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Adam Lambert's "THE ORIGINAL HIGH" Album Songs: 220 Million Total Streams On Spotify - Sept. 1, 2017

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, September 1, 2017

Posted at : Friday, September 01, 2017

Adam Lambert's "THE ORIGINAL HIGH" Album Songs: 220 Million Total Streams On Spotify As Of September 1, 2017

Posted on Twitter by Simone @skaschep

Top 5 songs from "THE ORIGINAL HIGH" (2015) with the highest number of streams:

Ghost Town 171,494,719 
Another Lonely Night 16,128,711 
The Original High 5,324,318 
Rumors 3,103,850 
The Light 3,921,997

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

The Original High should have been a single, IMO. GREAT SONG! Melody, message, hook. Great stage song. Oh well. Go figure. There must a hit in that batch of new songs that I hope is unveiled SOON.

Nanbert said...

Dee R Gee...They were ALL great songs. And I agree about "The Original High". But I also have a soft spot in my heart for "After Hours"... quiet and low-key, but SO sexy and seductive the way he lanquidly sings it.

Magiclady said...

Nanbert, I totally agree. Actually my fav song on the album. Very sexy and seductive!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

This has always been a thorn in my side so please forgive me while I vent! During the ELVIS era, etc. DeeJays played songs from full albums .. not just the ones that were released .. that was called "Payola" ... so all songs had an equal chance at being heard on the radio according to REQUESTS from the listeners .. even the little known songs had a chance of being heard if it was requested enough!! Now the only songs that are heard are the ones that are paid for .. Paid for? Am I right? Well ... if I am then isn't that PAYOLA?? When did the rules change?? Men were FIRED for taking money for playing records ... in those days they were anyway!!! OK!! End of rant!! Again .. I apologize ....

tess4ADAM(LAMMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Good point, Lambert Outlaw! Radio these days is so repetitive... I don't listen anymore to all that autotuned s--t of mediocre pop voices played over and over... Only our lovely Pittsburgh Classical Music station is worth my time now.

I think we're all aware that the more times people HEAR a song played, the more they like it (or think they do)....sheer familiarity, they become comfortable with it.

Actually, there's very few songs that "catch" for me on first listening...even Adam's. First thing I do with a new album of his is play it over and over numerous times. It's interesting to see how DIFFERENT my preferences become on repetition...and how I learn to love them all because... it's Adam's voice...and now they are "old friends".

But SEEING Adam perform a song for the first time, bypasses the need for repetition. He "gets" me on the first try! Thank heavens for Youtube (my second home...w/Adam)!

BTW ... Hurray for Spotify! Now I can listen to Adam anytime/all the time I want to! 220 million and still counting!...fantastic!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Hi Nanbert .. Happy Labor Day!! I hate the end of summer .. the warm days are leaving & now I get to start shivering & piling on the blankets (I'm allergic to fabrics other than tricots & plushes .. I itch!!

Nanbert .. I have a console radio .. a hi-fi stereo with AM/FM .. a boom box with CD player .. but sad to say I don't listen to any of them .. only Ytube & my mp3 player with the songs I want to hear .. not what the radio DJs THINK I want to hear!! They don't give 2 ... what the older crowd wants anymore so I have to download it from my computer or I'm stuck with their crap!! If it wasn't for Spotify .. Ytube .. & whatever else gives us what we want to see & hear .. I'd miss out on all my favorite songs!!

As for people hearing a song over & over & coming to like it after awhile .. I went through that when ADAM started doing all the Classic Rock songs that I had never heard!! I began to love them but when I went to the originals .. I didn't like them as much as when ADAM sang them!! So I'm a hopeless case .. if ADAM sings it .. I'm hooked .. if not .. not interested!! Pretty bad huh? No matter how long radio tries to "brainwash" me with their garbage .. it's no use .. it'll never happen!! Once a Glambert .. forever a Glambert!!

I'm gonna keep listening to Spotify too so we can get some hits for ADAM's albums & singles too ... maybe even stream some of them too!! Onward & Upward with ADAM .. the Best of the Best-est!! TTYL

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Lambert Outlaw...I know exactly where you're coming from. Except for classical music, I'd stopped listening to music....until Adam came along. I swear I must have a "tuning fork" in my head that only responds to Adam's voice.... whatever he sings is what I want to listen to! I can listen to his music over and over....and watch videos of him time and again.

Like you, I'm hopelessly hooked. Adam is a 21st century Pied Piper!