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Adam Lambert's Press Conference in HK (Complete)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One part was posted yesterday but here is the complete version.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


judys dancin said...

What fun! Loved the younger girls, they were just giddy!! And needless to say Adam looks HOT!!
The interviewer was impreesive too. Going back and forth between the 2 languages with such ease was pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

Adam is always fascinated by other people speaking multiple languages. With his intelligence, curiosity and already rich vocabulary in English, he would probably be excellent in learning a few sentences in French, or Italian, or Spanish. He would make a splash in Paris speaking a few sentences in French. And who better than Adam Lambert to speak the languages of love (French and Italian)!!

Anonymous said...

Oh La La!

Anonymous said...

If that gentelmen honored him with a Jacket from his Country then he (Adam)must be shitting in high cotton!!!!!!! I know his Mom and Dad must be over the top with pride and joy for their 20th century BOY! MMMmmmm,,,, I don't remember seeing the plaid shirt receiving a silk jacket from any country...........(SNARKY, SNARKY)

The Dark Side said...

Wow, that girl reviewer is awesome. Not only is she very beautiful, she is smart--brains and beauty, hope they are paying her what she is worth. Her ability to go back and forth between her own language and English and interpret articulately is something else. She also made Adam instantly comfortable, as well as her audience. Some of our American counterparts could take a lesson from this woman.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, he looked very impressed when she was speaking Cantonese, like how on earth does that mean what I just said! Cantonese is quite a harsh language to listen to, but she had a nice accent and made it sound good.
Wish I could hear what the girl in the sparkly dress was saying before she asked about the ripped trousers.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

4:56: That was kinda snarky, but true! Boy, those HK fans are really enthusiastic and appreciative! Is that what usually happens at a meet and greet? Oh, and one demerit to Adam for not returning the slight bow to the Sony rep when he was given the jacket, which is lovely. Ok, nobody hate on me here! It's just a courtesy that his people may not even have advised him of. Thanks for sharing the interview.

Anonymous said...

What a trippy interview. Part of my screen went sideways then back. Course maybe it was me who went sideways. Get a little discombobulated with all that glam and beauty. Nice jacket. Sony in Hong Kong knows how to treat their artist royalty. They love Adam!!! Sounded like they have been waiting since March for him to come back. Was in in Hong Kong in March. Well like I said I was sideways, not sure what I heard or saw.

Anonymous said...

V. I worked with the Japanese for many years and one thing I learned was that the "art" of bowing was not that frickin' easy. For sure, you lower your eyes, a much safer, polite response.

Like so many others here, I was super impressed with the interviewer=lady. She sure kept things moving and it all seemed so effortless.


Anonymous said...

I loved how the interview lady just spit out this rapid-fire Chinese (I didn't realize anyone's tongue could move so fast!) then, without even taking a breath, would lapse back into english and say "ok, so, we have another question..." - that was amazing to watch! And Adam looked a bit stunned for part of it. Against her high-energy, Adam looked very serene and peaceful (actaully - can you imagine how exhuasted he probably is??).

Yes - wish I could've heard more of what sparkly-dress girl (with the awesome tattoo) was saying...something about old songs he'd perfomed...maybe on Idol?

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

maybe no bow, but just rechecked the video, and he did accept the gift with both hands, which I think is the correct response.
HK fan

Anonymous said...

so how did the HK concert go? @ HK Fan? im sure it was a blast but havent seen any uploads yet from the HK leg of the GNT.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to all for the lesson in cultural courtesy without animosity. There are so many "correct" responses! It amazes me how Adam is able to cross the culture barrier and represent himself so beautifully. I wish the rest of the US was as adept. Wouldn't he make a great ambassador (kinda like Jolie is)?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't wait for a HK thread so the recap is on the NZ Sold out thread.

HK fan