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Adam Lambert's homosexuality still a topic of interviews

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 10, 2010

Posted at : Friday, December 10, 2010

Adam Lambert doesn’t want his homosexuality to overshadow his music, yet it is still a main topic in interviews with the media, even internationally. Adam was busy with press interviews while recently in Europe and many are now starting to surface. In the french OZAP article that just came out, interviewer Charles Decant commented to Adam about the fact that his sexuality has been talked about a lot in the press in the past year. He asked if interviews outside the United States are less centered around that. But as we have seen, it’s not. As Adam says (translated from the french article):

“[My sexuality] remains one of the main topics of conversation, wherever I go. But it's OK, it doesn't bother me. When I'm abroad, people mostly ask me why they talk about it so much in the U.S.! And it's normal, because there are very few openly gay artists. I just don't want it to overshadow my music, and this can be the case because of the media, who have a tendency to sensationalize the issue.”

Decant questioned the cynicism of pop stars using their music to promote a cause they support. It seems as though Adam does this with his song Aftermath, which can be interpreted as being about “coming out.” Adam defends this:

“Pop is so commercial that when there's a cause that you can support in an honest manner and when you can influence people to make their life better, I don't think you should pass up the opportunity. It's very exciting to be able to do something meaningful, beneficial. Even if it's only a simple pop song, there's an intent behind it, which is to help people to better accept who they are.”

Hopefully, now that Adam has completed interviews throughout the U.S. and internationally, the novelty of “being the only openly gay current pop star” has worn off and in the future interviews will focus on his music. As Adam pointed out:

“This album allowed me to introduce myself to the public and the media, to show them what I do. So if I have the opportunity to continue in this business, it won't be necessary to talk about [my sexuality] anymore, because it will already have been talked about. What else can they say?”

Of course there are plenty of other things to talk about in future interviews with Adam, such as his Grammy nomination. In addition, Adam will eventually have news about his upcoming album, which he has said he plans to begin recording in February. In the meantime, Adam will wrap up his Glam Nation concert run with two final shows next week in Los Angeles.



Anonymous said...

Oh Boy this threads gonna kick off with all the ..if only Adam behaved himself on stage.....posters....
i couldn't care less Adam ooooozes Sex on Stage and its here to stay...YAY....its 2010 and the whole gay thing is boring..Live and Let Live
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Glambrit, OT but thanks for the link of the Salsa dancing doggie!! Love animal videos as I'm sure you do too. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam does say he contradicts himself. This is a great interview. He knows that people question him about kissing TJR on stage and then asking that he not be referred to as that gay singer. He is not consistent, and he's spontaneous and creative. That's what we love about Adam least we forget. Every week on Idol was an adventure. We would all wait with anticipation what the boy was going to do next. Let's just enjoy him. When he gets tired of everything, he'll do something else.

Anonymous said...

just incase of confusion...when i said that the whole gay thing is boring i mean't the constant talking about it...i didnt mean the sexy Adam struting his stuff,kissing Tommy,hip shaking cause i just ADORE ALL THAT:)
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

god. are we still talking about Adam being gay? old news. let's talk about the Grammy nom...or his new album...or where he is going to be hiding out for next few months while he writes his next album. :) I agree Glambrit...boring.

Anonymous said...
5* for the cd from Canada

Anonymous said... reap what you sow...and you shouldn't complain about the crop you get! I'm like nearly everyone else here at 24/7 in the fact that I love following Adam and believe he is a genuinely nice person and over-the-top talented and good-looking. Obviously, though, he must way down enjoy the talk about his being gay or he wouldn't continuously keep promoting that fact through his actions. He is who he is. We accept him. He accepts himself. But no one must fault the people who talk about his "gayness" when they are routinely being confronted with it. I've got to admit that I personally wonder why he continues to do this.

Anonymous said...

On stage he is very sexual and that's OK but when you kiss another guy then U R presenting the gay factor....even tho Tommy is straight and this is all in can see them sometime chuckling about's for show...
but most people don't see it this way...a lot of people think they are a couple and we Glamberts know that is not favorite interviews are the ones that focus on his talents and not "gay" issues

Anonymous said...

well anon 4:47pm, I guess I promote my heterosexuality constantly when I go out with my husband for dinner and hold his hand across the table, or kiss him in public, or lean really closely on him at the movies, etc. I never really thought about all that as my being "way down deep enjoying talking about my being straight" to paraphrase you. I get what you are saying, you seem nice and realistic, but do you see what I am saying?

@anon 5:26, who also seems genuine and nice, when you say "...and that's OK but when you kiss another guy then U R presenting the gay factor..." When I kiss my husband at a sporting event, or dinner, or theatre, or christmas tree lot where we're buying a tree, or the grocery store where we're a little frisky and shooting each glances and bumping against each other... am I "presenting the hetero factor..." and is that bad? Just asking.

Anon 4:47am said "and you shouldn't complain about the crop you get!" I don't believe Adam Lambert has complained. He has answered questions when he is asked about the topic, his tone of voice has maybe, a time or two here and there, been one of slight exasperation, and not really even that, more just of - what's the big deal?... and therein lies the bottom line perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just being Adam, and he is gay, and he is sexual. I don't see the media getting up in arms about performers showing their heterosexuality on or off the stage or making a big deal about it in the press. So why should Adam not express his sexuality on stage without having the press make a big deal about it or keep questioning him about it? SAME BUT NOT EQUAL YET. I give Adam a lot of credit for being so open about who he is and I admire him for it. He is, in my opinion a breath of fresh air in a world of stale and same old same old entertainment. Adam keep doing what you are doing because you are "Doing it Perfectly".

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:11 AM We were commenting about the same time I just now read what you wrote and I love how you got your point across. I was trying to convey the same thing. Thank you, seems great minds think alike, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the kissing so much, but why doesn't he just kiss a "gay" guy instead of Tommy. Then maybe it wouldn't seem so much of a contraction.

Just sayin.....

Anonymous said...

PDA (public display of affection) when carried too far as in pro-longed and deep kisses or body-rubbing that embarrasses the people around you is simply not acceptable whether you are straight or gay. Do I mind if you are happily married and give your husband/wife a kiss in public? No, I don't. But please don't dig deep down his/her throat in front of me and expect me to like it. I won't. Hence, Adam carries it too far beyond the acceptable PDA level for many people. Therefore this continues to be a repetitive topic of his interviews and writeups.

Anonymous said...

@IreneRose - HA, yes I just noticed. I forgot my tag before in my haste (was waiting for a family member and then had to get out the door for a quick drop off :)), I'm MGF. I like what you wrote too, and you did so more nicely. I think my comment came off snotty, I apologize for that, I didn't mean for it to! There are valid positions on all sides, and I never mind a little direct discussion :), that's what opens people's minds the best maybe, directness delivered with civility, IDK. I think I have replied to one of your comments before IreneRose, and said I was glad another site participant was using a tag ('though I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with anonymous posters, I forget my tag in haste sometimes, but I think a lot of people here can probably tell it is me by the way it is written, lol... although I read a comment the other day that looked just like my commenting style, but is WASN'T me, so one should never assume I guess :)). So anyway, yeah, I liked your point - lawdy the places we could go about the UBER sexuality, NOT SO SUBTLE sexuality, that is displayed by heterosexual artists at every turn. I find the new "Shake" video by former-tween-idol-trying-to-grow-up Jesse McCartney sort of off-putting actually. I like Jesse McCartney, he seems nice and I think he's got something and he's been working hard seemingly, and I actually LOVE the song "Shake" (another double meaning sort of song btw :)) but that video, not so much... we all have opinions about what is "in your face" and not, and that video is posted on disney and many tween sites, I wonder if he had to defend his artistic vision from that video when he was going through his recent Jingle Ball press junket?? IDK? Gotta get back to real life - but yes, funny how we posted at the same time. (Hope we don't get blasted, lol, but IAG). MGF

Anonymous said...

@December 11, 2010 6:54 AM
A good point, but it doesn't address at all the more important underlying issue commented on by the other posters.

Also, your pre-"Hence" statement doesn't have much to do with your post-"Hence" statement IMHO.

Last, most PDA's put forth by Lambert are to a crowd that has used their free will to buy a ticket and attend his performance, or have chosen to open a website and click on a video, or have chosen to tune into a television performance, with the ability to have fully researched his performace style beforehand (technology can be such a helpful tool can't it).

And honestly, why Lambert's sexuality continues to be a continual topic for writers and bloggers is BECAUSE IT CREATES HITS AND SALES. It's really not brain surgery IMHO. The mainstream media DOES IT ALL THE TIME in the world of politics and hard news as well (and not for the betterment of delivering the news), it is simply the nature of that beast in our society currently.

Anonymous said...

Why people need to make life so complicated, Adam is only kiss on stage, it is not that deep. He likes it because he is very sexual, true to be himself. The rolling body and other gestures are ways to show attraction to other sex, in his case both sexes and I think it is plain natural for him to carry out those act base on his real character. His music is very good. It is up to us how to see his performances. If people insist on concentrating on his sexuality, it is their loss. They will never able to enjoy his music as much as those who get him.

Anonymous said...

Well, why don't you mods at 24/ STOP bringing it up all the time as well!

Anonymous said...

Adam is selling gay sex every chance he gets. Of course that's what will be talked about when referring to him.

Anonymous said...

May be the world is more homophobic than we realized. People has evolved through time and it's clearly not in Adam's case. We need to accept that he is not for everybody.

Anonymous said...

At 6:38 I meant "contradiction"

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 6:54, you said it perfectly.

Anonymous said...

then i guess flo rida is selling rapper sex every chance he gets and usher is selling black sex every chance he gets and rihanna is selling dont hit me for it sex every chance she gets and shakira is selling latino sex every chance she gets and miley is selling barely legal hillbilly bong hitting sex every chance she gets and beiber and gomez are selling don't know what we are doing yet sex and you are not supposed to be feeling sexual urges yet but damn what's going on between my legs sex every chance they get and katy perry is selling international sex every chance she gets, and bristol palin is selling premarital sex, oh wait, she's fixing that with her abstinance campaign, scratch that, carrie underwood is selling halo around my head missionary only sex every chance she gets and maroon 5's adam levine is selling "misterable" sex every chance he gets and Eminem is selling only if you do it my way or watch out sex every chance he gets and taylor swift is selling, well we wont' even go there, but shall i go on... i really wish i knew if you were a troll, or completely sincere, because the latter is so much more... depressing, if you're the former, well then I've wasted my time and you've gotten a good laugh, good on 'ya.

Anonymous said...

@December 11, 2010 6:54 AM
You are not expected to accept anything. You don't have to like or tolerate anything. You don't have to mind anything. Look away, walk away, don't click on it, don't follow it, don't persue it. Exactly who again is twisting your arm?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert And Ryan Zimmerman Visit Spider-Man On Broadway
Hi, John. :-) GLb

Anonymous said...

funny 6:54, the fans screaming and yelling happily at Adam's PDAs during the concerts they have chosen to and paid to get into willingly don't seem to be too distressed about the issue. I have a question for you, are you frequently confronted with witnessing "pro-longed and deep kisses or body-rubbing" and those who would "dig deep down his/her throat in front of..." you? Man oh man 6:54, I've got to start hanging around where you're hanging around more. So disingenuous, so thinly veiled.

Anonymous said...

For people who only want Adam's voice but diss him in other way. You are very cruel to him and please go back to your place, you feel more comfortable at your own moral world.

Anonymous said...

Amen anon 7:55 - and in answer to whoever said it would be ok if Adam kissed a gay guy instead of Tommy. What is the difference, when Tommy is OK with it and it is being done in concert, and it seems Adam's fans me included enjoy it. If its not your thing then don't watch it or skip past the kiss why deny those of us who enjoy it.

@MGF thanks for your kind remarks, I have been a lurker on this site and have enjoyed your posts on here but never actually commented. I agree everyone is entitled to their opinions, but please don't deny those of us who enjoy Adam in all of his artistic interpretations of his songs. You all have the right to watch or not the videos that are more sexual in content.

Anonymous said...

Contradiction, contradiction, contradiction. What is said and done on stage, and I don't mean necessarily the Tommy thing, simply calls attention to the gay factor. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the complaining about constantly being referred to as the gay artist by the media. He can't have it both ways. If he wants to be known as the artist and performer, then there's some simple things he can do to assure that. If not, then by all means, he should keep doing what he's doing. And by the way, I'm not going anywhere. I have as much right to express my take on this as anyone else, so don't bother to attack me with your insults.

Anonymous said...

From twitter tonight:

LaurieLovesAdam: @adamlambert Please NO family friendly show 2nite! There are no Bieber fans here! Bring your HOT & SEXY to S FLORIDA! We're waiting 4 u, BB!

Thank you @Anon 2010 7:51 AM ! Right on the spot!

Anonymous said...

anon 7:51 - you expressed this so well. sex is everywhere but gay sex is like the last frontier

Anonymous said...

@Anon 8.41

Adam answered the question on Rolling Stone: "Are you gay?" "YES!"
What he does on stage doesn´t matter. He would be gay in the media even if he sat on a stool in a plaid shirt singing country tunes. The homophobes hated him on AI. He was gross and ugly and couldn´t sing and he hadn´t kissed a man on stage there. He could play the straight game but people know and has already closed their ears, hearts and souls.
I don´t know what diffrence it would make if he kissed a gay guy. That comment made no sence to me. It´s for the show and they are not having gay sex, they kiss for 2 seconds. Two sets of lips meet and people are so offended.


Anonymous said...

Anon 8:41 I don't get your point, as I stated before why is it ok for heterosexual sexuality be shown in performances and not being talked about or questioned by the media, but let Adam show his sexuality and its a big deal. Why? Are you saying he should stay in the closet, so the media can't make a bid deal out of his being gay??
I'm not trying to be disrespectful of your opinion but I don't understand your reasoning.
How can Adam be who he is if he has to stifle his sexuality so as not to be questioned about it in every interview. Again its a double standard so he is dammed if he does and dammed if he doesn't. I'm really trying to understand and I am not attaching you or your reasoning.

Anonymous said...

OMG what is all the fuss about! It is time people were accepting and so tired of this homophobic attitude! It's not the Dark Ages!
Adam is beautifully gay and true to himself and for some reason people have to harp on that time and time again. It gets so darn old.
Love the man for changing the world and still breaking barriers everywhere he goes. Just wish the US would wise up and embrace Adam with the Superstar title he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

I admire Adam so much. He puts up with so much ridiculous crap from ignorant unintelligent people.He knows he'll never convert them all, but 'such is life'! Afterall it's their loss!

Anonymous said...

They will 9:43am, in time. Call me an optimist, but I believe they will.

Anonymous said...

oh, good lord. STOP PEOPLE!

If you don't like it, don't watch. If you don't mind it or enjoy watching it, then do. Simple.

This conversation is so old.

Any by the way,...and, yes, this is meant to offend some of you...lots of homophobes roaming this site. Why ya here? Adam's not going to change. Either open your minds and hearts or move on.


I at the age of 58 have come to the late life realization that I am lesbian and am just coming out. It offends me to no end the judgement that people make on this site through "I am tolerant" statements or "I can kiss, but you can't because it is gay". And don't try to mask the comment with it is too much of a kiss. A little smooch might be OK, but a REAL kiss. OH NO! Run people, run!

Enough people. Time we learn that love is love. Period.

Sexuality is a spectrum. Deal with it.

Oh, ... and have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:51


Right on point!

*rolling on the floor laughing*

Anonymous said...

@Anon December 11, 2010 8:43 AM
You wrote "sex is everywhere but gay sex is like the last frontier". I like the way you said that. Very true, sadly. It shouldn't be taking so long for more straight people to come around to the understanding that homosexuality is not uncommon, unexpected, or un-normal. For pete's sake, physical enjoyment and sexual expression is had in so many different ways in BOTH the heterosexual and homosexual community, far beyond traditional penetration/intercourse anyway, sheesh give me a break; it is so foolish to say the way in which LGBT human beings enjoy physical pleasure is wrong.

Anonymous said...

@December 11 9:59 AM "Sexuality is a spectrum. Deal with it." Yes, exactly.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:28

What? Adam is selling gay sex???? Are you serious? Where do I purchase that!?! Tell me quick! I want me some.


Anonymous said...

IreneRose, you need to go back and reread what I said.My main point is he can't COMPLAIN about being referred to as the gay artist and then on the other hand do everything he can to call attention to the fact that he is gay. It's a huge contradiction. He can perform any way he chooses. I just get tired of him bemoaning the fact that he is referred to a gay in the media. I guess I'm just confused as to what he really does want. I thank you for not attacking me as I am a huge Adam fan. I'm just not such a fanatic that I think he can do no wrong, and I certainly don't think a person should be attacked for having an opinion that doesn't follow lockstep with Groupthink as happened with one of the other posters.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:19

I don't see any Groupthink. I see lots of different opinions and empassioned conversation. :)

I don't think it is about being called gay, because he is gay. He knows it. We know it. He is out and proud. I think it is about being called out as gay, when straight singers are not called out as straight singers. If everyone was prefaced by their sexuality it would be equal. The gay singer, the bisexual dancer, the straight guitar player, the transgender drummer, the cross dressing actor. It all just seems so ridiculous doesn't it, to connect sexuality for the purpose of description like that?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:19 AM
I have been rereading what you posted. I feel he has every right to complain about being referred to as the gay artist because, he is out and proud and shouldn't have to deal with labels nor deny his sexuality. Again I compare it with heterosexual performers because they can be as sexual as they want without being labeled Heterosexual singer/performer. This is what he is complaining about. It is a double standard and that is what I have a problem with.
Am I misunderstanding what you are saying? Again I'm not being nasty or disrespectful of your opinion I just can't wrap my head around someone stating that its ok to have a double standard because that is what I get when I read your comment.
Adam has proven to be a unique and riveting performer and he shouldn't have to hide nor tone down his performances in any way, shape or form nor should he have to be constantly labeled as the openly gay singer for being himself on stage.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:45 AM
Thank you for stating what I have been trying to convey. You did far better than I. That is my point exactly, if everyone was prefaced by their sexuality then Adam would not have anything to complain about.
I just get frustrated by inequality, no matter who or what it is about.
Lets not go backwoods, lets keep forging ahead and get past labels. Thank you again Anon 10:45 AM you get it.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I’m so late in reading all the comments!

Hey, Dec.11 7:51 AM! Are you up for some ‘never mind your gender or age, let’s brain-dive into each other’ sex? But, baby, can I also invite Dec.11 7:28 AM to this party? I’m totally for an inter-POV gang braing. Well, I’m all booked up for the next week, but after that.. People, I’ll do it for free! I mean.. with the brains I’m attracted to, of course. I won’t ask for any ID or health card, I promise! If you are regulars here you know I love to live dangerously! I’m playing with words in a foreign language, for God sake!.. I do that without a language license.. while otherwise stumbling over tenses! :-)))


PS: POV = points of views :-)

Anonymous said...

they need to focus on music and less on sexuality. It is repetiitive and boring. Adam will be with whomever he chooses and if he ever dated a female the press would have a field day with that one. Adam is unpredicatable and that makes him interesting.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam wants to appeal to gay, lesbian, straight, and bisexual. He admits being gay, but admits being bicurious. Bicuriosity is having bisexual tendancies. He will date male or female and maybe both. It doesn't matter as long as his music is good. Adam has no set rules.

Anonymous said...

Irene, I can see some of your point, though to be fair, Adam chose Rolling Stone to announce the obvious, and apparently the other media sources followed suit. He shouldn't be surprised. It's true that straight artists aren't described as straight in referencing, but they are described in other ways that they don't particularly like. For instance, Prince was always referred to as the diminutive artist or other descriptions that cast aspersions to his height. I guess we will have to agree to disagree about Adam's complaints and contradictions. At least HE finally realizes and admits that he is contradicting himself and that he does certain things just to push it. You mention the double standard, which certainly DOES exist at times as would be witnessed by the DADT policy in the military, but I also think Adam has some double standards of his own. If he's out and proud, then why would it bother him to be referred to as gay? I don't believe I ever said I was an advocate of double standards, his or others'.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:39am....
Being 'gay' should be considered the same as being 'straight'....Sexual orientation of a person shouldn't overshadow what he or she does. He stated the facts in the first place on rolling stone because the media were hunting him down.The paparazis were after him and reporting every dude that they saw with him as his BF or lover and there is nothing wrong with being honest and open about your personal life. But also we have to respect ones privacy and not push him to the extent that he would be offended. There is a fine line for everything darling. Always say "what if it was 'Me'? What if it was my family member?"...Never judge things from outside the circle.


Anonymous said...

On a serious note now...

A short guy in a group of tall people will be called ‘the little one’ or something. One man in a group of women will be called 'the man'. To identify a particular woman in the same group you should add more like ‘with the red scarf’ or skirt, blonde hair, short legs, whatever... Maybe that's why he's 'the gay singer' out of the big mass of sexually charged singers (not as the only one, of course, just as the most visible one right now). And yes, he is selling ‘gay sex’, no doubt about that, while the rest of them are selling all the other kinds of sex. Funny enough and amazing thing is that we are buying it! We all are buying our own fantasies, thank you very much. Let’s not fight over that.


Anonymous said...

Adam is not "selling" gay sex. He is not trying to "convert" anyone. He is simply expressing sexuality that is in line with HIS sexuality. It would be pretty weird if he was expressing sexuality that was NOT in line with who he is, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Dear Adam,

Welcome home. Good to be back isn't it? Have you started to look for a home in Europe yet? You will be missed here in the United States. Most of us love you for who you are. I will come visit you when I am in Europe. Please write and let me know how life is there, where people are...well...just people.


A fan who just wants you loved unconditionally.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:39AM
Ok, lets agree to disagree, because it is about sexuality and not about how tall or short a performer is, Adam has come a long way from the AI stage and most people know that he is gay, so why must he still be labeled as gay. It doesn't mean he is ashamed of who he is, that is such a contradiction to who he is as a person.
Wouldn't it be great if they introduce him as a Grammy nominated singer for Best Male Vocalist? Why isn't that being picked up by the media, yes some have said it, but most keep saying "openly gay singer", yes I believe Adam has every right to complain. Thank you for your input but it's still hard for me to understand that you feel he shouldn't complain about being labeled gay singer/performer, it just doesn't seem right nor that he should have to suppress his sexuality so as not to be labeled. Just not fair or just. Again this is just my opinion and how I see it.

@MGF You are right I did comment once before and I believe you liked what I said, something about one of the reasons I am obsessed with Adam because he is secure in who he is as a person without being obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Irene, that you can't understand my feelings. I think I have been as clear as I can be, and yet I feel that words are being put in my mouth that were not said. I stand by my original thoughts, and that's that. HE knows he's a contradiction, and that's enough for me. I'll take his word for it.

Anonymous said...

He was not planning to kiss Tommy on stage in the tour, but he got pissed and started to do it regularly.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Adam was in Europe, we talked about how OTT he was on stage, the kissing,the pot and all his provocative acts, seldom people talked about his "gay". Why on earth once he step in US, some of us feel the need to diss his sexuality all over again. Who give you the right to do this to him? Just saying.

Anonymous said...

This topic was posted on another thread about three days ago when the topic came up in an interview in Europe. Yes, I said Europe. He was questioned about being referred to as the gay singer and also about the things he does on stage. That's where he admitted he contradicts himself. Today, a new thread was put up on the same whom I do not know. We responded to it. No one is "dissing" his sexuality, unless you believe that anyone who doesn't agree with you is "dissing."

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!
Okaay, for some of you I think I will charge a fee tough! Still not asking for health card.
Can we, please, replace the 'it's not that deep' crap with the 'f**k it, it's as deep as we say it is' one? :-)


PS: Don't you ever think that I come here without my matches. Yet, for now, I'm just sending you the love of an arsonist and leave you all to this flammable house of ones and zeros (1000101000). May your anonymity save you from 'burning'! :-)))

Anonymous said...

One more thing.. (Don't shut the door in my face, woman, I'm not drunk.. nor loud!)... :-)... Can someone bring (reveal) more testosterone at my table next time I come here, please? I mean, I always bring some with me, no doubt, but far from being enough to balance the huge amount of estrogen here. It's intoxicating.. LOL.


Urethra_Franklin said...

Blah Blah Blah... BLAH!

Anonymous said...

Okay.....this is just so out of hand! I love Adam dearly, and his voice is incredible. He is a born performer, and can pull in an audience with a glance and that smile before he even sings a note. I know he is gay.......and for some odd reason I enjoy watching him kiss Tommy, but I would enjoy watching him kiss a woman too.....just love to see those lips and tongue in action. He knows exactly what he is doing on stage.....and he loves manipulating the audience....we are indeed putty in his hands. Yes.....he pushes the limits....he knee jerk reacts to things and sometimes goes beyond the point I ever expected.......but those things are accomplishing him the full attention of the audience, and yet the opportunity to give the haters "the bird". I think he is an intelligent man, and will pull back at shows where he feels he needs to, and go full force where he is comfortable doing it. He knows that America is definately homophobic and that is one thing that has become crystal clear to me in my loving Adam. The first thing out of most of the people that find out I love Adam and his voice and his stage presence immidiately say...."You know he's gay?" Face much as I pray for people to get beyond this, the fact is it will take a long time for these deep seated feelings of fear to be throttled out of the huge percentage of "haters". Adam has to know that, and I feel that he will pull back the sexual action in his performances on television and the like because he KNOWS that pushes the WRONG button in haters, and he DOES want to be known for his music. I think we all need to sit back, let Adam be Adam, let Adam make the decisions of how he needs to act and where, and stop digging at him NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES!! Let's face it....there's always a group of us in fanland that end up trying to tell him what to do....."Cut back on sexuality" or "Shove it in their face Baby"......let's let this magic man make his own judgements on his behavior. If it really bothers him to suddenly be the poster boy for homosexuality, he will tone down a little. If it doesn't bother him, he will continue to push the limits. There's a lot of talent in that man, and he wants to be an entertainer for a long time. He got where he is on his instincts and hard work, and whatever choices he makes in the future will be the right ones for him too. He needs our support of his music and for us to stop acting like we are his agents and have a right to tell him how to behave. Chill people.....let's welcome him back to the states with open arms, and know that the man is a genius and doesn't need our second guessing him. We all love him, we all want to protect him from harm of any kind, and sometimes we just get to over zealous. Let's love him, enjoy him, and let him keep creating himself both on stage and off. Love you all....know you all love him. Let's agree to disagree and let it go.....let's let the man live his life. We love who he was before we knew of him, we loved him on AI, we have loved him all thru his first album and tour, and we need to continue to love him in the future. Let's go and watch one of his videos and smile. That will make us ALL smile and happy. Hope you all have a happy, and fun weekend ahead of you. Have fun, be safe, and for goodness sakes...chill out!!! Love you all!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is SEX. He pushes sexy in the face of anyone who wants to see it. He would probably put his tongue anywhere he wants to put it. He does what in the hell he pleases and no press will change it.

Anonymous said...

Hear, Hear, and beautifully said, agree with everything you said, and would have said it all myself but I'm too lazy to write that long a post!

HK fan

Anonymous said... many comments to comment on, but it's late and I'm just too tired...well, except for this one: Anon 12/11, 7:51 AM - ha, ha, OMG that was classic!! I hate to inform y'all of this, if you haven't yet noticed it, but sex is everywhere!! It's used to sell things and it's used by musicians (nothing new there, just how blatent it has become). Adam's no different...altough I think his actions on stage are more sincere...but sex is where it's AT these days. So he's up on stage, being as sexy as the next singer (well, more so, IMO), yet he gets labeled "openly gay" singer.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Bravo, ZZ. Couln't agree with you more! @ 7:10 PM, beautifully well said, saying it all! @ 9:59 AM, good for you! We all should lead our authentic life, no matter what our age. Much love and happiness for you! Bottom line for me, just want Adam to be happy and fulfilled doing what he wants to do for a long, long time. My preferences and opinions in the long run are of little consequence to his actual life, just thoughts, pro or con. Just love this man no matter what. He thrills, excites and moves us to a glorious place which I hope is returned to him ten fold. funbunn40

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