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Adam Lambert To Perform at the Grammys?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 20, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, January 20, 2011

According to the website TheBoomBox, Adam Lambert will join Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Usher etc to perform at the upcoming Grammys Award show! Not sure how accurate the website is, but this is what they said:

"The new performers also join Katy Perry, Miranda Lambert, Arcade Fire and Adam Lambert on the performance slate. The ceremony will bebroadcast live from the Staples Center in Los Angeles on Feb. 13 at 8PM on CBS."



Anonymous said...

OMG, if this is true! it would be just sooo AWESOME & EXCITING for Adam then us the Fans... Yaaay! and of course the network... RATINGS peeps! to the ROOF‼ :) *pls, pls let this happen*

Anonymous said...

Huh. I just read (In Hoopla at lj) that Lane would have confirmed in a chat that Adam not be performing.

So don't celebrate yet...

Anonymous said...

I am hoping this is real.....becuase I'd love to see Adam on the big screen performing again on a big show.

Anonymous said...

I will wait for solid proof before celebrate, don't want an heart failure. But keep thinking this will be true.

Anonymous said...

Don't tease us like that...don't be messin' with us...don't turn our lives on their heads and give us heart attacks if this is not true - BUT IF IT IS...!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will die. Already dead.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Don't believe it, but would be thrilled to be proven wrong, of course!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I will wait for the Grammy's to announce that Adam is performing before I start dancing on the table tops. :) Too many rumors on the web.

Anonymous said...

Gotta wait until we hear it coming from Adam or his management making a formal statement.

Hope the Grammy's BIG mock'a'mock decision makers realize what this would do to the ratings if Adam performs.

Heck - make the announcement on Adam's bday - ADAM WILL BE A GRAMMY PERFORMER !!!! -- what a GRAND present that would be!!


Anonymous said...

I hope this is true but it doesn't announce him as one the performers on the Grammy web page with the rest of the performers. I hope he does!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it until announced by Adam or his management. That article made it sound like it was common knowledge he was performing and it's not.

Anonymous said...

Not accurate 8-( The actual news article on makes no mention of Adam.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see him perform "Soaked" with a huge string orchestra behind him. Fantasy look: black tux jacket with tales, white tie, no shirt (or very little of one), torn faded jeans, black hair with a few blue spikes, subtle glitter makeup, black spike fingerless gloves and black alligator boots (whew! that just kinda flowed out of me, now I'm breathless). Just stand there and command attention singing your heart out, Adam! Even do the big pause in the middle and sing w/o the orchestra so everyone in the world can hear your beautiful, pure voice. That would be epic on tv. And it would shut up all the "can't leave AMA's behind" people. He NEEDS another major event on tv. He would show them the classy one-of-a-kind act we all know him to be. It would reduce me to tears like it did in Atlanta to see this.


Anonymous said...

@anon 1:31pm What is Hoopla at lj? Never heard about this web or blog or whatever! Certainly, nobody knows exactly about Adam's performance on Grammys. But Adam or RCA didn't officialy will give us a proof about this performance. Let's wait and cross our fingers. By the way, Adam looked absolutely fantastic on his last pictures. May be this new hair style will look better on Grammys. As less Fashion Police will not comment that Adam look like Elvis nephew:)They made this comment at last year Grammys:)It was hilarious:)

The Dark Side said...

The show is not that long and they have a lot of singers already signed up, in particular those who are nominated more than once. I am proud of the fact that Adam is recognized with a nomination this year. Things are moving at a good pace for Adam. Maybe he will be asked to be a presenter. Don't forget he is on the Grammy album--that's an honor by itself.

Anonymous said...

Once again this web-site is awesome and doesn't miss a thing. I saw that article earlier today and wanted to post it, but then I researched more of the named performers and didn't see his name mentioned anywhere. What gives?

Anonymous said...

shame on The Grammy awards if they snub Adam and keep him from performing. shame shame shame!!!! "Soaked" would be the song that would have the tongues wagging for a very long time and I could see him receiving the standing ovation with that one! Ricky Martin is known for his stellar Grammy performance that launched him into the stratosphere.

Anonymous said...

I hope so much that ADAM is performing at the Grammys. It would be a dream come true for Adam and all of us! I was not happy to hear Willow Smith would be "performing". Say it ain't so!!!

Anonymous said...

How can this Jaden smith or willow smith 12 and 10 years old be asked to perform and NOT Adam. Boy, does daddy Will have some pull or what. Sorry, just venting when I saw they were performing I was like WTF. The list I see performing so far is pretty much turning into a rap/hiphop show.

Anonymous said...

an Adam performance would boost Grammy ratings! The Grammy awards have been lacking stellar performances for many years. Whitney Houston is one of the only artist that has had stellar performances and standing ovations in years past. They need to bring back those type of artists. I'm a Barbra Streisand fan myself and Adam is right up there with these legendary vocalists!

Anonymous said...

I understand we are and should be grateful just for him being nominted, BUT when I hear that this 10 yr old willow smith and the bieber kid and lots and lots of rappers are getting all the performances: this show is going to suck this year.

Anonymous said...

Willow Smith performing? What is the awards coming to? Dad Will might have a say in that one! I miss the real talent of years past! The Grammy awards need to get with it!

Anonymous said...

I always get my hopes up only to be let down.I am just going to be happy about the nomination and seeing Adam on the red carpet dazzling everyone. I am so excited that his picture was in the winner's circle at the beginning of the Idol show last night.We all know he is the real winner!!!

Anonymous said...

they should call it the HIP HOP GRAMMYS! there's more to life than rap. Where are the real singers at? The show will get boring really fast! Adam needs to come save the day!

Anonymous said...

how did talking become singing? I'm confused! The Grammy Awards use to acknowledge the best vocalists in the industry. It's become a popularity contest lately! Rap is considered an art form, but it doesn't show the artist vocal ability. Opera is considered singing, because it showcases the voice. Adam has a voice and he should be allowed to showcase that!

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry is a beautiful woman, but I don't think she is a stellar vocalist. Is she performing? I see her on the commercial. Adam had a great year and he should be acknowledged for it. KP and her Fireworks is a little annoying after awhile.

Anonymous said...

OK, what am I missing. I checked the source and didn't see any reference to Adam!!! Is this a hoax?

Anonymous said...

If Adam is not there performing, the only performances worth while watching/listening will be Muse and Lady Gaga! Current list of performers does not include Adam...Maybe that's why he's been "looking sad" (not my words).

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to get excited till there is more proof.

On another note, here is a tweet from Brad-Adam's ex-love:

GoCheeksGo Cheeks
Thought to be appendicitis. It's not. Better now; pain was so bad I couldn't walk. Tests continue! least the nurse is super cute.
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
in reply to ↑
Cassidy Haley
@cassidyhaley Cassidy Haley
@GoCheeksGo oh damn buddy! keep strong! lots of love your way!

Anonymous said...

Una presentación de ADAM en el GRAMMY seria
toda una revolución musical en esa noche. Escuchar su impresionante voz, proyectada en todo ese Auditorio más su cautivadora presencia seria un éxito arrollador(imagínense si fuera "Empapado")Es seguro que todos los artista presentes estarían fascinado de ver una actuación de ADAM al igual que todos sus
LA VOZ de ADAM, merece una Actuación en el GRAMMY.

Anonymous said...

not true-- check out grammys web sit adam is not listed. They need to wake up???

Anonymous said...

Well, I can still keep my fantasy performance in my head anyway.


Anonymous said...

The only thing that we can do right now is to show them how much we love Adam and support his every concert and album. As long as his cd and concerts are selling worldwide, he is the greatest artist ever...

Anonymous said...

@ justpeachy LOL. True dat.
It would be totally awesome if he was asked to perform but I too am skeptical of this especially if he is not on the roster with the other confirmed performers but there's still a chance...guess we'll find out soon enough.
Just sayin.

Bing said...

Ditto @glamnut i also think that the nomination itself is a big thing already and being included in the cd is an honor. I'm just sooo proud of him. Is it too much to wish that he'd be invited to perform, i don't think so. Really hope they would reconsider and let more talented artists give relevance to the show.

@glamnut good luck to the plans you have mentioned before ;-)

Anonymous said...

They're not going to ask Adam to perform, and that's it folks. Adam does seem bitter lately. I don't see the spontaneous joy I use to see. When he smiles, it seems contrived and not genuine. Don't know what's going on, but I can't see networks agreeing to have Adam live in prime time. They don't forget. Adam is getting more outspoken and political. Money and fame are nice, but it would also be good to perform with your peers rather than just sit in the audience. Maybe he won't even show up. Sorry to be so negative, but I'm speaking from my gut, and that's seldom wrong. My heart says something different.

Fan4fun said...


HH's above, 4:38PM
«A performance by ADAM on the GRAMMY would be a musical total revolution that night. Listening to his impressive voice projected all over that audience plus his captivating presence would be an entranced hit (imagine if it was «Soaked»). For sure, all artists there would be fascinated to see an ADAM's performance, as well as his followers. The VOICE of ADAM deserves a presentation on GRAMMY. HH»

by Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

I hope that he will perform so everyone can see what we have seen all along. He has appeared on Leno several times, Letterman, Conan...he can be trusted not only to give a great performance, but give a performance that is not in danger of being censored. One thing Adam is...he is smart, and he learns what he can do and not do. So, if they want the ratings to be higher, and money talks, I believe he will perform. If he doesn't, then he has a Grammy nod and is featured on the Grammy CD. That is pretty great for an artist starting his career.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have this dreadful feeling that Adam has been blacklisted by USA media, and it feels like an organized effort. The TV media are not the ones who gave him the Grammy nomination; but they do have control over whether he gets to perform live on a TV show or not. This whole thing gives me a very sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. This is not the USA I grew up in or lived in during my youth or was proud of during Watergate. The repressive atmosphere we now live in has, in many ways, made this country unrecognizable to me.

To me this is a bigger issue than Adam being invited to perform or not. I believe his US Constitutional rights (his freedom of speech and expression, his right to not be discriminated against based on sexual orientation) are being violated big time (any lawyers in our crowd?)since the AMAs. He is certainly being treated differently from, i.e. Eminem who denegrates women and gay men (listing Adam by name in one of his songs!)or Charlie Sheen, a heterosexual man who has allegedly assaulted multiple women in real life.

I also think it's about censorship of information and entertainment for perhaps the majority of US citizens--denying us our freedom of choice to have access to what we want to see or hear (because it may be offensive to only one group--conservative right wingers)--not unlike the burning of controversial library books.

I feel suffocated by it. I can only imagine what Adam must feel like. I think he is being punished for doing nothing wrong--horribly bullied by the USA media. I wish I could do something about it. It breaks my heart that this beautiful, good, and decent man is being treated like this. He is a national treasure. He may be one of the best ambassadors the USA has right now--seriously, even in China!

I so hope the next announcement is that Adam is performing so I can be proven wrong. If he does not get to perform, I wish there would be a gutsy investigative reporter stepping up to the plate to dig into this. I think I would start with the people who own some of these stations, like Dick Clark. Just a reminder: the airways these private owners use belong to us; they are public.

Kentucky Fan (Somebody, please prove me wrong.)

Anonymous said...

It would be wonderful to see Adam perform at the Grammy's, but doubt it will happen. If it does, I hope he chooses to look more like the Elton party and less like GNT for his own sake. This is mainstream USA, (you know, tight-asses) and toned down will get a much better reaction. And he shouldn't consider that "selling out" or not being himself. He has more than one side, just like the video shows (WWFM). I think Soaked is a perfect song choice. Maybe Sleepwalker, but for God's sake not Fever! Love that song, love the live performances of it, but America is NOT ready. Unfortunately.

As for Jaden (announced today) and Willow performing...Jaden: why? what did he do? Willow: "Whip My Hair" is the most annoying song I have ever heard in my LIFE. Including "Dont Worry, Be Happy" and "Kumbuyah"! Probably spelled that wrong and don't care.

I will watch though. If Adam is there and looks as good as we know he can, then the cameras should focus on him frequently. I'll just keep the sound off most of the time.

Anonymous said...

I have said this before in other comments: Adam Lambert is the most impressive vocal talent in the music industry today. His music stirs your soul and his audience connection is pure electricity. So why are we not seeing and hearing more from him on American tv and radio? He seems to be an international sensation after his Glam Nation Tour and yet it is unusual to read anything about this in the USA media outlets. His Grammy nomination was a welcome surprise and well deserved, but will he actually be performing during the awards show? I hope so, but it seems unlikely given the nature of previous shows. They would rather put on Eminem where every other word has to be bleeped or have someone lip sync their song. Adam Lambert is one impressive musical talent and because of his dedicated, passionate fans he will continue to make great strides in his musical career.

Anonymous said...

8:46 what a thoughtful post, and I think you're absolutely correct. It may not be an orchestrated effort or conspiracy, but the prejudice is undoubtedly there. Adam made a public display of gay male sex, and even though soaps are more explicite, Adam is the first and only man to do this on prime time major networks. Cable is another story, thank goodness.

After reading a recent post from someone who said Adam was identified as evil versus the good Kris by their church, I have no doubt there are sicko suits at the networks doing everything they can to undermine anything Adam does. Look at today's statement from the Governor of Alabama (?) saying to be his friend, you had to believe in Jesus, etc. Have news for that idiot. Most of the world's population are not Christians.

I too am embarrassed for what this country has become. I find it difficult to believe that with all the problems in the world, the #1 priority of the House of Representatives is to ensure there is absolutely no federal funding for abortion. So only the wealthy can obtain an abortion. Whether you believe in abortion or not, this should not be the #1 concern when we have people dying because of no health insurance. Are they less important?

Anyway, I'll stop. Adam represents what is good and noble and kind in this world. The rest of the politicians should have just a tiny amount of the compassion that Adam possesses, and the world would be a better place.

Sorry for the long post, but I am passionate about this.

Anonymous said...

Re anon 7:00pm....I totally agree! Something seems "off" in Adam's latest pics. The smile seems forced, the eyes lack that magic sparkle we saw in the GNT and Idol Tour. Maybe I'm reading too much into this n he's just "chillin". I sure hope so! MEMO TO CBS: LET OUR BB SING! YOUR RATINGS WILL GO THRU THE ROOF, N YOU COULD "STICK IT" TO ABC BY BEING BRAVE ENUF TO SHOWCASE THIS AMAZING MAN!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 7 pm....I, too, have thought Adam does not seem as happy and spontanous as he did say even as little as a couple of months ago when he was on tour. I thought maybe something in his love life, or the way he's treated by American TV, DJ's, etc. maybe just a letdown after the last year or so of fame is causing him sadness. I have even blamed the long hair for giving him a somber look, fewer genuine smiles in his pics,etc. I hope we're just imagining this. No, I pray we're just imaging this. But I'm worried. Somebody tell me its not so.


Anonymous said...

I live in West Coast area. So I couldn't watch AI yesterday when it was shown in East Coast. I went on twitter to read people's tweets and when I saw tweets on my feed from other Glamberts in East Coast that AI showed Adam twice; I decided to look at non-fans' tweets reaction about this. I read many many tweets and there were only couple of tweets amongst hundreds that were negative reactionary tone about Adam. To me this meant that most people here in U.S. don't care about Adam's sexual orientation. They know that he is very talented and they love his voice. I don't understand why the award shows and the media as a whole don't embrace him like we see it in other countries. I hope he gets to perform and win the Grammy because there is nobody in the pop scene quite like Adam. Let's put good vibes into the universe and guys if you haven't yet contributed to please do it.

Anonymous said...

Just a comment about tweets 10:10. The Twitter world is very pro-Adam and tends to be liberal. There are millions of rednecks and conservatives who hate what Adam represents and don't have a clue to what Twitter is and don't want to.

I do agree his hair is making him look older, sad and dour. Just not flattering at all. I rather see him shave his head than that long stringy style.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to keep positive (and only positive) thoughts out there in hopes Adam will perform at the Grammys. In the event that he is not asked to perform, I will be very disappointed but I will look very much forward to seeing him on the Red Carpet, being interviewed, and glimpses of him in the audience. It is an honor for him to have been nominated and also to have been included on the Grammy CD. For that, I am very proud of Adam. He has a long career in front of him and I'm sure there will be future opportunities for him on award shows. Think positive folks and have faith!!!


Anonymous said...

You're right CT. I guess what irks me is some of the lack luster "talent" that is getting recognized. The music industry is so competitive, and considering that Adam is relatively new to the national scene, he is doing well. I believe his success and popularity internationally exceeds all but a few of the very elite entertainers like Gaga and Pink.

Anonymous said...

A lot of very thoughtful posts that I support.I'm fed up with the ultra-conservative politicians, Glenn Beck, Limbaugh and their inflated egos and misinformation determining what we should think, feel and be allowed to enjoy. I'm really tired of the hypocrisy and sense of entitlement of power over the masses that the morality monitors are inflicting upon us. Id better quit, as this is a sensitive subject and it's too easy for me to get on a roll. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Bedtime, but I have to applaud you funbunn40. You said it perfectly. I am a senior and taught government and history, and I never remember a time like this with such an uneducated, ignorant and uninformed citizenry. Like Adam stated, the founding fathers wanted separation of church and state. Unlike the picture painted by conservatives, they were generally agnostic. Somehow, primarily under the presidency of GWB, we intertwined the two so that the religious ignorant are governing. It's really pathetic. I also need to quit.

Anonymous said...

funnbunn40 and anon 12:09 thanks for having the guts to say what I also feel.

On the subject of Adam performing at the Grammy's. Let's give it time. They can't have all the nominees perform and they usually ask those that will win to perform. Adam has to unfortunately prove himself I think to the music industry execs before he is asked to perform. Either that or his fanbase continues to shout louder and louder to be heard to allow him to blow the world away, thus proving himself.


Anonymous said...

I hope that Adam gets to perform because he will surely wow the crowd with his amazing vocals. It is a great accomplishment for Adam to be nominated for a Grammy, especially for best male vocals. It is another great accomplishment for him to be included in the Grammy nominated album since 12 of the artist included on the album are double+ nominees. It would be the icing on the cake for Adam to perform. The show is having quite a few groupings of artist to perform so it is possible they are still working out add'l groupings. I would much rather have Adam sing alone, but would also love to see a grouping with Lady Gaga (Fever), Pink (WWFM), or Muse (Soaked). I am keeping my fingers crossed for a performance. I think they can see from Adam's last year performing on TV, that he knows when to reign it in. He has had amazing performances this past year on Ellen, Oprah, Jay Leno.... KLM

glitzylady said...

This thread makes me a little sad, but I suppose many are speaking realistically. I get so lost in my admiration and fandom for Adam that I forget about the rest of the world who probably fall into four "camps": #1. Those who love, appreciate, and "get" him (that would be us..) for his beautiful voice and very gentle yet fierce soul; #2.Those who don't have a clue who he is; #3.Those who remember him from Idol, and liked him there, but haven't followed his career since then; #4. And those who think he is the "racy, nasty boy" from the AMA's ( I personally like my boys a little racy and nasty once in awhile.. ; ) but I digress... ). At this point, his biggest fans ( are realistically in the minority (but a very passionate minority...)....for now. His lack of public primetime network TV exposure in the last year has been a problem for sure, and it would help if we heard him on the radio more. So a Grammy performance would be so wonderful, to expose his voice to millions again, and I agree with others who have said "Soaked" would be truly spectacular, but in reality if (when..) he does perform, it would most likely be WWFM, his Grammy nominated vocal performance. I will certainly settle for that! And the really positive point to all of this is that he got that nomination because there are those in the music industry who recognize and admire him, which is a really big plus. I haven't given up at all and will be watching on Grammy night, if nothing else to see him on camera...I have no doubt they will be panning to him every once in awhile..And of course if nothing else, he could certainly be a presenter...

and @funbunn40 and @anon 12:09 AM...sad but true..the political polarization in the US is out of control..and very scary to me. I am sorry to say I agree with both of you.

Anonymous said...

This was on the The GRAMMYs twitter after they made OFFICIAL announcement about the add'l performers B Mars, J Bieber, and Lady A. -- TheGRAMMYs The GRAMMYs

"This isn't the end, folks! We'll be announcing additional performances closer to the show."
16 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

There is hope. I hope it is Adam and I hope he closes the show. Got my fingers crossed!!!!! KLM

Anonymous said...

They did not invite Adam because they are afraid of his powerful voice that annihilates the other singers. This is the truth!

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan
Thank you, thank you! You said exactly what I have been thinking for a very long time. I too have that choking feeling that Adam is blacklisted, and we are helplessly standing by watching him fade away. But then I try to be positive. Are we overreacting again? He´s been on Oprah, Letterman, Leno, Ellen, AI as coach, the View, cover of Rolling Stone, and has a Grammy nomination. That is more than many well established artists has achieved. So, should we worry? I don´t know. What´s nagging me is that Adam doesn´t seem to get the proper promotion from RCA. I might be wrong, I hope so.
Thank you also Glitzylady, funnbunn40,Anon9:24 PM for your great posts. It´s good to see some serious thoughts here. The hysterical hair and poncho posts and "Adam leaving Bardot" was really too much for my sensitive soul :). I really hope we got to se our boy much more in the future. There is certainly no lack of passion in this fan base. Love you all!


Anonymous said...

I don't think their decision is against Adam at all. If you look at the list of performers, they received more nominations. Then there is the next tier of nominations on down for them to choose from and Adam (unfortunately) would be at the bottom with only 1 nomination.

It's a hierarchy of the amount of nominations any performer received. Had the Grammy's had an online contest of WHO the TV audience wanted to see perform, and listed Adam, he may have won but then he may not.

There are a lot of people who were nominated who also have many fans. Adam fans tend to live in an AdamLand-bubble. While he is without a doubt, the best vocalist in the biz right now, you have to allow that, he only got 1 nomination and that may not persuade them to choose him to perform.

Anonymous said...

Well, this Smith kid on the Grammy performer list, make me proof money and fame do tricks. I always believe Adam will make it big around the globe one day, he WILL NOT fade away, the world will not let such talent vanish especially in the pop/rock world there are people eager to wait for his voice. He has this "fighting spirit" in his gene. Just wait.

Carlos said...

I hope this is true.. If the Grammys announce Adam as a perfomer I think I'm gonna die before I actually get to see him perfom. It's gonna be too much for me!

Anonymous said...

This thread is a little depressing. I will continue to pray and think positively for Adam to perform at the Grammy's and/or win one. Thank you for sharing your opinions and thoughts although I am wishing that some of them (about America not supporting ADam) are not true .

Anonymous said...

Let's be patient & not jump to conclusions. The Grammy's tweet from yesterday...
"This isn't the end, folks! We'll be announcing additional performances closer to the show."
Think positive! =)

Anonymous said...

@3:24 AM That has crossed my mind more than once.

I wonder about RCA's lack of promotion of Adam,too. Seems like they are taking advantage of Adam's fanbase to do it for them for free, while showing disrespect to his female fans, in particular. For example, who and what is RCA Ed about? The attitude of this individual is beyond me. Very peculiar and unprofessional. There have been a lot of shake-ups--is RCA in trouble financially?

Adam should have received Best New Artist and Best Album nominations. RCA should have actively promoted him for those awards. Aren't about 3-4 separate tracks on his album nominated for producer's awards? It must be a pretty darn good album if that's the case. Surely the production of a track has not superceded the voice of the artist as what matters most. Surely.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

So many thoughtful posts without any tag at all! Please give yourself some sort of tag, and maybe even tell us where you're from.

A year or so ago, those of us on 24/7 shared where we were from and it was so nice.....

Anyway, as a fellow therapist (and sociology professor), I almost always agree with Kentucky Fan - even though I am such fan of Quantum Physics and The Secret, along with Adam, that I want to focus on what I DO want for Adam. The thousands of examples of my thoughts and attitude creating concrete reality in my own life are too compelling for me to do otherwise.

So I'm sending out my best LOVE and HUGE wishes for
Adam's true happiness and his joie de vivre to return....and a chance to perform on the Grammys (and myabe Oscars!) at some point.


Anonymous said...

@ Kentucky fan 8:46 post, you are 100% correct I believe, I've been feeling this also for a long time. @Glitzylady, Funbunn40, Eva all your comments said so well also. @4:31 however, although alot of the performers do have more nominations, alot don't have ANY (Jaden smith, Willow smith, and a few more and they ARE performing. I honestly believe they are afraid to have Adam perform. So Sad, but true.


Anonymous said...

I doubt there's gonna be a solution. Adams current style does not seem to fit the WWFM image so well. Also, the song performed should be the album version, the version he did in the JB.

Rebecca said...

i am looking forward to the Grammy's regardless of who is performing

Anonymous said...

Things would be a lot easier, if the fans would support the WWFM that got the nomination, but the Glamberts are what they are.

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:43am On the first moment I was agree that Adam look now doesn't fit with WWFM. However, do you remeber music video of WWFM? This is perfect match, recent Adam's look with this song!
Also, what is JB? sorry doesn'tknow what is this?

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned Dick Clark - he banned Adam from performing on New Year's Eve after the AMAs. (Sorry to bring that up again guys).
Well, Dick must have conveniently forgotten his somewhat scandalous past back in the day. Adam never did anything wrong, but I'm fairly sure Dick did. Just saying...totally two-faced.....people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones (especially at innocent people). It still makes me mad to this day.

Anonymous said...

JB was the Jingle Ball 2010. Adam performed the original WWFM. I was so happy.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they HAVE to sing the song that was nominated. Probably!

Anonymous said...

I remember one year when I was watching the Grammys and was so surprised when Christine Aguilera (sorry incorrect spelling) won her first grammy for best pop vocal over some really rockin' well known others. She did not perform.
I was so proud of the Grammy voters for really getting that she was the best pop vocalist even though she came from the freakin' Mickey Mouse Club show.

Anonymous said...

whoops! it was for best new artist. but still, good on those grammy voters!

Anonymous said...

This thread is not depressing, on the contrary, it is nice to be able to read intelligent and thoughtful comments instead of some of the inane stuff posted elsewhere. ;-)
My take on this is the following: this country is obviously not ready for someone as unconventional and controversial as Adam. So where does that leave him. Either he conforms to society, keeps quiet and thus becomes a “renegade” in his own world, and that is not an option, or, as the very smart man we all know he is, he plays the game for the time-being. He should just tone down the eccentricity a bit, just a bit, wisely, carefully, and balance his act so he stays true to himself while setting his ducks in a row for greater success. He must show people out there that he is focusing first on getting his music out there, and gain respect for his tremendous talent as an accomplished artist, songwriter, dancer, gifted singer, stunning showman. I know he prides himself on being completely honest with himself and others, and if people don’t like him just as he is, with his opinions, lifestyle and fashion sense, well: though. Sure, and we, his fans, love him and admire him for that, but seriously Adam, what is it that you want at this point? What’s more important at this crossroad of your burgeoning and very promising career?
So I’d say this to him, for what it’s worth: Adam, play the game well. Move your chess pieces wisely, do not distract people from what it is that you truly want at this stage. It does not mean selling yourself out, no one is putting a muzzle on you, just don’t go overboard right now with the extravagance. Once you achieve the respect and recognition for your art that you so deserve, you will be in a position to be as extravagant as you wish and get your messages across with much more clout. Wasn’t it Nancy Sinatra who said that he should be very careful not to become a caricature of himself? In Europe and other parts of the world, outrageous behavior (backed up by talent of course), alternate lifestyles and choices are much better accepted, and often associated with true creativity. That is why he was so welcome in many places abroad. Here such behavior is suspicious, unfortunately. But he needs to make it at home if he wants to be a household name.
Adam needs to weigh in what it is he is striving for. No one is holding a place in the sun for him. We are his passionate and devoted fans but we are not powerful enough to overcome bigotry and prejudice or simple mistrust toward novelties. Talk about running into walls that he can’t break down… Well he’s the one who can break those walls, he most definitely can, but he needs to play his cards right.
Of course, who am I to say all this, it is just my humble opinion. But it would be a horrible injustice to see true success evade this extremely talented man just because he does not pick the best waves to surf all the way to the shore.

Anonymous said...

Insightful comments Parisian girl. So true about playing his cards right, learning to play the game to his best advantage. There is no better singer in the music industry today. Adam Lambert is vocal perfection. However, at times, his unusual behavior, his edgy style of dressing, the makeup, and his vast array of diverse friends and acquaintances do not help to make him a well known name in mainstream music. The choices he must make in certain situations may not be to his liking, but they become part of his journey to suceess and fame. It might take some time, but Adam Lambert has taken the first steps and he must proceed carefully to achieve all that he deserves and wants in his career.

Anonymous said...

I think Lady Gaga top all these unusual,edgy stuff and still she is almost on top of the mainstream music industry. I think something no right here with tonnes of paps rush to Adam but almost none/very rare TV media mention his music success . Isn't that fame and Paps are proportional to each other? Just odd.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes Adam must feel stuck in the middle of 2 worlds. His eccentric gay friends would be hurt if he abandoned them to please the media.

I agree with Parisian girl that he needs to play his cards right, but he can be strong-willed at times.

I think Adam is not performing (so far..) because he only got one nomination. It's possible that he will be like Agualera and win.

Anonymous said...

The point is can Adam win the Grammy if the Glamberts don't like the song and why can't the Glamberts accept the album versions of WWFM and Aftermath? Is it too pop for your taste or what?

Anonymous said...

Adam could get many TV performances, 2010 New Year show and many different performances. get many awards. Adam could get big investors with big big money much bigger than RCA and get many promotions. Welcome to reality. Everybody still remember AMA:(

Anonymous said...

1:36, we know the problem is not the gay friends, unless it's Cheeks?

Anonymous said...

@parisiangirl Extremely well said and I agree with you and @12:48. But, and the but is @2:28 you hit it right on the nail. The performance on last years AMA's has been the main reason he has not performed anywhere and I'm afraid it's the only reason he is not asked to perform on the grammys this year either. It's just going to take some real big hits on his next album where the fat, old suits can't ignore him anymore! Sorry, I'm depressing myself now lol

Anonymous said...

Just heard the ad for Grammys on TV, and they did say, "many more." Even if Adam doesn't get to perform, a snippet will be played, and he will get noticed and recognized.

I disagree with @parisiangirl. Sorry, but I think Adam needs to be true to himself instead of playing a game. That being said, sometimes I'm not sure he really knows what he wants or what direction he wants to take. His whole life he has been changing things--himself, his style, his jobs, his focus, his music, his hair, etc. He is smart, and his style is eclectic. We can't label him or fit him in a box because he can't himself and possibly never will.

He won't conform, but in many ways, he is a dork and a nerd. He is totally aware off stage and says and does the "right" things. He is polite, disarmingly charming, very intelligent and extremely articulate. While I'm still trying to figure out the question he's asked, he is already answering in his great style.

On stage, he leaves this world. That is his artistry @parisiangirl, and we can't take that away from him and really don't want to. All important entertainers have been controversial--Elvis, Beatles, Madonna, Gaga, Adam. I grew up during the Elvis era. He was the most polite quiet young man you would ever want to see, but when he hit the stage, watch out. For those of you who don't remember Elvis' performances, just Google him during his younger period. I think you will be startled by his resemblence to Adam, not just in looks but in dress and style.

Adam is way better looking. LOL

coloforadam said...

The anti-gay, heteo-male establishment that runs the music world, have black-balled him, ignore him, shun him and don't even mention that he is around. If one of their fine individuals were to praise him, they would be accused know and be the laughing stock around the water cooler!!! It is cruel - if Adam decided to return to the cocoon of the LA club scene, I would not blame him a bit. I was hoping he would not be asked to sing at the Grammies. It would not matter how perfectly, amazingly, conservatively he sang, the snarks would be out the next day to snigger and snort about his clothes or hair or friends or fans or toenails. He could fluff down his hair, wear a plain black t shirt and jeans and he would still be accused of god-knows-what - copying someone or trying to hide what he is or some piece of grade school snickering. I hope he just sits in the audience ..... smiling, gorgeous, gracious and fuckin' out of the line of FIRE!! He can't even get out of a car with his mom and BFF without slander and hatred and ugliness spit at him - how do you think he will ever survive another 2 1/2 minutes on a judgmental, idiotic awards show. Did anyone hear the atmosphere of the Golden Globes the other night??? I was SO glad that he was not there, was not presenting and could not be a subject of that wretched MC who attempted comedy with personal insult that was barberous!! This is why I just cannot stand the so called harmless comments on this site about his hair and weight and image and what he oughta do or not do. I don't think we can even imagine what he has had to bear and how much it must hurt someone so smart and talented and should we really be shocked and dismayed that he is sometimes defiant, angry and looks sad? That is just darling that he looks a lot like Elvis but Elvis's bed partners were women. No matter how many times Charlie Sheen hits the skids or so and so goes to rehab, they will never experience the scorn that Adam gets. If he makes it big in this industry, the way we think of Gaga or Springsteen or U2, etc., it will be the most triumphant uphill battle won EVER in the history of music. Right now, I can only pray that he stays safe, emotionally intact and that he knows that there ARE millions of us out there who love him and have been changed and uplifted in inexpressable ways by his courage and that once-in-a-millenium voice. If he does not one more thing in public before that precious album is completed, I would be entirely satisfied. I have faith that Adam and RCA and Lane and Monte and and the others who surround him, know what they are doing and if we feel fiercely protective of him, just imagine how they must feel?

Anonymous said...

I wish some fans would cut him some slack and not make assumptions that there's something wrong because he's not smiling as much or giving interviews, etc. He is on a break after two gruelling years of performing, touring and promoting his first album His Grammy nomination is already a great honor for him. He has not been snubbed just because he's not performing during the show. Even better because he can take in the whole experience and enjoy the show and all the after parties and mingle with some of the music industry's most influential movers, shakers, and performers. What an amazing night it will be for him.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow, Soooooo many comments on this thread, hard to read thru them all, but I don't think I caught anyone else saying this...

Did anyone here click on "SOURCE'" to read the original article... unless my eyes deceive me, or there is something wrong with my computer... **it does NOT say Adam Lambert.... ANYWHERE....

-->It says MIRANDA Lambert, Arcade fire. PERIOD. It does NOT say Adam after Arcade Fire as this thread claims... did I miss something???
If I did, please everyone feel free to jump in and correct me... In this case I'd LOVE to be wrong!
I'm glad some here are cautious and not too willing to get excited yet, as NONE of us want to be disappointed (ok, crushed) if Adam does NOT perform. ( DAMNIT!!) =(

Anonymous said...

When the editors of TheBoomBox were flooded with inquiries about Adam's name in the article, they removed his name this afternoon. So he's not performing, unless something changes later on.

Anonymous said...

The Smith kids are there just for a novelty not for talent. Why else have someone not nominated perform?

Anonymous said...

When I see the Smith kid on the performer list, then I suddenly feel how sick the whole music industry has become in US and lose that little faith I try to hang on.

Anonymous said...

Coloforadam. Thank you. I agree with every word you wrote and couldn't have said it better.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Excellent comments, on all sides. Too tired to come up with anything brilliant (ha!) or insightful that hasn't already been intelligently stated. Thank you, everyone. Loved reading this made me feel all kinds of emotions...both high and low.

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

The great thing about this site is the number of fans who come here and give thoughtful comments about the various happenings in the world of Adam Lambert. We may not all agree with each other, but each has something to contribute to whatever subject is at hand..I am probably like everyone else: somedays I feel amazingly positive about how things are going for Adam, and other times I worry just a little about what has happened in the past, is happening (or not happening) now, and try to imagine what the future holds for Adam. And occasionally I am horrified to see just a hint of what Adam's life must be like sometimes with the paparazzi becoming more and more demanding and sometimes downright nasty, probably to try to bait him into some response...and the homophobia and occasional hate that he is exposed to in his life. As a newly famous artist, he seems to bear so much more intense scrutiny and the added burden of being the emerging poster boy for the gay community, something he didn't really want, but that's how it seems to be working out. Sometimes it is truly difficult for me not to be a Pollyanna "Everything is wonderful and will be wonderful" because in many ways it is, in this little world. And occasionally the little concerns creep in to make me worry that Adam will never be fully accepted in the mainstream music world. But then I go to another concert (nine so far..), see another video, or interview, and then those thoughts evaporate, because I KNOW how beyond good he is. Someone said Adam has a stubborn streak..well, it would seem he does, and generally it serves him well, because he has had to fight to get where he is today, and he has worked hard to believe in himself, to re-create himself ( he is an ever-evolving beautiful work in we all should be..), and has worked to perfect the expression of his art to the point where he is today. In order to be successful in any endeavor one must have huge amounts of determination or "cajones", or whatever you want to call it. Just as an example, the Beatles certainly were different and didn't fit into a mold when they started out...They were even ridiculed a little at first ("look at that long funny hair" was the comment heard everywhere.,) but their music spoke to people and the rest is history. I suspect they were even told to change some things. I was really taken with @Coloforadam's post because she obviously has thought a lot about the realities of Adam's situation right now. We sometimes do need to look at it from outside the box (of passionate fandom), and she had some very good points. I also agree with @Anon 5:28PM , Adam is unique and has his own very distinct way of approaching life and perhaps sees the world a little differently than the average person, which I love about him...

glitzylady said...

Ooops!! Had to split up my post into two will post Part 2..below:

glitzylady said...

Part Two... : )

..But then, I also agree with @Parisiangirl 12:14 PM, in that he might have to conform a little more in order to be more mainstream (but I sort of hope not..)..IF that is what he wants to do. His AMA performance, no matter what each of our opinions of it are, was pretty in your face (literally...on several levels...) and even he has said he knows it was a little too much too soon. My husband, who is a big fan, but one who is probably a little less "involved" in this fandom than I am, said he didn't think it was that big a deal, but he also thought, realistically speaking, it was not the strategically smartest thing he could do at that moment in time, although I some would disagree, and thats fine too...Hoping his new album will just blow everyone away with the music and his perfect voice..This Grammy nomination is such a good start, in fact second start, , or maybe a third start, for him (the first being Idol), and I truly hope he wins it...I think the nomination will help immensely in getting him some of that mainstream credibility and admiration for his voice that he needs now. Winning would be even better. If he performs, that would be fabulous, and WWFM is a pretty "safe" song to perform. Not as spectacular as "Soaked" perhaps but, heck it was nominated so it must be pretty good! ( of course it is!!!) I am just so excited for him, no matter what the outcome on Feb.13th..and I hope we get some new Adam news up here pretty soon..or I might get inspired again. (Oh, NO!!) ..Like @Adam Fix and others, hoping everything is okay with the admins, and they haven't given up on us...We may be a little rowdy sometimes, but I really appreciate all the work they do. (Please come back..... : ) ) and again, seriously hoping everything is okay!!

Anonymous said...

Like Glitzylady I am also torn, as I love all sides of Adam, get frustrated and feel helpless at the injustice like Coloforadam, but have to realistically [for me]agree with parisiangirl, as that's really what Adam is up against and he really needs to play the game long enough to get a stronger foothold. He's still the new kid on the block that was "naughty" and although it is unfair and ridiculous, that's what it's going to take to build a stronger fan base. As passionate as we are, it's not enough. He doesn't have to lose his individuality, just have some patience and not let the injustice and his stubborn streak get the best of him. He has made progress since the AMAs and can be very proud of his hard work and accomplishments since Idol. This is a business, after all and if he wants it all, he'll have to play the game for awhile, key word being "a while". Parisiangirl said it best and I have to agree. There will be other tours where he can let loose and be free to do what he wants and for us to savor. Now is the time for Adam to pull out the charisma and sweet side and do a little wooing. Sometimes you get more with honey than vinegar and Adam can really do sweet when the spirit moves him. It will all be alright, peeps. We worry and get upset because life isn't fair, but I believe with a little patience Adam will get his place in the sun. He's too brilliant and talented to be ignored and with us behind him he'll be fine. Nite, y'all.It's 5AM here. Time flys on this site! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Coloforadam, Anon 5:28, Glitzylady,
Thank you so much for your comments.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a thread this as been. Wish we could all get together, we would be up for days, no shortage of talking when it comes to our BB. lol. OT Now that's it's established his 2nd cd won't be out till the fall, I had a horrible sinking feeling that there will be no glamnation #2 tour this summer. Well that a topic for another day.

Anonymous said...

Amazing comments, so diverse, yet all in support of Adam and his career. He inspires, motivates, causes all this discussion. He blows us away with his vocal perfection and his music stirs your soul. What an amazing world this would be if we could take all this love and caring for one individual and pass it forward to others around us as Adam has stated often in his message of understanding, acceptance, respect and peace. WWFM was the perfect song for Adam's first hit single and now he has to find out what it is that will give him the anwswer to that question from those in the media, the music industry and all his devoted fans. It will not be an easy journey to satisfy all these elements, but I think he is well on his way to the fame and success he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

Lovely comments. We comment on Adam because this is a fan site. Not the official one, but still a site. And we are free to comment on anything we like including his hair, his weight gain, his clothes. While you might not agree with these comments and the fact we make them, please let us do so 7:37 without your snarky comments. Overall I appreciated your response, but you could have left out the attitude.

Adam never reads this chit anyway, and if he did, he wouldn't give a chit. So let us all feel free to comment.

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

@ Anon 10:38
Just a "comment about your comment" re 7:37...I think @coloforadam's comments, referring to comments made here re his hair, what he should do or not do, etc., were heartfelt and she was just being honest in her feelings.. as we all do from time to time. I didn't detect any snark.. Adam has said he IS aware of comments made about him in blogs and DOES read them occasionally, perhaps not this one, but quite honestly, who knows for sure, and while he probably lets most of them (the really bad ones) go, just as he has probably had to do much of his life, he is still sensitive to them, just as any of us are when criticized or have downright mean or untrue things said about us personally. He has described them as another form of verbal bullying. And you know, he just might give a "chit". Yes this is a fan blog, just one of who knows how many, and we are all supportive of him in our own ways as it should be. I did not detect any attitude other than heartfelt passion in support of Adam and concern for his career and future from @7:37. There are many articles and blogs out there that draw the worst possible hideous comments about Adam and I think @coloforadam was stating her opinion that it would be nice if we weren't sometimes prone to picking him apart as well. Most of the time here we are respectful of Adam, but occasionally things can get rather negative. Comments referring to his past or current hairstyles are one thing, but saying he is too fat (hah!) or has bad skin (he knows it..), or comments about how he needs to lose his gay friends in order to be successful (ridiculous..) are most likely what she was referring to, but then I'm just guessing. She was just saying that it makes her feel bad for him. I enjoy and appreciate the many different opinions and thoughts expressed here because that is what makes coming here so interesting and a learning experience as well, but its something to think about...Never a dull moment, thats for sure!!

Anonymous said...

Re: Adam's album being pushed off to Fall 2011.

(1) What is wrong with RCA?! Are they going bankrupt?! There are some pretty interesting articles on the iternet re: the demise of the music industry as we know it. If this had been 5 years ago, Adam would have had no problem going Platinum in USA with regular old store bought hard CD's; but most people are now downloading their music--much of it for free. Maybe Adam, who understands this, is actually on cutting edge: his fan base is developing over the internet. He needs no paid advertising--just word of mouth--to sell out concerts, promote his charities. He's adding like 1000 Twitter followers a day! Other than cable networks (which Adam could perform on), TV may be on the wane as entertainment--which people can also get on-line or in live performances. Live performances seem to be the one money-making arena for the music industry, and this is Adam's forte.

Maybe Adam should develop his OWN record label, own everything his (just like Cam)--without having to give RCA a cut, and do things his way. I think I even saw a cutting edge business plan for him drawn up by a fan with MBA that was fascinating. And, Yes--I am in the Adam doing it his way camp. He's very exciting, sophisticated, and brave and I want to support him for it.

(2) But mostly I am very saddened to think that--during the last year of Adam's 20's--he will not be mostly singing, dancing, and giving live performances somewhere. Live performance is what Adam seems to live for. That breaks my heart.

P.S. Some good news: Adam is trending on Twitter today under heading ADAM UNFBERT. Some are even linking to his water charity. Some are just funny. Lots of love going his way.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I agree wth 7:37, I also would not want Adam to perform. Dang it, he has given us soooooo much of himself as it is.
I feel like we are in a world of our own. I have always said Adam was MAGICAL, a very special person. And so it takes a very special & magical person to know a magical person. So therefore, we are MAGIGAL!!!
Adam filled an empty space in my heart when I needed someone, & I feel very blessed to have such a person, Adam Mitchel Lambert, in my life. No one will understand us or Adam, we will always be here for Adam. & that's all that matters!!

Anonymous said...

excuse me, WE ARE MAGICAL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gracias por tan reflexivos comentarios Kentucky Coloforadam,Glizylady Parisiangirl, Funbum4...
Y ahora seamos bien positivos y confiemos en que pronto se irán derrumbando los obstáculos que están alrededor de esta estrella.
Su talento es real, autentico y no se puede ocultar, él no puede dejar de brillar.
Creamos en ADAM que tiene una gran inteligencia emocional y humanidad, que es un joven que está recorriendo su camino y que no es fácil,él ira asumiendo lo que le conviene y dejar a un lado, lo que le pueda perjudicar,eso es también parte de su crecimiento como ser humano y como artista y cuenta con el amor de su familia y el apoyo de su equipo Y de todos sus fans que lo aman . Como se ha dicho ADAM es ADAM es un artista con todo lo necesario para triunfar
No importa si subió de peso,si usa más o menos maquillajesi su pelo es corto o largo si el
vestuario es tal o cual... creo que debemos dejarlo ser él,
un hombre muy creativo que le gusta cambiar, renovarse en lo que se refiere a su música y a su imagen y esto hace la diferencia que lo cataloga como un brillante artista y de ser siempre toda una novedad única en la escena con la ventaja que el tiene muy buen gusto y siempre nos sorprende con su belleza.
Espero que se haga justicia en el Mundo Musical
con ADAM porque se merece cantar y ganar en el GRAMMY y no privar a la audiencia que clama por verlo y aplaudirlo a rabiar.

Anonymous said...

Good news! ADAM UNFBERT is STILL trending on Twitter--all day long, even in the UK and Canada. Sasha finally picked up on it. Does anyone know if Adam knows? If he would give one single tweet about it, it would probably push it further.

P.S. Gracias HH (I can pick up bits & pieces)

Kentucky Fan

coloforadam said...

I didn't make myself clear I guess. I was talking about the press and paps and the music critics and tabloid opportunists and whoever else it is that jump out from behind cars and in airport lines and sicko blogs to try and torment him. I am just saying that now that we know that this is what he has had to endure, and even after all his effort and success, still has to endure, I personally cannot justify the need for the little well meaning comments that come up here. It's a cumulative effect that I don't want to be even a small part of and, yah, that's my opinion.