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Adam Lambert's New Custom Furniture via Stonehurstjk Dec 29 Instagram Story

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, December 29, 2016

Posted at : Thursday, December 29, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Anne Marie said...

i think it would be a bit cold and expecting lots of rain, so if Adam has a party, it will probably be in a club, as he usually does for a big party or a smaller group at his home, but indoors.
I was wondering if Adam turned down any of his usual gigs that he gets this time of year, or if he wasn't asked to do any. Since he was out of the country for Halloween, which is his favorite party, that he throws every year, that he might have turned down all holiday shows or NYE gigs, and be home with his friends for a change. He must already know what this next year will be like, as he has said, he cannot reveal what some of it is, so he is really enjoying time with his friends and family.t might be months before he is home again.

Lam-My said...
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Lam-My said...

Adam goes for simplicity and elegance, charmingly inviting. The trees, his garden? or decor. Yea, it's time Adam celebrates his own New Year's Eve; since the first one, Gridlock with wardrobe exposae and the last one, the Sing much happened in between. Ah, now they also can take a midnight dip in his multi-tier pool. A splash in the dark to bring new light for 2017! Wishing you a very prosperous and happy 2017! Adam.

Dee R Gee said...

Adam's taste in décor is quite stark and very modern. It looks beautiful and classy. And he loves to fill his rooms with lot so people. I'm more of a "soft, comfy look" person when it comes to décor. More fabric, some patterns, stuff on the walls. But I do believe that when Adam is in any room, the whole space is warm and inviting and fun. That's just the way he is.

Dee R Gee said...

"lots of people"

Nanbert said...

Sleek and handsome.... like him!