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Another Cute Gay Pride Picture!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 15, 2013

Posted at : Monday, April 15, 2013

VIA tplords: "wat a wonderful ending to an amazing pride miami was amazing."


Anonymous said...

This is a nice pic, but I'm speechless when it comes to these.

Anonymous said...

9:18 -- same here. Don't need pucked lips to be handsome, Adam. You're 100% more handsome in the afternoon pics at the press conference and at the key ceremony. Great looks 'au naturel' don't stay forever. Enjoy them while you still have them, Adam (this is me being extremely preachy here, but what the hell, it's my opinion and I stand by it :).

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:18 and 10:38...
Why don't you two post your pics of your best looks and allow us to tear you apart.
After all, what the hell, it'll be "just our opinions"...
This site reeks of crappy behavior.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:54: I have supported Adam Lambert ever since his very first audition on AI. I listen to his music on a daily basis and LOVE it. I read everything there is to know about Adam because I believe in his amazing talent as singer and stage performer, his genuineness and his incredible personality. I attend his shows. So I am allowed to express my opinion without someone like YOU putting down mine and other people's opinions. Freedom of expression, people, freedom of EXPRESSION (as Adam so aptly put it).

Anonymous said...

loving all the pictures people are kind enough to share with us.

Anonymous said...

It's all about how you use and express that freedom.

Anonymous said...

Okay...may I say something? I´m a fan of Adam´s. I love his music and his beautiful voice from heaven. I do sometimes disagree with him though! I think being a fan doesn´t mean that you have to agree on everything he says or does..I think it means that you still are a fan and keep on being a fan despite all those disagreements and differences of opinions!


Anonymous said...

11:35 -- EXACTLY! And Adam would probably be the first person to agree with you.

Anonymous said...

@10:38 What part of my 9:18 AM behavior is crappy? Don't post when you're on the rag.

Here's Just Jared checking in on the event

Anonymous said...

omg I thought for sure this site would be off limits for two year olds but I guess not.

Anonymous said...

It`s really weird in these sites, when people talks like Adam would be something like a god: such an uncritical admiration and there should not be disagreement of anything. So crazy...

Adamluv said...

@12:13 - how very insulting and sexist your "on the rag" comment was. Assume you are a woman and therefore should know better. That's the kind of shit we hear from men way too often. BTW, I'm not the anon. posters that commented before. . . . Adamluv

Magiclady said...


AGREED! Crass.

Anonymous said...

I've written this several times on this blogsite before and I still believe it is true. We may not always like the color or style of his hair, the clothes he wears or the friends he hangs out with, but Adam Lambert is never boring or uninteresting. He is, however, articulate, smart, charming, self-confident and honest. And for me, he is the best vocal talent in music today with an amazing stage presence. He is a mesmerizing performer amid so much that is mediocre and crass in today's music business. Adam is not perfect, he is not a "god", and we should realize that. But I do admire his talent, his likeability and his message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect. Maybe more of us should bring those last four traits into our lives and the way we conduct ourselves.

Anonymous said...

How do people still not get it is largely how things are said that is the issue. I don't think Adam is perfect but if I feel the need to say I don't like something it can be said in a nice and respectful way. Saying you don't like something and that's my opinion so tough shit isn't respectful to anyone. So here goes, it's just my opinion but I wish people could find a nicer way to share their opinions here. We won't always agree with Adam or each other but while respecting our differences we can still all enjoy the amazing Adam.

daydreamin said...

Anon 7:20 A M E N !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree....and tacking on JMO does not lessen the effect if your remark has been vicious and/or disrespectful or just plain filthy.

Anonymous said...

2:49, 720, 11:51 and 8:21

Anonymous said...

to 10:38
You just hit a new low even for this place. For shame.