said...

@ Coloforadam
So well saied!!!! Loved it!

Anonymous said...

Oooops... where I said «saied» I said «said», typo mistake?! Lol... Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

@PRS - to your point, see this link that ZZ posted on a new thread:

not that the content of that clip is necessarily bad - but (as I commented on that newer thread) I would love to know the context of the quick discussion/interview they, Bass & interviewer, were having wherein this question was posed to Bass by the woman interviewer... I would be interested to hear how she lead into it and out of it, 'ya know.

Well, hoping for the best in this regard - but since we are such a sound-bite society, I too am leary of how the press will cover 2010 AMA's, in regard to popping Lambert in their for their own benefit, or not - but what I'm hoping for is that it'll pretty much only be ENTERTAINMENT news outlets giving a damn. IDK.


Anonymous said...

Of course we all want Adam to have all the awards, the fans, the sales, etc because we know and believe that he deserves to have them all. But that is not happening at least not yet. When I saw him perform at one GNT concert, he seemed so very happy looking at the audience enthralled by him. For now, that is whats giving Adam the will and ambition to do better and better until he can no longer be ignored by the music industry powers that be. I will do everything I can and should, as a fan, to make this happen for Adam.

Anonymous said...

anon at 1:25 Thank you so much for the link to the hysterical aritcle in Hecklerspray about the whole Malaysian situation. How nice to see a fabulously written article AND to laugh and lighten up about this!


Anonymous said...

This article did actually give a brief few lines about the criteria for AMA noms, if anyone cares, I'll be moving on soon :) but I was interested in this:

This is relevant nom info from the article: According to the AMAs release, there are a variety of reasons of nominations,” Examiner says.
These include, as we also informed you earlier today, chart rating sales, airplay on radio, television and the Internet, video viewing and even activity on social networks.
For the record, Adam checks them all – yet he’s still not included among the nominees.

All above was requoted from Examiner by this article I guess. MGF.

Anonymous said...

@ Kentucky Fan

I've long wished to tell you how much I enjoy your comments, since the first time I saw one (your report about the GNT in your State) but I never did it, sorry! Maybe because you are not an every day commenter (I am at least an every day reader) and you should be... maybe because your comments use to be long and I use to be so tired from my work when I find one of them in our 24/7 «Paradise»... Those in this thread, for example, I just had time to read them today (my day off) instead of last night, because I like to enjoy them little by little (they are so good...) And I need to tell you how glad I am that sweet Adam got a real Glambert in such a well informed and articulate «Kentucky Fan». Thank you for sharing your opinions with us and for loving my Diamond Boy so much.

iloveadamlamb said...

you gotta be kiddin me???
is this a damn joke or is it related with the last year's performance?
whatever it is Adam is havin' fun with the tour!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon. October 12, 2010 12:17 PM ...

Yes, Adam is performing on Australia's X Factor on Monday night 18 October. :D

Then he's in concert in Australia Tuesday 19, Wednesday 20 and Friday 22 October. :D

YAY! Can't wait! Loving Adam Down Under! :D

Anonymous said...

I don’t get the Carrie Underwood factor; she’s hardly known outside the U.S. but these are American awards and obviously people in high places and fans think she deserves awards.

The only former American Idol contestants who have toured Down Under are Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry (both popular here) and now thankfully, ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, glad you read the article and laughed as I did! But I'm not anon., I sign as Adamluv. I'm going to go reread it since I need a good laugh. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Really great comments on this thread, especially Kentucky fan for both posts. You said what most of us are thinking. My only regret by Adam not performing at the AMA's, showcasing what really matters [his monumental voice and showmanship]would miss an opportunity to redeem himself and ABC wouldn't seem like such unforgiving jerks. Their loss. Adam has many more fans than the few 1200 in comparison that complained. Who are the sponsors that pay for air time? That's who I would enlighten in a respectful way. Danny Gokey on the red carpet? Are they kidding? Didn't know he was a fashion or celebrity guru! Kind of bland and colorless IMO. Adam will be fine and a great success without the political awards that are so over-rated anyway. There are so many that the've lost their importance. Success is the best reward. It must sting a little for him, the snub, not the award itself. So disgusted with them all. Funbunn40

Anonymous said...

yeh, he seems to have ticked most of the boxes they wanted, especially social networls and video view (9.5m for WWFM, and 8.5m for IIHY on vevo). There's got to be more to it than that. I really hope their viewing numbers are way down from last year.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

who cares about the amas. adam doesnt need them. i say let them offer and him turn them down.

Anonymous said...

I checked back into this site to see if it were still active, and much to my amazement I see all the wonderful remarks re: my posts! Thank you guys so much! Adam's such a brave and beautiful person(Our "exotic singing bird" as Fan4fun would say). His fierceness must be wearing off on me.

Kentucky Fan